As global attention to
sustainable recycling practices increases, there is a growing need for advanced
technologies to support recycling management processes for recyclables.
Recycling codes, represented by symbols such as a recycling triangle with a
numeric identifier (e.g. PETE 1, HDPE 2), play a crucial role in determining
the recyclability of packaging materials. Such conventional symbols are used to
indicate the material from which the item is made. Recycling codes may vary
from country to country, but the states of the European Union have adopted
Commission Decision 97/129/EC [1] to create a system for identifying packaging
materials. Subsequently, in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, a
Russian-language list of materials [2] with corresponding codes was approved,
based on a document adopted by the EU. Therefore, the symbols indicating the
codes of recycled materials in these countries are the same. This paper
presents a solution to the problem based on deep learning methods to automate
the recognition and classification of recycling codes on product packaging.
In recent years, the desire to
solve recycling efficiency problems has stimulated extensive research and
technological development in the field of recyclable materials handling. In
this context, deep learning approaches have become a powerful tool for automating
and optimizing various aspects of recyclables management and processing.
However, a critical aspect that has yet to be comprehensively addressed is the
accurate recognition and classification of recyclable material codes indicated
on product packages. To solve this challenging problem, our approach requires
the development of a system consisting of two different types of neural
The difficulty in classifying
recyclable material arises from the visual similarity of the recycling codes
applied to product packages. For more accurate classification, a multi-stage
approach becomes necessary. The system proposed by the authors consists of the
stepwise use of two neural networks. The first neural network is designed to
detect and determine the bounding box of recycled material codes in the video
stream and in the image. Realizing that the visual similarity of the recycle
codes presents a major challenge for accurate classification, the next step we
propose to use a second neural network specialized in optical character
recognition (OCR). This network works on the detected frames by decoding the
digits and signatures of the recycling codes.
By strategically dividing the
task between two specialized neural networks, the authors of the paper aim to
improve the accuracy and reliability of the whole system.
In the context of recycling
management, the importance of object detection and optical character
recognition becomes paramount. While many existing studies have laid the
foundation for the application of machine learning in waste sorting, recent
advances in object detection and optical character recognition have opened up
new possibilities for the accuracy and efficiency of this method.
Object detection systems and
optical character recognition (OCR) systems have been developed (and continue
to improve) to address a wide range of applications in different domains,
demonstrating their versatility and impact on various industries. In object
detection, these systems excel in applications such as autonomous vehicle
navigation [3] [4], where they identify pedestrians, vehicles, and road signs,
contributing to improved road safety. In retail, object detection is used for
inventory management and for customer analytics, automating inventory
monitoring and optimizing the shopping experience [5]. At the same time, OCR
systems play a key role in converting handwritten or printed text into digital
formats [6], facilitating the digitization of documents and improving their
accessibility for visually impaired people. Moreover, OCR is widely used in
finance to automate data extraction from bills and receipts [7]. The
adaptability of object detection and OCR technologies extends to the healthcare
industry, helping healthcare professionals to analyze various images and
process documents [8].
In addition to the above
applications, object detection and optical character recognition systems play
an important role in security and surveillance. In the security domain, object
detection is used for real-time monitoring of public places [9], recognizing
and tracking potentially suspicious activities or objects. On the other hand,
OCR is crucial for the identification of vehicle license plates, extending the
capabilities of Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems [10], which
find applications in law enforcement and parking management.
This wide range of applications
emphasizes the potential of these systems, demonstrating their ability to solve
a wide range of complex problems with sufficient accuracy and efficiency.
A significant amount of research
has been devoted to exploring the integration of machine learning techniques
into the recycling industry, reflecting the importance of this area to industry
and society. Research has explored ways to apply machine learning algorithms to
sort recyclables, analyze their composition, and identify materials in
recycling streams.
Most papers on this topic tend
to use machine learning to classify recyclables into broad categories such as
plastic, paper, and glass, primarily based on visual features extracted from
images on packaging materials. For example, the authors of the paper
"Comparing deep learning and support vector machines for autonomous waste
sorting" [11] compared the performance of convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) and support vector machine (SVM) based method for autonomous waste
sorting in three main categories: plastic, paper and glass.
