Heart disease is one of the most prevalent
causes of death worldwide, posing a major problem for public health systems
[1]. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that heart failure and stroke
will account for the bulk of the 23.6 million fatalities from cardiovascular
disease (CVD) worldwide in 2030 [2,3]. Effective prevention and prompt
intervention depend on early detection and precise cardiac disease prediction.
Clinical risk factors, medical history, and diagnostic tests are the mainstays
of conventional methods for diagnosing heart disease. Fortunately,
cardiovascular disease prediction has been a paradigm shift with the
introduction of machine learning techniques and the growing amount of digital
health data [4].
With the potential to increase the
precision and efficacy of cardiac disease prediction, machine learning, a
branch of artificial intelligence, has become a valuable tool in the healthcare
industry [5,6]. Machine learning algorithms can spot complicated patterns and
associations that are difficult to spot using conventional approaches by
utilizing the enormous quantity of data created by electronic health records,
wearable technology, and medical imaging [7]. Some supervised algorithms,
including Naive Bayes, Random Forest (RF), Decision Trees (DT), Support Vector
Machine (SVM), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), help predict cardiovascular
disease (CVD) [8].
Bibliometric analysis is a recognized
statistical tool to assess and visually depict the current state and research
patterns within particular disciplines, which is widely utilized across many
fields [9-14]. It provides a fair assessment of scientific contributions by
carefully reviewing pertinent works from authors, organizations, nations,
journals, citations, and keywords. Additionally, it aids in locating current
trends and research priorities, which deepens understanding of present trends
Bibliometric networks can be visualized
using the robust and user-friendly software tool VOSviewer [17- 20]. Users can
create maps and visual representations of bibliometric data through co-citation
analysis, bibliographic coupling, and co-authorship analysis [15,17,18].
Researchers can find prospective collaborations and new trends in their fields using
these maps, an invaluable resource. Researchers can acquire new insights from
them by identifying clusters of related study topics, well-known authors, and
institutions. However, Biblioshiny is a fantastic tool for scholars who want to
show their bibliographic data in an exciting and lively way [21]. R programming
uses the “shiny” package, making it easier to create interactive web
applications. Using Biblioshiny, academics, and researchers may create
flexible, individualized bibliographies that make it simple to quickly
explore and analyze their sources. Users who want to connect with and study
their research materials will have a better experience if bibliographic data is
integrated into the package.
The aim of this bibliometric analysis is
to provide a thorough overview of the research on utilizing machine learning to
predict cardiovascular disease. This is accomplished by carefully reviewing the
pertinent literature published in this study domain. The examination covers various
topics, such as research trends, bibliographic coupling, international
cooperation, and the networking of scholars in this area. For this study,
information was gathered using data from the Scopus database, which covers the
years 1991 through 2023. Advanced bibliometric visualization tools like
VOSviewer and Biblioshiny were used to create a precise and up-to-date
representation of the prevalent research practices. The potential research
objectives of this bibliometric study are:
To Map the Evolution of Research on cardiovascular disease
prediction using machine learning by analyzing publication trends from 1991 to
2023. This includes identifying key periods of increased research activity and
growth in the field.
To Identify Key Contributors in the research domain, including
prolific authors, leading journals, and institutions that have significantly
contributed to advancing the study of cardiovascular disease prediction using
machine learning.
To Analyze Publication and Citation Trends to understand the
impact and reach of research conducted in this area. This involves examining
the number of publications over time and the citation patterns to gauge the
influence of specific works.
To Visualize the Research Landscape through the use of
bibliometric tools and techniques, such as Biblioshiny and VOSviewer, to create
visual representations of publication counts, author productivity, journal
contributions, and institutional involvements.
To Examine Collaborative Networks among authors, countries, and
institutions to highlight the collaborative nature of research efforts in this
domain and to identify the most influential networks contributing to the
advancement of ML in cardiovascular disease prediction.
To Investigate Key Themes and Topics within the research through
keyword and thematic analysis, utilizing techniques like keyword co-occurrence
networks and thematic mapping to uncover the core focuses and evolving
interests in the field.
To Assess the Technological Advances and methodological approaches
employed in machine learning for cardiovascular disease prediction, detailing
the use of specific algorithms, models, and computational techniques that have
been prominently featured in research publications.
Researchers have been concentrating on creating various predictive
models employing machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data mining
approaches in recent years to help with the early identification and prediction
of cardiac disease. Several research studies have shown the successful
utilization of machine learning (ML) models in identifying heart diseases [22].
