Currently, there is a rapid accumulation of
information, which amounts to large amounts of data. Informally, information
and data can be considered synonymous, although they are not identical.
Information always has a certain form of representation and is transformed into
data through its processing. When working with information, procedures for
collecting and storing information; processing and preparing information for
placement; distributing information; updating (regular updating) information
should be defined. The digital environment opens up new opportunities for
visual modeling of information, and the presence of advanced graphical tools
allows you to effectively solve the problems of data mining with a choice of
convenient options for displaying the results.
graphical form of information display is carried out through various methods
and tools, including graphs and diagrams, maps, interactive visualizations,
dashboards and infographics. Infographics (information graphics), as a rule, is
a combination of graphic elements, text and images to convey complex
information in a simplified and attractive form. Research data visualization is
created algorithmically based on representative samples covering large amounts
of data, and represents complete analytical solutions from data extraction from
various sources to reporting. The main difference between the concepts of
visualization and infographics is the large amounts of data that visualizers
can work with; infographics, on the contrary, creates images that do not
contain a large amount of data.
The purpose of the work is to study the
regulatory support and application of data visualization methods that affect
the choice of an effective way to present data in a user-friendly format based
on modern software. The normative support of the data visualization method is
aimed at establishing standards and rules for the use of data visualization in
various fields. Some aspects of regulatory support for the data visualization
method may include:
setting standards for
the presentation and interpretation of data in graphical format;
establishment of
objects for the application of data visualization methods;
regulation of the use
of specific data visualization tools and technologies;
defining rules for the
preservation and security of data visualized in different formats;
confidentiality and data protection when using various visualization methods.
To achieve maximum efficiency and
understanding in the presentation of data and information, it is important to
follow the rules for the design and use of appropriate visualization methods.
By now, both in the educational and in the work process, the issues of using
specialized software for creating three-dimensional models, visualization and
animation prevail, at the same time, the rules for the design of drawings,
graphs and diagrams are practically not considered.
The relevance of the work was determined by
the issues of comprehensive training of specialists not only for working with
software, but also for the skills of registration and documentation of work
results in accordance with the requirements of standards. In connection with
the introduction of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated December 21, 2021 No.3759-r "On approval of the strategic direction
in the field of digital transformation of science and higher education"
[1], the article discusses the application of the information visualization
method using graphs, diagrams and dashboards in the framework of updating and
expanding the educational process.
Openness of information as a
conceptual direction for the development of information systems is regulated by
information systems in the field of standardization, which operate on the basis
of information technologies and technical means that ensure the collection,
processing, storage, distribution, use and provision of information related to
the planning of standardization activities, including the formation and
implementation of programs for standardization, development, editing and
testing of draft documents on standardization in accordance with the Federal
Law "On Standardization in the Russian Federation" dated June 29,
2015 No. 162-FZ "On Standardization in the Russian Federation".
The national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R
56907-2016 "Lean manufacturing. Visualization" was introduced by the
Technical Committee for Standardization TC 076 "Management Systems",
approved and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical
Regulation and Metrology dated March 31, 2016 N 232-st 4. This standard is a
guide for the use of the visualization method based on recommended principles
in accordance with GOST R 56407. The rules for the application of this standard
are set out in Article 26 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015. No. 162-FZ
"On Standardization in the Russian Federation".
In accordance with GOST R 56907: "Visualization
method: A systematic set of actions for visualizing objects. The visualization
method is used in an organization in order to present information in a visual
form (drawing, photograph, graph, diagram, diagram, table, map, etc.) and bring
it to the attention of staff in real time to analyze the current situation and
make informed and objective decisions."
Federal Law No. 149-FZ of
27.07.2006 (as amended on 12.12.2023) "On Information, Information
Technologies and Information Protection" defines the norms of legal
regulation of relations in the field of information, information technology and
information protection [2]. The standards of graphic symbols used for technical
documentation for products are presented in [3].
The objects of the visualization method are defined in
[4] and shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Objects of the data visualization method
Fig. 2. Classification of data visualization methods
Data visualization in terms of
classification by subject areas, as shown in Figure 2, can be represented by
graphs and diagrams, tables and diagrams, dashboards, and with the development
of computer modeling programs, "Subject" visualization can be
represented as a separate type.
Object or 3D visualization, which creates a
copy close to a real object, is widely used in many areas of human activity.