While these efforts have
contributed significantly to the automation of recyclable sorting processes,
there is a notable gap in the literature with respect to detailed analysis of
recycling codes on product packaging. Most existing works focus on broader
material classification, overlooking the specific identification and
interpretation of recycling symbols, a crucial aspect in the recycling
With the development of
technology and the emergence of the first electronic computers, it became
necessary to digitize printed documents and texts into information
"understood" by computers. For this purpose, work was carried out on
the development of optical character recognition systems.
Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) is a piece of software that converts printed text and images into a
digitized form. In this form, this data can then be manipulated by a machine.
Unlike the human brain, which can recognize text/symbols applied to images
quite easily, machines are not "intelligent" enough to perceive all
the information available in images. In the process of optical character
recognition, a number of problems arise due to the fact that the text on the
image may be written in different languages, and the processing code itself may
be differently designed (the choice of text headset and lettering depends on
the manufacturer's corporate identity). Consequently, methods from different
disciplines of computer science (e.g., image processing, image classification,
and natural language processing) are used to address different aspects of the
It is because of its complexity
that the task of optical character recognition belongs to the field of computer
vision in machine learning. Machine learning allows computers to learn, make
predictions, and make decisions based on a set of data, rather than producing a
rigidly programmed and unambiguous result.
Computer vision [12] is a field
of machine learning that retrieves meaningful information from image files,
i.e. with images and video streams, processes it and provides results. Computer
vision is used in tasks such as:
of the position
Let us consider the main steps
that are necessary to develop an optical character recognition system [13].
– Main stages of OCR system development
Data collection
The process of acquiring image information
Digitization, binarization, compression
Data preprocessing
Enhancing image quality
Noise removal, skew removal, thinning, morphological
Dividing an image into its component parts
Segmentation techniques
Categorizing a character or object to its true class
Machine learning methods (Bayesian classifier,
decision trees, neural networks, etc. [6])
Improving the quality of OCR system results
Contextual approaches, use of multiple classifiers
In the book "Optical
character recognition: An Illustrated Guide to the Frontier" [14], the
authors describe the main problems faced by optical character recognition
systems. Even if the text is printed with an easy-to-read headset and in a
standard format, many errors are caused by image defects. Such defects can
occur at different stages, such as during the printing of an image or during
its digitization. Typically, defects consist of heavy, smudged, contiguous
marks (Fig. 1.a), light and broken marks (Fig. 1.b), or combinations thereof.
Wandering marks (Fig. 1.c) and curved baselines (Fig. 1.d) also distort the
system results. In addition, the similarity of basic processing codes and
defects from surveying tools also complicate the classification task.
1. Examples of image defects: a) blurred marks b) light marks c) wandering
marks d) curved baselines
One of the goals of this paper is
to build a system that recognizes recycling symbols on packages with sufficient
accuracy even in the presence of the defects noted by the authors.
Currently, there are three main
ways to recognize and classify objects in an image and video stream:
segmentation and BLOB object analysis
Pattern matching is one of the
easiest to understand ways to recognize an object in an image (a video stream
is a sequence of images). This method is based on finding the place in the
image that is most similar to the template. The similarity of the image to the
template is given by a certain metric: the template is "superimposed"
on the image, and the divergence between the image and the template is
considered. The position of the template, at which this discrepancy will be
minimal, and will mean the place of the desired object.
As a metric we can use
different variants, for example, the sum of squared differences (SSD) between
the template and the image (formula 1), or use cross-correlation (CCORR)
(formula 2). Let f and g be an image and a template of sizes (k, l) and (m, n)
respectively (we will ignore color channels for now); i,j are positions in the
image to which the template is applied.
It can be seen that these
metrics require a pixel-by-pixel match of the template in the image being
searched. Any deviation in gamma, light, or size will cause the methods to
fail. This is exactly what happens with recycling codes, as the images of recycling
codes on packages are not standardized (as we mentioned, they can be different
sizes, colors, and shapes depending on the manufacturer's corporate identity).
For example, one of the PET 1 recycling codes may look different on different
packages (see Figures 2.a and 2.b).
Fig. 2.
– Sample of PET 1 code marking on
packaging; b – Sample of PET 1 code marking on packaging
Image segmentation usually uses
object properties such as size, color or shape. Therefore, it seems possible to
correctly classify data by knowing the main characteristics of the object,
provided that they are similar in the image. However, the image of processing
codes can be strikingly different from the established pattern, which makes it
necessary to look for other ways to solve the problem.