Several researchers have suggested ML algorithms to improve the precision of
disease prediction [23]. A substantial amount of study has been devoted to
carefully examining the presence of missing information within the dataset,
which is a vital component of the data preprocessing stage, to improve the
correctness of the results. To improve the accuracy of their results, Gupta et
al. [24] replaced missing values in the Cleveland dataset using Pearson
correlation coefficients and several Machine Learning classifiers. Mohan
et al. [25] created a combination of a random forest (RF) and a linear model,
known as a hybrid RF. This hybrid approach enhanced the accuracy of predicting
heart disease by 297 instances and improved the performance on 13 different
features from the Cleveland dataset. Furthermore, the method employed for
selecting features significantly enhances the model's precision. In the study
by Shah et al. [26], probabilistic principal component analysis (PCA) was
employed to choose features. Another research conducted by R. Perumal et al. [27]
implemented the Cleveland dataset to develop logistic regression and support
vector machine models, achieving comparable accuracy rates of 87% and 85% accordingly.
The UCI Heart Disease Dataset, which the public can access via the
UCI Machine Learning Repository, is a well-known dataset in this research area
and is frequently utilized [28]. Similar to this, the Statlog dataset is
frequently used [29]. ML models seek to improve accuracy and lower processing
costs in the clinical identification of diseases. For instance, Verma et al.'s
[30] hybrid model for predicting cardiovascular disease integrated K-nearest neighbor
and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) classifiers with particle swarm
optimization (PSO). This hybrid model achieved an accuracy of 90.28%.
Siddhartha [31] created a comprehensive dataset in 2020 by
combining five well-known heart disease datasets: Cleveland, Hungarian,
Switzerland, Long Beach VA, and Statlog. The new dataset incorporated the
common features found in these five datasets. Alalawi et al. [32] utilized
various classification algorithms to analyze the dataset, including Support
Vector Machine, Decision Tree Classifier, Logistic Regression, KNN, and
Naïve Bayes. In a study by Yilmaz et al. [33], the classification outcomes
of the Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine
approaches were assessed. Ivan Miguel Pires et al. (2021) used tests with
various classifiers in their study, including the combination nomenclature
(CN2) rule inducer, SVM, KNN, DT, and neural networks. Through the use of
5-fold, 10-fold, and 20-fold cross-validation approaches, they evaluated these
classifiers' performance. At 20-fold, 10-fold, and 5-fold cross-validation, the
DT classifier had the highest accuracy score of 87.69%, followed by SVM and SGD
with 87.69% and 87.69%, respectively [34].
Niloy Biswas et al. employed a range of techniques in 2023 to
choose important attributes and identify the ones crucial for predicting
cardiovascular disease. They employed these selected features with six distinct
machine-learning algorithms. Each algorithm produced a separate score based on
the chosen features. Notably, the performance of SVM and LR algorithms stood
out as more significant compared to the other algorithms [8]. According to a
study conducted by Sivakannan Subramani et. al (2023), they propose that using
a technique called stacking makes it possible to harness the advantages of
different types of models to achieve better predictive accuracy. The suggested
stacking method enhances prediction performance and boosts resilience and
usefulness, particularly for individuals with a high susceptibility to
cardiovascular disease [35]. Md Manjurul Ahsan and Zahed Siddique explore the
utilization of machine learning (ML) in diagnosing heart disease from
imbalanced data, highlighting the need for real-world applications that
incorporate interpretable ML for reliable predictions. Their review of 49
studies reveals a predominance of Deep Learning and SMOTE for handling
imbalanced datasets, with a growing interest in GAN-based models for synthetic
data generation despite their computational demands. This comprehensive
analysis, based on a meticulous search in the Scopus database, underscores the
potential and existing challenges in ML-driven heart disease diagnosis,
suggesting directions for future research [36]. Another study explores the
intersection of machine learning (ML) and the Internet of Things (IoT) in heart
disease diagnosis through heart sounds, analyzing studies from January 2010 to
July 2021 across six databases. Of the 4,372 papers screened, 58 were
thoroughly reviewed, revealing a significant emphasis on using wearable sensors
and digital stethoscopes for heart rate monitoring, and on the application of
ML algorithms in medical care. The analysis identified a growing trend in the
use of intelligent services for predicting cardiovascular disorders in 22.41%
of these studies [37].
