Safety and trouble-free operation of
hazardous facilities largely depends on the so-called psychological climate in
the team. Psychological climate is usually understood as a set of personal and
interpersonal indicators, characterizing, first of all, the level of
interaction in the team, the level of conflict, the stress-resistance of the
team members, the level of self-regulation and self-control skills possession. The
psychological resource of the team is of special importance. This
characteristic determines the ability to correctly, quickly and smoothly solve
emerging problems in stressful situations in the event of abnormal and emergency
operation of a hazardous object. The most important indicator in this respect
is the reaction time of the team members. Ensuring reliable trouble-free
operation of a hazardous object requires, among other things, constant
monitoring of the psychological climate in the team (working shift crew,
calculation, crew) that performs operational management of such a facility.
Implementation of continuous monitoring of
the psychological climate in the team is a complex scientific, methodical and
technical task. One of the ways to solve it is using acoustic technologies to
assess the current psycho-emotional state of each team member [1, 2]. The most
informative in this regard is the analysis of the team members speech [3-7].
Analysis of human speech to assess the
current psycho-emotional state of a person is used in practice quite widely.
So, for example, psychology usually operates with several levels of analysis of
speech information, focused on the study of its psychosemantic [8],
paralinguistic [9], psycholinguistic [10], pragmatic [11] and syntactic aspects
Unfortunately, many of the listed aspects
of speech are available for analysis only for long enough oral messages. For
example, with periodic examinations in specialized laboratories of
psycho-physiological support of hazardous objects. In these cases, it is
possible to fairly reliably estimate, for example, a set of psycholinguistic
parameters of speech. Typical representatives of the above mentioned parameters
are, for example, the Trader coefficients, the objectivity of action and
directivity [13]. The first two of these factors estimate the ratio of the
verbs number to the number of adjectives and nouns respectively in the fragment
of speech. The third coefficient is defined as the relative number of speech
expressive words.
Specificity of a dangerous object
management personnel speech processing is its fairly short duration. As a rule,
these are short oral commands and orders. This circumstance determines the relevance
of the application, in the first place, of a paralinguistic analysis of speech.
Such an analysis usually includes an assessment of the speech tempo, its
loudness, melody, dynamics of changes in the timbre and the fundamental tone,
as well as determining the nature of the filling of pauses between words [14-19].
This type of analysis also makes it possible to determine the gender
characteristics of the speaker [20-22]. The practical applicability of this
approach is due to the protocol of command interaction adopted on most
dangerous objects. This protocol assumes the obligatory repetition of the
commands and orders accepted for execution by the team members. This allows for
the personalized processing of verbal orders of the management team, as well as
the responses of the performers.
Unfortunately, the direct practical use of
paralinguistic analysis of speech in most cases is very difficult. The main
causes are a high level of acoustic noise and interference in the workplace, as
well as the simultaneous conduct of oral dialogue by various team members. One
of the possible ways to solve this problem is the author's approach, which
assumes the use of a multichannel phased acoustic system with high spatial
selectivity for recording the speech signal [1]. High selectivity is achieved
due to the formation of a multi-beam directional pattern by the receiving
system. In this case, the spatial orientation of each petal corresponds to the
location of the team members in the room. The formation of such a directional
pattern, as well as the processing of the speech signal is carried out in a
fully automatic mode. In view of the computational complexity of the problem
being solved, the approach involves the use of modern means of parallel data
This approach makes it possible to isolate
the useful voice signal of each team member against a background of intense
acoustic noise. Paralinguistic analysis of speech makes it possible to identify
signs that correlate with the level of nervous excitement of the speaker [9, 14-19].
A typical sign, for example, is the so-called tremor of the voice. This effect,
in particular, manifests itself in the modulation of the speaker's speech
frequencies [16-19]. Thus, the approach allows real-time assessment of the
level of stress of each team member. At the same time, it is possible to obtain
estimates of the level of mutual hostility due to the levels of stress on the
part of the talking parties.
For the correct solution of personnel
issues, not only the current level of stress among the team members is important,
but also the dynamics of its development. The presentation of objective data
about the current psycho-emotional team state, as well as the dynamics of its
change in compact and visual form, is an urgent task. The solution of this task
is in demand, first of all, with the provision of trouble-free operation of
hazardous objects. No less important areas are also conducting training
sessions on simulators, as well as conducting specialized classes to develop
self-regulation and self-control skills.
Visualization of information about the
current personal psychoemotional state of all team members using conventional
time diagrams [15, 17-19] is of little use. The main reason is a large number
of graphs, which must be constantly displayed on the monitor and analyzed.
It should be noted that in practice,
graphs are widely used to represent interpersonal relations [23]. However,
their classical appearance is not suitable for displaying the dynamics of
changes in interpersonal relations in the team.