A BLOB object (Binary Large
OBject) is a sequence of binary data that can represent any form of
unstructured information such as images, audio, video, or other files. In the
context of image processing, BLOB objects represent connected regions in a
binarized image that correspond to different objects or parts of interest in
the image. BLOB objects help to highlight and identify individual cohesive
regions in an image that represent potential objects of interest. Each BLOB
object is characterized by a set of features such as area, shape, perimeter,
moments of inertia, and other geometric properties. These features can be used
to describe and distinguish between different objects.
However, the image of the
recycling codes may be strikingly different from the established template,
which may suggest that they will not have unambiguously similar features.
Therefore, for classification
and recognition of recycling codes it is reasonable to use the third approach -
neural networks, especially since the use of neural networks in the field of
garbage sorting from photos has already been described in the book "Waste
Segregation System Using Artificial Neural Networks" [15]. Moreover, the
problem of material sorting using artificial intelligence has also been
investigated by R.S.Sandhya Devi, Vijaykumar VR, M.Muthumeena in their research
paper [16]. This once again confirms the effectiveness of such systems in
computer vision tasks.
There are two approaches to
object recognition using deep learning. The first is to train the model from
scratch. To train a deep network from scratch, you need to collect a very large
labeled dataset and develop a network architecture that will learn object
features and build a model. The results can be impressive, but this approach
requires a large amount of training data. In addition, levels and weights in
the CNN need to be customized. The second method is to use a pre-trained deep
learning model. Most deep learning applications use a transfer learning
approach, a process that involves fine-tuning a pre-trained model. It starts by
taking an existing network, such as AlexNet [17] or GoogLeNet [18], and
introducing new data containing previously unknown classes. This method
requires less time and can provide faster results since the model has already
been trained on thousands or millions of images.
Deep learning offers a high
level of accuracy but requires a large amount of data for accurate predictions.
The application area of
computer vision is very extensive and allows solving a number of problems
related to image and video processing. Many methods and neural network
architectures have been developed to recognize objects in real time. The
authors of the article «Deep-learning based object detection in low altitude
UAV dataset: A Survey» [19] propose to divide neural network architectures into
three types (see Fig. 3): Two Stage Detectors, One Stage Detectors and
Points-based Detectors / Advanced Detectors.
Frame predictions in two-stage
detectors are realized in two stages. During the first stage, "regions of
interest" (box proposals) are generated and brought to the same size. The
second stage involves predicting the coordinates of frames and their class
Single-stage neural networks
are characterized by a monolithic neural network architecture without a
separate generation algorithm (Selective Search or Region-proposal network).
The most popular and frequently used single-stage neural network architectures
for detection at the moment are SSD (Single-Shot-Detector) [20] and YOLO
(You-Only-Look-Once) [21].
Fig. 3 – Taxonomy of object detection
methods based on neural networks
Sahel, Alsahafi, Alghamadi and
Alsubait [22] worked on a logo detection model and compared RCNN, FRCNN, Retina
Detection models to determine which one is the most accurate. The dataset used
in the paper is taken from FlickrLogos32, which has 32 logos and also has
explicit annotations from the website. The authors stated that they
achieved an accuracy of 99.8% for the RCNN model and 95.8% for the Retina Net.
The research paper further concludes that CNN models are the most preferred
when it comes to accuracy.
Brahim Jabir, Noureddine Falih,
Khalid Rahmani [23] worked on comparing different object detection models
namely Detectron2, EfficientDet, YOLO and Faster R-CNN. The aim of their study
is to create a model that detects weeds in crops in real time using computer
vision. Their dataset was created by manually capturing images of weeds from
fields using a professional camera under different lighting conditions. In the
final section, they stated that YOLO v5 is the fastest model for real-time
detection of weeds in crops compared to Detectron2, EfficientDet, and Faster
R-CNN. They also stated that Faster R-CNN is better than YOLOv5 in terms of
Varad, Rohit, Rushal and Sohan
[24] compared two models YOLO and SSD for real-time object detection. The
authors collected their dataset from coco.names which has 80 object classes on
which the models will be trained to perform detection. The researchers trained
the models to detect objects in real-time using an observer drone. The authors
of the paper concluded their study by stating that the SSD model is faster but
less accurate, whereas YOLO has both speed and accuracy and is considered an
efficient model.
Based on the comparative analyses
of neural networks for object detection given in the studies above, the authors
of the paper conclude that the YOLO architecture is currently the most suitable
for solving the problem of real-time detection of recycling codes on packages.
