ISSN 2079-3537      

Scientific Visualization
Issue Year: 2017
Quarter: 2
Volume: 9
Number: 2
Pages: 94 - 101
Authors: A.V. Vorobev (Russian Federation), G.R. Vorobeva (Russian Federation)
Address: A.V. Vorobev
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian Federation

G.R. Vorobeva
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian Federation
Abstract: Today the scientists and specialists in natural and technical sciences pay a close attention to research of geomagnetic variations influence on systems and objects of various origins. In this connection an effective monitoring and analytical control of geomagnetic field parameters has a special importance. Now the monitoring is performed mainly by magnetic observatories, as well as by aeromagnetic and hydromagnetic surveys. The grown quantity of the accumulated geomagnetic data requires its systematization, interpretation and analysis with special approach, which is based on methods of mathematical and spatial modeling and allows representing the cuts of geomagnetic data in compact format easily understandable for a researcher. However, the analysis proved that despite of wide variety and dynamic evolution of modern information technologies, special program complexes and tools for data processing, analysis and visualization, the approach of graphical interpretation of geomagnetic measurements and calculations is not enough developed. In this paper the authors suggest and formalize an approach to visualization of geomagnetic field parameters and its variation on the basis of technologies of modern web-oriented interactive programming two- and three-dimensional computer graphics, which is an integration of geoinformation technologies and programming plugin-independent library based on WebGL specification. The suggested approach is successfully used in scientific project GEOMAGNET – an information web resource providing complex monitoring, analysis and interpretation of parameters of space weather, geomagnetic field and its variations. The reported study was supported by RFBR, research projects No. 14-07-00260-a, 14-07-31344-mol-a, 15-17-20002-d_s, 15-07-02731_a, and the grant of President of Russian Federation for the young scientists support MK-5340.2015.9.
Language: Russian

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