The aim of the study is to develop methods
for visualizing the state of the psychological climate in a team based on the
processing of the received acoustic information about the speech interaction of
its members.
To describe interpersonal interaction in the team, it
is proposed to use the author's technique [1], which involves the use of a
Q[i, j], i=1, … , N, j=1,
… ,N,
where N is the total number of the team members.
Each element of the given matrix qij
characterizes the level of psycho-emotional stress arising in the i-th team member
during his oral communication with the j-th team member. For this reason, the
diagonal elements of the matrix are usually equal to zero, since the case of
oral communication between the team member and the change of himself is not
qij = 0 äëÿ i=j, i=1, … , N.
The possible range for changing the values of the
matrix Q elements is usually 0 ≤ qij ≤
100 [1]. It can distinguish a number of characteristic subranges characterizing
the different levels of a person's psycho-emotional tension:
0 ≤ qij ≤ 30
– relaxed, relaxed state;
30 < qij ≤ 70
– area of increased tension, slight irritation;
70 < qij ≤ 100 – an
area of intense irritation, inadequate behavior, hysterics.
Symmetric elements of the matrix qij and qji
do not always correlate with each other. So, in the case of the same mutual
rejection between the i-th and j-th team members, these elements can be
practically identical, and their numerical value is in the range 30-100:
30 ≤ qij =
qji ≤ 100.
However, in most cases, such matrix elements have
different meanings. In this case, the value of one of these elements can be in
the region corresponding to a relaxed state, and the value of the other element
is in the region of increased mental stress, for example:
0 < qij <
30, 30 ≤ qji ≤ 100.
The author's technique allows to describe both
long-term and short-term effects of interaction in the team. So, if the values
of the matrix Q characterize the psycho-emotional state of each team member
over a sufficiently long time interval, then we can talk about its quasistatic
character. In this case, it can be a whole work shift, or a week, a month, or
even a year. In such cases, the results of the matrix analysis can be used to
reasonably solve the questions of the staffing of work teams, professional
selection and appointment to new posts.
When solving training tasks aimed at developing
teamwork skills, teaching self-control and self-control methods, one must deal
with the dynamic matrix Q. Matrix Q in this case characterizes the current
psycho-emotional state of the team members. This condition can vary greatly
during the entire training session. In this case, the formation of the dynamic
matrix Q and its visualization are one of the main elements of modern learning
technology with so-called biological feedback [24].
The essence of the training, testing, or learning
technology with biofeedback is the use of an information channel that provides
visualization for the trained, tested or learned person of current information
about its functional and psycho-emotional state. For this purpose, the current
bio-parameters of a person are registered. For example, heart rate and its
variability, breathing parameters, blood pressure, reaction time, excitation
level of the peripheral nervous system. Analysis of these bio-parameters allows
you to assess the current state of a person. For this, in practice,
computerized processing of data obtained from sensors recording the
bio-parameters mentioned above is usually used.
Until recently, such sensors used mainly classical
contact sensors, for example, pressure, pulse, skin-galvanic reaction,
photoplethysmogram, motor activity. However, the presence of a large number of
connecting wires, as well as the sensors themselves, create significant
inconveniences, impede free natural movement and, most importantly, exert a
strong psycho-emotional impact on a person. And this can lead to a distortion
of estimates of the current state of a person.
For this reason, non-contact remote technologies have
been used recently to register current human bio-parameters. These technologies
in a fully passive mode measure the required bio-parameters. The most promising
technologies of this class are acoustic and optical. In the minimal variant, it
is possible to use only acoustic technology, which allows, by processing, first
of all, spectral information, to determine a whole set of bio-parameters
characterizing the current state of the nervous system, the respiratory system
and the cardiovascular system of man.
Visualization in real time of information about the
current functional and psycho-emotional state is carried out simultaneously
with the issuance of estimates. For example, the condition is normal, or
relaxed, or very excited and even stressful. Receiving such information, a
person with the help of special techniques tries to restore his state to the
category of normal. A typical example can serve as special breathing exercises,
the fulfillment of which during the testing, training, or learning helps to
reduce heart rate and blood pressure.
Thus, the principal moment in the use of technology
with biological feedback is the possibility of obtaining estimates of the
current state of a person. The availability of such data for the trainee allows
in the automated mode to practice the skills of self-control and
The entire team can be divided into ordinary members
(executors) and the management members. The number of the latter even for small
teams, shifts and divisions can be from one to 3-5 people and depends, first of
all, on the complexity of the tasks performed. To solve complex tasks, the
management part of the team usually includes a general head of the team and at
least deputies in various important areas of production activities.