In their system, the authors of the paper will utilize the neural network based
on YOLO architecture to detect the bounding box of recycling codes.
The best-known models for
building OCR systems are Tesseract Model [25] and EAST (An Efficient and
Accurate Scene Text Detector) [26]. EAST neural network, known for its
efficiency and accuracy, is designed specifically for text detection in natural
scene. It uses a unique architecture that divides the text region into
quadrilaterals, which allows for more accurate localization and recognition of
text in natural scenes. This makes EAST a particularly robust mechanism when
processing irregularly shaped text and different orientations. This makes the
EAST neural network well suited for tasks such as license plate recognition and
scene text extraction (the area that falls within the camera's field of view).
On the other hand, Tesseract OCR, an open-source optical character recognition
engine developed by Google, is known for its versatility and broad language
support. Originally developed at Hewlett-Packard in the 1980s, Tesseract has
undergone significant improvements and is now based on deep learning
techniques. Tesseract excels at recognizing text in images and documents,
providing accurate results even with complex layouts and fonts. Its flexibility
and adaptability make it a popular choice for a variety of OCR applications,
from digitizing printed documents to extracting text from images for various
purposes such as content analysis and data mining.
Tesseract OCR uses deep
learning architecture for optical character recognition. Recent versions of
Tesseract, including Tesseract 4, have integrated neural networks into the
recognition process. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are used to analyze
image regions and extract features important for character recognition. The
Tesseract neural network model works with text string segments extracted from
the input image. It incorporates Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), particularly
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, to capture contextual dependencies and
improve recognition accuracy, especially in scenarios with complex layouts or
different font styles. The architecture of the Tesseract OCR neural network [27]
is designed to be flexible and can be fine-tuned for specific recognition
tasks, which facilitates its adaptation to a wide range of OCR applications.
The EAST neural network,
designed for scene text detection, presents an architecture optimized for
efficiency and accuracy. EAST utilizes a U-shaped architecture, often referred
to as U-Net architecture, which is a type of convolutional neural network
(CNN). This architecture allows EAST to process images at different
resolutions, capturing both fine details and coarse contextual information. A
unique feature of EAST is an output layer that generates quadrilateral
predictions for text regions, including bounding rectangle coordinates and an
angle parameter. This choice of architecture allows EAST to efficiently handle
text with arbitrary orientation, making it robust in scenarios where text may
appear in different angles, such as on signs or in natural scenes.
Thus, both Tesseract OCR and
EAST utilize neural network architecture to perform their specific tasks.
Tesseract focuses on character recognition using CNNs and LSTMs, while EAST
specializes in scene text detection using its U-Net inspired architecture,
which provides accurate and efficient text extraction from complex images.
The authors propose a new
approach to improve the sorting process of recyclable materials based on the
use of a combination of two specialized machine learning models. The first
neural network, a detector based on the YOLOv7 architecture, is needed to
identify the bounding box of recyclable material codes and to pre-classify the
symbol (assign it to a certain type of recyclable material). The second neural
network EAST is needed to determine the digit and letter inside the bounding
box, obtained as a result of the output of the first network. The use of the
second network is suggested only if the confidence of the YOLOv7 model in the
predicted class is below 0.5. Next, the result of the OCR model on text
recognition is compared with text templates that may be on the processing code
notation. For example, the recycling code of low density polyethylene can be
either 4 LDPE or 4 PE-LD. The architecture of the system proposed by the authors
is shown in Figure 4.
Fig. 4 – Proposed system architecture
for recognizing and classifying recyclable material codes
The set of images for training
neural networks includes photographs of food and household goods packages
freely available on the Internet, as well as images taken by the authors themself
using a smartphone camera. The system is trained on images with 11 symbols that
are most often encountered in everyday life.
In the end, 531 images were
collected labeling recycling codes on products.
Based on the collected
photographic material, the authors of this article determined that very often
the processing codes are either "extruded" on the surface of the
product and do not have a clear color difference from the background, or are on
transparent surfaces. Therefore, it was decided to pre-process the images in
such a way to clearly highlight the boundaries of the processing markings.
Several convolution layer
kernels for image processing have been considered, such as:
Contour kernel (outline)
Contour kernel second
version (custom)
Emboss kernel
Joint kernel of contouring
and embossing
However, after obtaining the
results of testing these convolution layer kernels, the authors of the paper
came to the conclusion that they do not achieve the required result, and the
processing symbols applied to transparent surfaces or made by embossing are not
clearly distinguished on the scanned images. For this reason, it was decided to
use the operator or Sobel filter. An example of an image with complex variants
of recycled material codes application is presented in Figure 5, and the
results of Sobel filter application to this image are presented in Figure 6.