The scientific papers for the study were obtained from the primary
collection of the Scopus database. On May 31, 2023, a search was conducted in
the database using specific terms such as “heart disease”, cardiovascular
disease, heart attack, prediction, and machine learning. The search was refined
to include only journal articles and conference papers published between 1991
and 2023. The data collected from the search were saved as CSV files containing
complete records and references cited in the papers. To analyze the
bibliometric aspects of the data, VOSviewer version 1.6.19 and the Bibloshiny
software is utilized. The key aspects of this investigation are summarized in
Table 1.
1. Essential aspects of the investigation.
Search Query
(TITLE-ABS-KEY ("heart
disease") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ("cardiovascular
disease") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ("heart
attack") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (prediction) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("machine
learning")) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, "ar") OR LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, "cp"))
Main information about data
Sources (Journals, Books, etc)
Annual Growth Rate %
Document Average Age
Average citations per doc
Document Contents
Keywords Plus (ID)
Author's Keywords (DE)
Authors of single-authored docs
Authors Collaboration
Single-authored docs
Co-Authors per Doc
International co-authorships %
Document Types
conference paper
The Scopus database search yielded a collection of 2564 records.
These records encompass journal articles and conference papers that have been
published between the years 1991 and 2023. The publication rate experienced a
significant increase in 2015 and maintained its growth until 2022. To visually
depict the relationship between the publication count and the corresponding
year, the tool Biblioshiny was employed, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
The number
of publications from 1991 to 2023 represented using the tool Biblioshiny. Year
of publication is indicated on the x-axis, while the number of articles is
indicated on the y-axis.
A total of 11,470 authors conducted research on predicting
cardiovascular disease using machine learning. The quantity of articles
published serves as a measure of their research output. Two authors, Liu Y and
Wang Y, have the highest number of publications, with 25 articles credited to
both of them. Liu Y follows closely with 24 articles. Table 2 displays the
publication counts of the most notable authors who have published more than
fifteen articles over time. These authors have established a long-standing
presence in their respective fields, granting them a position of influence.
Figure 2 provides a visual representation of the top ten authors with the
highest productivity from 1991 to 2023. The number of articles written by each
author within a specific time period was utilized to determine their level of
productivity. Figure 3 presents the production of top authors over a period of
time. The size of each circle corresponds to the number of articles published
by the author in a given year. Additionally, the shade of each circle in Figure
2 and 3 represents the number of citations received per year, with darker
circles indicating a higher citation count.
Figure 2. Most Relevant Authors.
Name of the author appears on the x-axis, while the number of
documents appears on the y-axis.
Table 2. Authors having
more than fifteen articles
Li Y
Wang Y
Liu Y
Zhang Y
Wang J
Chen Y
Li J
Zhang H
Liu X
Wang H
Figure 3. Top authors’ production over time.
The year of publication is shown on the x-axis, while the author's
name is mentioned on the y-axis.
A total of 2564 publications were collected from 1150 different
journal sources. Among the journals analyzed, Lecture notes in networks and
systems stood out as the most productive, containing a maximum of 56 articles.
Following closely was Plos One, with 37 publications. Figure 4 displays the top
10 journals that published the highest number of papers in the field of Cardiovascular
disease prediction using machine learning research. Moreover, the color
intensity of each circle signifies the annual citation volume, where darker
shades correspond to a greater number of citations.
Figure 4. The top 10 relevant sources in terms of number of
The number of
articless is displayed on the x-axis, while the sources are depicted on the
Figure 5 illustrates the primary institutions involved in
conducting research on predicting Cardiovascular disease
using machine learning.
Harvard Medical School
emerges as the leading institution with a maximum of 60 research publications,
closely followed by the University of Oxford with 53 publications. Notable
research in this field has also been conducted at Chungbuk National University,
Capital Medical University, and Stanford University, which are among the
affiliated institutions with significant contributions. Furthermore, the
darkness of each circle corresponds to the annual citation count, where darker
circles signify a greater number of citations.
Figure 5. Most relevant affiliations in terms of the number of
The x-axis
lists the total number of publications, while the y-axis lists the pertinent
Sankey diagrams are widely employed to
illustrate the movement of materials in different networks and methods. They
utilize measurable attributes to depict the flow, connections, and transitions.