The conducted statistical researches show that ordinary team
members have the greatest fluidity. Usually these are young employees with low
qualifications and little experience in the enterprise. In their mass they do
not possess the skills of collective work and the culture of communication at
the necessary level, they do not always observe the production discipline. The
management representatives, as a rule, have significant work experience, have
high qualifications and a culture of communication in the team. The turnover of
staff for this category is minimal. For these reasons, the most relevant is
the monitoring and analysis of interpersonal relationships among ordinary team members,
as well as between ordinary team members and the team management. Monitoring of
interpersonal relations between the representatives of the team management for
the reasons listed above is less relevant.
Taking into consideration the typical structure of the team,
the matrix Q in the general case has the following form [1, 2]:
the submatrix RR[i, j], i=1, ...
, NR; j=1, ... , NR characterizes the relations between the ordinary team members;
the submatrix RG[k, l], k=1, ...
, NR; l=1, ... , NG characterizes the relations between the ordinary team members
and representatives of the management;
the submatrix GR[m, n], m=1, ...
, NG; n=1, ... , NR characterizes the relationship between management and
ordinary team members;
the submatrix GG[s, d], s=1, ...
, NG; d=1, ... , NG characterizes the relationship between the management
NR - the total number of the ordinary
team members;
NG - the total number of the
management members;
NR + NG = N.
The selected submatrices RR, RG
and GR make it possible to visualize the personal characteristics of the
ordinary team members. Visualization of the personal characteristics of the
management members located in the GG submatrix can, if necessary, be carried
out by analogy with the visualization of the data of the RR submatrix.
The methods of visualization
considered in the work are focused, first of all, on solving the problems of
analyzing the level of conflict between each of the ordinary team members, and
also analyzing the quality of the psychological climate in the team.
Figure 1 illustrates the proposed method for visualizing the
level of personal conflict in the example of an ordinary team member R1. For
the example considered, NR=5 and NG=5.
Fig.1. Visualization
of the personal conflict level of the employee R1 in interaction with the
ordinary team members (a) and the management representatives (b)
For this purpose, it is proposed to use a circular diagram,
the center of which 1 corresponds to the ordinary team member R1. The entire
field of the pie chart is divided into sectors. At the same time, in the
sectors of the lower semicircle of the diagram (Fig. 1a), based on the data of
the RR sub-matrix, the conflict indicators of the member in question are shown
with other ordinary members. For example, in sectors 2 and 3, the interaction
of a team member R1, respectively, with the ordinary members R2 and R3 is
displayed. Similarly, in the upper semicircle of the diagram (Fig. 1b), based
on the data of the RG sub-matrix, the indicators of conflict with the
representatives of the management team are displayed. For example, in sectors 4
and 5, information is provided on the level of conflict between team member R1
and managers G1 and G2, respectively.
The pie chart uses two forms of data mapping.
Quantitatively, the levels of conflict are displayed in the form of parts of
the corresponding sectors, painted in red tones. The size of these areas is
proportional to the level of conflict. The maximum conflict level (100 units)
on the diagram corresponds to a circle of half radius.
Qualitatively, the levels of conflict are also displayed in
a shade of red. At the same time, brighter red colors, for example, 8, 9 and
13, 14 correspond to high conflict rates, and more faded, for example, 6, 7 and
10, 11, 12 - to low indicators. In the considered visualization example the
following values of the submatrix RR elements for the team member R1 were used:
= {0, 32, 45, 80, 95}.
For the presented example of the R1 member conflict level visualization
(Fig. 1b) between him and the management representatives the following values of
the RG submatrix elements were used:
= {31, 43, 55, 70, 97}.
To visualize the level of relationships of ordinary team members,
as well as the management representatives with the employee R1 in question, a
similar approach is used. For this purpose, the peripheral zone of the pie
chart is used. Figure 2 is an illustration of this situation.
Fig.2. Visualization
of the personal conflict level between the ordinary team members (a) and the
management representatives (b) in interaction with the employee R1
For the visualization examples presented in
Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b, the following values of the corresponding submatrices RR
and GR elements were used:
= {0, 29, 42, 74, 96}.
= {27, 49, 58, 75, 91}.
The considered circular diagrams make it
possible to visualize the personal conflict level of each team member. They
can be adapted to the specified parameters NR and NG, which determines the team
structure. Pie charts are characterized by high visibility and have a clear
interpretation − the larger the size and brightness of the central area −
the higher the conflict level of this team representative. This circumstance
makes them convenient for use in conducting training sessions with biofeedback
[24], as well as in dealing with personnel issues.
To visualize the team psychological climate quality, it is
proposed to use a circular graph, an example of which is shown in Fig.3. This
graph is designed to show the level of conflict between the all team members.