Fig. 5 – Original image with examples of
hard-to-recognize recyclable material codes
Fig. 6 – Result of applying the Sobel
operator to the image
The Sobel operator is used to
extract boundaries and contours in images. It applies two convolution kernels
(masks) to the image to find horizontal and vertical intensity gradients. These
convolution kernels, often called filters, compute the first derivative of the
image brightness.
The Sobel operator uses the
following kernels to compute intensity gradients:
Horizontal kernel (highlights
horizontal boundaries):
Vertical kernel (highlights
vertical boundaries):
The image is processed by each
of the convolution kernels (horizontal and vertical) separately. This creates
two gradient images
. For each pixel, the resulting
gradient value is calculated, which combines the horizontal and vertical
gradients. This is done using the following formula:
In the final image processed by
the Sobel operator, contours and boundaries of objects become visible. These
boundaries display sharp changes in brightness, which allows to highlight and
visualize key structural elements of the image.
As you can see, the Sobel
operator significantly improves the selection of the processing code on a
transparent surface, making it more visible and clear. On other surfaces, the
Sobel operator also helps to emphasize the stamped processing code, improving
contrast and making the code more distinguishable from the background.
Next, the authors of the paper
wrote an image augmentation class. It assumes that the image is adjusted to a
common format (640x640 pixels), random rotation, horizontal reflection and
color change occurs.
After creating augmented data,
it is necessary to mark up the data. The roboflow service [28] provides
convenient tools for this purpose. It is used to create a file necessary for
training the YOLOv7 network with the description of classes and coordinates of
bounding boxes of objects in the image. The process of data partitioning is
presented below in Figure 7.
Fig. 7 – Image labeling process in
the training dataset
The model used by the authors
for implementation is a pre-trained YOLOv7 model on MS COCO data [29]. The MS
COCO data, in turn, represents images for 80 classes of objects ranging from
cars to toothbrushes. Using a pre-trained model reduces the time to train the
model on our data, since the convolutional layers that create the feature map
are already trained at a reasonably good level. The model trained on MS COCO
data is in the public domain [30]. The Python programming language and its
standard libraries for data analysis and machine learning: pandas,
scikit-learn, Tensorflow and OpenCV are used for training, preprocessing and
obtaining predictions.
YOLOv7 consists of 77 layers,
which are a sequential combination of convolutional layers looking for feature
maps, as well as concatenation and MaxPool layers. The model was trained on 400
epochs. It is worth noting that the training process of the YOLOv7 model takes
quite a long time of several hours.
To evaluate the quality of the
model, 2 metrics were used: Mean Average Precision (mAP) [31] and Intersection
over Union (IoU) [32].
The error value is determined
by how far the predicted bounding box is from the true bounding box. If the
predicted bounding box is far away, the loss estimate is high. The training
graph of the model is shown in Figure 8.
Fig. 8 – YOLOv7 training graphs on training
After training the first neural
network from the system, a mAP quality metric of 79% on training data and 70%
on test data was achieved. The charts with average precision values by class
(average precision) are shown in Figures 9 and 10.
Fig. 9 – Average Precision by class on
training data
Fig. 10 – Average Precision by class
on test data
As a result of demonstrating
the performance of the model, we can say that it has learned to generalize
knowledge about all classes well, and identifies areas of interest (necessary
recycling codes on product packages) quite accurately and with high confidence.
However, it can be observed that it is wrong in the classes of its prediction.
This may be due to the fact that the recycling class logos have many different
representations. In addition, they are all very similar to each other and
differ at best by a number inside a triangle or an inscription. Testing of the
model's predictions on the image is presented in Figures 11.a – 11.c.
Fig 11. An example of the
model’s performance on test images: a) test 1 b) test 2 c) test 3
Figures 11.a and 11.b show a
visualization of the bounding boxes for recyclable material codes on product
labels. The numbers above the bounding boxes are a visualization of the
probability that the selected object belongs to the class predicted by the
model. Figure 11.c clearly shows an example where the model has qualitatively
identified the bounding box of a recyclable material code, but is wrong about
the predicted class.