Sankey charts are weighted graphs that ensure the preservation of flow, where
the inflow weights at each node precisely match the outflow effects. These
diagrams enable the visualization of processes and facilitate the exploration
of relationships [38]. In Biblioshiny, the three-field plot is utilized to
visually represent the connections between information sources, countries,
affiliations, key phrases, prominent authors, citations, author keywords, and
more [39]. Important elements are depicted as colored rectangles, with the
height of the rectangle representing the association between components such as
countries, organizations, sources, significant authors, keywords, etc. The
width of the rectangle indicates the complexity of interactions between
different components, with wider rectangles signifying more intricate
connections [39].
Figure 6 presents an illustration that
explores the interconnections among keywords, authors, and sources in
scientific literature related to the prediction of cardiovascular disease using
machine learning. The study aimed to identify frequently employed keywords in
various publications and determine the authors and sources associated with
them. Among the keywords examined, "machine learning" emerged as the
most commonly used one. The analysis of the top keywords, authors, and sources
revealed several prominent terms, including "machine learning,"
"random forest," "cardiovascular disease," "heart
disease," and "prediction" and notable authors such as Chen Y,
Li Y, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Sharma A, and Gupta A were found to have published their
work in reputable sources like Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine and
Computers in Biology and Medicine.
Figure 6.
Three field plot keyword (left),
author (middle)
and source (right) using Biblioshiny. (DE signifies author keyword, AU
represents the author, and SO denotes the source)
Building a keyword co-occurrence network
involves treating each keyword as a node in the network. Whenever two terms
appear together, they connect those two phrases, symbolizing their association.
The strength of this connection is determined by how frequently the pair of
terms co-occur.
Figure 7 illustrates a word network
that utilizes the co-occurrence of keywords to uncover meaningful connections
and research themes.
Figure 7.
Co-occurrence network generated using Biblioshiny.
Each node in the diagram represents a keyword, and the edges
connecting pairs of nodes represent the co-occurrence of those keywords. The
thickness of an edge indicates how frequently the keywords appear together,
while the size of a node and its label indicate the frequency of occurrence of
a specific keyword. A thicker edge suggests a strong relationship between the
keywords. The color of a node indicates the cluster to which the keyword
belongs. The keywords and their linkages imply that each cluster is associated
with a distinct research area.
figure displays two separate clusters that Biblioshiny dynamically identifies:
a red cluster and a blue cluster. The red cluster primarily encompasses
keywords related to heart disease and its prediction, such as "heart
disease," "predictive model," "risk prediction,"
"coronary artery disease," and "electronic health records."
The blue cluster includes various machine learning algorithms and methods, such
as "neural network," "supervised learning," "decision
trees," and "support vector machines." "Machine
learning" emerges as the central node in the co-occurrence network,
reflecting its predominant presence within the body of literature concerning
the application of computational methods to cardiological data. This node's
prominence, emphasized by its size, denotes a high frequency of occurrence,
signifying the term's relevance and centrality to the field. Adjacent to this
pivotal node, terms such as "heart disease," "predictive
model," "risk prediction," "coronary artery disease,"
and "electronic health records" are also highlighted, showcasing the
specific focus on leveraging machine learning for diagnosing and
prognosticating heart-related conditions. The clustering of these terms
suggests thematic connections that warrant further investigation for a more
nuanced understanding of their interrelationships.
important to note that the separation between the red and blue clusters is not
perfect, as evidenced by the intersection at terms like "neural
network," which appears in both clusters. This overlap indicates areas
where research themes converge, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the
field. The network's edges, varying in thickness, map the strength of the
co-occurrences, with thicker lines illustrating a more frequent association
between terms. This co-occurrence network thus not only serves as a testament
to the interdisciplinary nexus between machine learning and cardiac healthcare
but also aids in identifying prevailing research trends and potential avenues
for future inquiry.
Figure 8. Network Visualization of
co-occurrence using VOSviewer
Figure 8 displays a visual representation where the size of nodes
and font is determined by the weight assigned to a keyword. A higher weight
value indicates more frequent keyword occurrences, resulting in larger nodes
and fonts. The lines connecting the nodes indicate common appearances of
keywords. The thickness of these lines represents the strength of co-occurrence
between two keywords. Thicker lines indicate a higher frequency of co-occurrence.