Fig.3. An example of
visualization of the team psychological climate quality: the principle of
displaying of the team member R1 conflict level in relation to the ordinary
team members (a) and the management representatives (b)
The graph vertices number corresponds to
the total number of the team members. The graph vertices (R1-R5) located
at the bottom of the graph correspond to the team ordinary members. The graph
vertices (G1-G5), located in the upper part of the graph, correspond to the
management representatives. The edges of the graph are used to display the
conflict levels between the team members associated with the corresponding
edges of the graph.
The principles of displaying information about the personal
conflicts of the team members are in many respects similar to those considered
earlier. So, each edge of the graph is divided into two equal parts. The middle
of the edge corresponds to a conflict rate of 100. Numerical values of the
conflict level of each side are displayed by segments of red tones starting at
the corresponding vertices of the graph. In this case, the length of the
segments is proportional to the corresponding conflict rates. In the cases that
the conflict level indicators for both sides have maximum values, the red
segments are closed and the entire edge turns red. For the qualitative display
of personal conflict levels, the brightness of the red tone is also used. The
maximum conflict level corresponds to the brightest red color. The minimum level
of conflict is pale pink.
In Figure 3, this approach is illustrated by the example of
the employee R1. The segments of the ribs 1-4 (Fig. 3a) have different lengths
and shades of red, which corresponds to different conflict levels of this
employee with other ordinary team members R2-R5. Similarly, the segments of the
ribs 5-9 (Fig. 3b) reflect the different conflict levels between the employee
R1 and the management representatives G1-G5. In the examples presented in Fig.
3a and Fig. 3b, the values of the conflict levels of the RR and RG
sub-matrices, similar to those used earlier, were used.
The presented form of visualization integrates in itself all
available data on personal conflicts, represented in the submatrices RR, RG and
GR. The form has a visual form, which allows a clear unambiguous
The considered visualization methods were used in the
conduct of training sessions with various instructors to develop teamwork.
Their application allowed to carry out current monitoring of the training
process, as well as to identify in each team the most conflicting members.
A typical example of the conflict level visualization
results of each of the five team ordinary members is shown in Fig. 4. RR, RG
and GR submatrices were used for visualization with the initial data defining
the personal conflict levels registered with acoustic technology. The numerical
values for the elements of the submatrices are presented in Tables 1-3.
Table 1 - Values of the
RR matrix elements for the example in question
RR[i, j],
i=1,…,5, j=1,…,5
The i-th team member
The j-th team member
Table 2 - Values of the
GR matrix elements for the example in question
GR[m, n],
m=1,…,5, n=1,…,5
The m-th team member
The n-th team member
Table 3 - Values of the
RG matrix elements for the example in question
RG[k, l],
k=1,…,5, l=1,…,5
The k-th team member
The l-th team member
Fig.4. Visualization
example of the personal conflict level in the team
An analysis of the presented pie charts shows that the
employee R1 is the most personal conflict. His conflict level exceed the
indicator of 50 for almost all team members. The most strenuous relationship
this employee has with employees R2 and R4. At the same time, these employees
R2 and R4 themselves are characterized by normal relationships with the rest of
the team. For this reason, employee R1 is the first candidate for transfer from
this team to another, and also the first candidate for additional training
sessions on mastering the skills of self-control and self-regulation. The least
controversial are the employees of R3 and R5.
Figure 5 shows the result of visualizing the quality of the
psychological climate in the team in question. From the presented example it is
clearly visible that in general the psychological climate in the team is
benevolent. The exception is employee R1, whose behavior is fundamentally
different from the rest of the team. Possible solutions to the problem are:
replacement of this employee by another;
appointment of a probationary period for this employee after
passing through a cycle of training sessions with the aim of reducing the level
of conflict.
Fig.5. A
visualization example of the team psychological climate quality
The considered methods of visualization make it possible to
increase the visibility and information of the data by structuring the personal
information obtained in the analysis of speech interaction in the team.
The method of personal conflict visualization based on the
pie charts usage is one of the main constituents in the technology of
conducting training sessions with biofeedback. In addition, this method is a
tool for solving many human resource management tasks, as it allows us to
identify in a timely manner the team members with the greatest conflict.
The method of visualizing the quality of the team
psychological climate based on the use of a circular graph should be regarded
as an effective tool for monitoring the current psychological health of the
team, which is important for ensuring the safe and trouble-free operation of
hazardous objects.
The research was carried out at the National Research
Nuclear University «Moscow Engineering Physics Institute» with the support of
the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation (RNF) No. 16-18-00069
"Reducing the risk of occurrence and reducing the consequences of
catastrophes of technogenic origin due to minimizing the influence of the human
factor on the reliability and trouble-free operation of nuclear power plants
and other dangerous objects".
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