To reduce the share of such
false positive classification results, the authors of the paper suggest using
OCR models such as EAST in addition to the YOLOv7 model.
The Efficient and Accurate
Scene Text Detector model was chosen as the implemented model for recognizing
text in an image. The OpenCV library of the Python programming language is used
for this purpose.
To implement the EAST model for
text discovery in Python, the following key steps need to be followed:
Step 1: Install the required
Before starting the
implementation, make sure that the necessary dependencies are installed. The
main libraries include OpenCV, NumPy and argparse. OpenCV is used for image
processing, providing various tools and algorithms such as the Sobel operator.
NumPy is needed to work with data arrays and perform numerical operations.
Argparse is used for processing command line arguments, which allows convenient
passing of parameters and settings into a script.
Step 2: Loading a pre-trained
EAST model:
The EAST model requires the use
of pre-trained weights and a configuration file. These can be obtained from the
official EAST repository.
Step 3: Pre-processing the
Before passing an image through
the EAST model, some preprocessing steps must be performed. This step is
necessary to improve the readability of the text areas, as various inaccuracies
make it very difficult for OCR models to work. Commonly used are converting the
image to grayscale and applying blurring and noise reduction techniques. In
addition, it is necessary to bring the width and height of the image to numbers
divisible by 32. This is a prerequisite for the EAST model.
After obtaining images from the
output of the first model (detector), it remains only to bring the width and
height of the image of the obtained area with the processing code to numbers
that are multiples of 32, since the Sobel operator has already been previously
applied to the image.
Step 4: Perform text
To perform text detection using
the EAST model, we need to transmit the preprocessed image through the network
and extract the coordinates of the bounding box of the detected text regions.
12 illustrates the results of the EAST model for recognizing text in an image
from the previous prediction of the YOLOv7 model.
Fig. 12 – Text recognition by EAST
model based on resulting bounding boxes from YOLOv7 model
After applying the OCR of the
EAST neural network in addition to the results of the YOLOv7 model, the results
of the whole system were significantly improved.
The predictions of the system
became more accurate, and the mAP quality metric reached a level of 93%. To
verify the system performance, predictions are performed on new images and an
error matrix is constructed (Figure 13).
Fig. 13
Confusion Matrix
This work reviewed the main
approaches to object detection in video streams and real-time images, as well
as the main technologies in the field of optical character recognition. The
research on the applicability of such object detection and optical character
recognition systems to various fields has been studied. The authors proposed a
system for detection and recognition of recyclable material codes on packages
for more accurate sorting of recyclables.
The proposed system, based on
the latest technologies in the field of real-time object detection and optical
character recognition, in particular the YOLOv7 and EAST models, has
demonstrated high performance in the accurate detection and classification of recycling
codes on product packages. The performance of the model indicates its potential
for real-world applications in automated recycling systems.
The practical application of a
system for recognizing the codes of recyclable materials represents an important
step in sustainable waste management. In the context of visual image
processing, the system demonstrates the ability to efficiently highlight and
interpret symbols on packaging, which is of key importance for building mobile
applications and automated receiving points. A mobile application based on this
technology can become a reliable ally in the daily practice of waste collection
and sorting. Users will be able to easily scan special codes on packages,
receiving instant information on how to properly categorize and discard waste.
This creates an interactive and educational interaction, promoting public
awareness and engagement in sustainable consumption and resource management.
Moreover, automated collection
points with recyclable materials sorting systems enhance the efficiency of the
recycling process. Citizens can easily turn in separately collected materials
knowing that their efforts are aimed at maintaining a green lifestyle and
environmental sustainability. Such innovative solutions not only simplify
people's lives, but also actively contribute to an environmentally responsible
society where resource recycling becomes an integral part of the daily routine.
This system will allow not to
change the processes of packaging production on the part of manufacturers, to
unify the symbols of codes of recyclable materials. The system proposed by the
authors provides high efficiency of classification of recyclable materials,
even in the presence of differences in the image of the symbols of recyclable
materials. Visual accuracy and reliability of the system emphasize its
importance for practical application in the field of recycling and waste
The work was
carried out under the financial support per the government order for the
project "Analytical and numerical methods of research of complex systems
and non-linear problems of mathematical physics" (mnemocode
1. 97/129/EC: Commission Decision of 28 January 1997 establishing the identification system for packaging materials pursuant to European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste. EUR-Lex. 28.01.1997. URL: (accessed: 02.10.2023).
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