Creating a high-quality object model is a laborious process that requires high
professional skills from developers to select and customize textures, colors,
fonts, lighting, rendering and other parameters when working with software. The
levels of graphical detail of the project at different stages of design are
currently systematized according to the LOD methodology of the English standard
(Level Of Details) or according to the methodology of SP 333.1325800.2020 - A,
B, C1, C2, D, G. The correct choice of visualization tools and techniques at
each stage of design can increase the efficiency of project development
processes. The initial stage of design is associated with the choice of a
conceptual direction, the main ideas of which can be fixed with the help of a
mood board. The mudboard is assembled from images and photographs, without
specifying the style, typography, colors, textures, etc. in the form of a
collage that conveys the overall vision of the project. The volume and shape of
the object is transmitted by creating 3D models with subsequent visualization
in CAD. Physical and virtual prototypes, presentation renderers, if necessary,
allow you to "see" the project before its implementation. The main
problems in working with subject visualization include such factors as the
complexity of creating models, the quality of textures, interoperability (the
ability of two or more information systems to exchange and use information),
software licensing, etc. The quality standards of 3D object visualization are
actively discussed on the Internet among developers and users of the
corresponding software.
Visualization and application of
conventional graphical symbols for visual identification of information depend
on the functionality defined by CAD and may vary depending on the automated
system used, but the preparation of 2D graphical documentation is always
carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards [5]. The rich
functionality of graphic primitives of modern programs [7] for users who are
not familiar with the requirements of GOST creates the illusion of their free
choice, which leads to errors in the design of graphs, diagrams, choosing the
scale of the drawing display, line outlines, etc. In this regard, during the
study period, regardless of the specialty, it is important to study the above-mentioned
standards within the framework of a particular discipline. The basic ESCD
standards containing rules and recommendations for graphical visualization of
objects recommended for study are shown in Fig. 3.
3. Basic ESCD Standards
Among the graphic programs
adapted to the domestic regulatory framework of the ESCD and SPDS, the nanoCAD
graphic editor (developed by Nanosoft) stands out. nanoCAD software is included
in the Russian software database. The modular structure of nanoCAD software allows
users to move from the basic level of work to BIM design technologies.
follows from Fig.1, documentation refers to visualization objects [4]. In
project activities, documentation is divided into graphic and textual. Text documentation
includes all types of tables, the design of which is regulated by GOST 2.105
[6], and graphic documentation includes drawings and diagrams. The rules for
registration of construction documentation are regulated in the SPDS standards
21.1101[7]. New technologies of computer modeling of real estate objects have
linked a 3D model and drawings based on a 3D model into a single block. The
complex of issues related to the design of the results of such works is more or
less related to the graphical visualization of the real estate object.
According to SP 331.1325800.2017
"Information modeling in construction. Rules of exchange between
information models of objects and models used in software complexes",
interoperability is formed at three levels: technical, semantic and
organizational. GOST R 10.0.02-2019/ISO 16739-1:2018 "System of standards
for information modeling of buildings and structures. Industry-specific base
classes (IFC) for the exchange and management of data on construction sites. Part
1. The Data Schema" defines the IFC standard as an international format
with open specificity for the information model of construction facilities (IM)
data intended for exchange and sharing in software applications used by
participants in the construction and operation of buildings and structures
industry. It is important to note that the IFC format is constantly being
improved. New attributes and properties are added to it, allowing you to
transmit additional important information. Every year, IFC demonstrates
increasing efficiency in creating projects using information modeling, being
the main format for data exchange in the field of design.
To present the results of 3D modeling, in
the form necessary for the preparation of the graphic part of the technical plan,
it is required to prepare drawings of floor plans of the real estate object.
IFC format files can be used as a base for the design of floor plans. For
example, if the floor plan is drawn up in Renga, then it is enough to open the
IFC format file, go to the "Drawings" section and transfer the
desired floor plan to the drawing view. The nanoCAD software also provides for
the completion of these actions Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. The IFC Panel
Figure 5 shows a fragment of the floor plan
formed from a 3D model in Renga.
5. Formation and design of the floor plan
Summarizing the above material, it can be
noted that the processes of preparation and design of drawings, in particular
floor plans, have now reached a new level of digital subject visualization of
graphic documentation.
Another equally important aspect of the
regulatory support and application of visualization methods are the issues of
data visualization. Graphs and charts are an integral part of almost any
report. With the increase in the volume of data, there is a need for their
effective processing. Visualizing the results is key to understanding the
information. Practically no time is devoted to the issues of preparation for
such activities in the educational process. Basic skills in Excel and Word
allow students to perform simple tasks on building graphs and diagrams, but
working with big data requires working in more professional systems such as
Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Sense, DataLense, Metabase, Google Data
Studio, etc.
In GOST R ISO/IEC 20546-2021
"Information technology. Big data. Overview and dictionary" reveals
the terminological apparatus, gives concepts to terms such as dataset, data
lake, etc., explaining the processes accompanying the accumulation of digital
information in the world. Resources such as the National Spatial Data System
(NSPD), OpenStreetMap Geodata (OSM), and NASA Geospatial data represent a huge
field of activity for updating and supplementing information in cadastral
databases, identifying new trends and patterns. Real estate databases such as
CION (Real Estate Information Center), Avito Real Estate, they can be used to
provide a general view of real estate on the market and to analyze price and
supply trends. Cadastral information is also presented in the sources [9-17].
Taking into account the
emerging trends in data growth and new technologies for their processing, the
most effective data visualization techniques should be noted. Dashboards are
increasingly appearing on the websites of government agencies and institutions.
To prepare such documentation, knowledge, skills and abilities in the
preparation and processing of data, visualization techniques and publication of
information are required. The advantages of information processing in BI systems
are shown in Fig. 6.
6. Advantages of information
processing in BI systems
Examples of prepared
dashboards within the framework of studying the discipline "Systems of
intellectual processing of cadastral information" are given in [19-20].
Often, specialists working in specialized
software do not have the skills to design the results of their work, in
accordance with the standards of the ESCD and SPDS. The reasons why this
happens may be as follows: insufficient understanding of the ESCD and SPDS
standards; orientation towards visual aspects, ignoring documentation
standards; lack of practice and experience in documentation design, considering
documentation design less important than creating models and visualizations. It
is also important to note that the possibilities of modern information,
communication and digital technologies for the visualization of real estate
objects are still underutilized.
Visualization standards and regulations,
as shown in the article, exist in many industries. The development of
standardization of visualizations concerning the practical advantages of
designation standards in business communication and business processes is
obvious, but is carried out only in individual organizations. Ensuring the
unity and systematization of the development of visualization standards in
business processes is an important step to increase the efficiency of the
company and improve the understanding of processes by all participants. The use
of uniform visualization standards ensures consistency in the presentation of
data and information at all levels of the organization. This is important for
creating a unified information space and maintaining a corporate style
In accordance with the stated purpose of
the study of regulatory support and the use of data visualization methods that
affect the choice of an effective way to present them in a user-friendly
format, recommendations on the use of information visualization methods have
been developed based on modern programs, including the following aspects:
defining visualization
goals and objectives (improving communication, simplifying process analysis,
increasing transparency, etc.);
researching best
practices in the field of visualization (including business processes);
creation of a working
group of representatives of all stakeholders (analysts, managers, IT
specialists, etc.);
definition of the
procedure for data collection and storage (processing and preparation of
information for distribution and its placement);
choosing the method of
updating information (frequency of data collection and placement,
responsibility for data reliability, data presentation format, etc.);
identifying the most
effective way to present information (interactive reports available for joint
data updating and decision-making, dashboards, etc.).
The study of theoretical issues of
regulatory support and the application of visualization methods allows us to
generalize and draw conclusions about data visualization objects, consider
modern classifications of visualization methods that affect the choice of an
effective way of presenting information.
1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2021 No. 3759-r "On approval of the strategic direction in the field of digital transformation of science and higher education" Р Access from the refer-ence.- the legal system "Consultant Plus".
2. On Information, information technologies and information Protection [Electronic resource] : Federal Law No. 149-FZ of 07/27/2006 (as amended on 07/14/2022). Р Access from the help.-the legal system "Consultant Plus".
3. Standards of graphic symbols used for technical documentation for products.
4. The national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 56907-2016 "Lean manufacturing" is one of the references.- the legal system "Consultant Plus".
5. A unified system of design documentation. General requirements for GOST 2.301 - 2.321 Р Access from the help.- the legal system "Consultant Plus".
6. A unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents. GOST 2.105-2019Р Access from the help.- the legal system "Consultant Plus".
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8. The system of design documentation for construction. The main requirements for project and work docu-mentation. GOST R 21.101-2020 Update date: 01.01.2021Р Access from the help.- the legal system "Consultant Plus".
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