Figure 8, identifies four clusters. Each cluster encompasses a specific topic,
and a list of keywords associated with each cluster. This elucidates the
interconnectivity between terms within the domain of machine learning and its
application to cardiology. The nodes, varying in size, signify the frequency of
each keyword's occurrence, with larger nodes such as "machine
learning," "female," and "cardiology" indicating a
higher prevalence in the dataset. These keywords act as anchors within their
respective clusters, which are differentiated by color and encapsulate specific
thematic areas. The red cluster prominently features "cardiology,"
"logistic regression," and "decision tree," pointing
towards a strong focus on machine learning algorithms applied to cardiovascular
research. The green cluster encapsulates terms like "female,"
"diabetes mellitus," and "hypertension," suggesting an
emphasis on demographic and clinical factors in machine learning research.
Yellow nodes, with "risk factors" and "blood" as notable
examples, may indicate a concentration on the identification and analysis of
risk factors within medical datasets. Lastly, the blue cluster, highlighted by
"deep neural networks" and "ensemble learning," points
towards a technical focus on sophisticated, often multilayered, machine
learning models. The clear demarcation of clusters underscores the
multidisciplinary nature of the research, bridging complex algorithmic
approaches with practical clinical applications. The connections between nodes,
particularly the thicker lines, denote strong co-occurrences and imply a
substantial cross-disciplinary dialogue. The detailed description of these
clusters within the article will provide readers with a nuanced understanding
of how machine learning is woven into the fabric of contemporary medical
research, particularly within the realm of cardiology, reflecting the current
trends and potential future directions of the field.
Figure 9. Overlay Visualization of
co-occurrence chronology using VOSviewer
examines the occurrence of keywords over different years, providing insights
into the progression and development of research in the field of cardiovascular
disease prediction using machine learning. Figure 9 displays a visual
representation of this chronological view. The color of the lines connecting
the keywords signifies the initial occurrence of their co-occurrence, where
blue represents earlier years and yellow represents more recent years. This
color-coding helps identify when specific keywords began to appear together in
the literature. When terms span the entire time range, their colors might
blend, indicating their persistent relevance over time. The thickness of the
lines indicates the strength and frequency of co-occurrence between the two
keywords. Thicker lines represent stronger and more frequent connections. By
examining these visual cues, insights into the progression of research can be
gained. For instance, earlier co-occurrences (shown in blue) highlight
foundational concepts and methodologies like "random forest" and
"logistic regression." More recent co-occurrences (shown in yellow)
highlight emerging trends and advanced techniques such as "deep
learning," "genetic algorithms," and the impact of "COVID-19"
on cardiovascular disease prediction research.
10 illustrates the key phrases that are commonly utilized and their respective
frequencies, as identified by the biblioshiny software. The highest ten
keywords were as follows: "machine learning (1859)", "diseases
(1088)", "cardiology (968)", "human (922)",
"forecasting (879)", "female (810)", "article (807)",
"male (793)", "heart disease (782)", and
"cardiovascular disease (758)".
Figure 10. The most frequently used keywords. The x-axis
represents the number of publications and the y-axis represents the keywords
Figure 11 and Figure 12 depict the authors' keywords and keywords
plus, represented in a word cloud. Authors' keywords are chosen by the
researchers to directly reflect the central themes or concepts of their study,
ensuring that their work can be easily found and recognized for its main
In contrast, Keywords Plus are
generated by the indexing algorithms of academic databases, based on the titles
of cited articles. This extends the article's reach by connecting it with a
wider array of related topics and themes, thereby enhancing its discoverability.
The purpose of using a word cloud to analyze the articles
is to examine the frequently appearing phrases, focusing on those areas for
analysis. A word cloud converts text input into identifiable terms, typically
short ones, where their size in the cloud indicates their relative importance.
This facilitates connections between the main keywords, which are distributed
among the most significant terms such as "machine learning,"
"cardiology," "cardiovascular disease," "heart
disease," "forecasting," and so on. In elucidating the mechanism
through which word clouds facilitate connections among keywords, it becomes
apparent that their effectiveness is rooted in a combination of visual cues and
cognitive processes. The differing font sizes employed in word clouds serve not
just as an aesthetic choice but as a visual indicator of frequency, with larger
sizes denoting higher frequency terms. This feature immediately highlights the
most significant themes within the dataset, guiding the viewer's attention to
key areas of interest. While the spatial arrangement of words—particularly
their proximity and potential grouping—can vary across different word cloud
generators, when applied, this arrangement subtly suggests relationships
between terms that frequently appear together, offering insights into thematic clusters.
Moreover, the aggregation of keywords into a single visual tableau facilitates
a direct comparison of their relative prominence, prompting further inquiry
into their interrelations and the broader thematic contours they outline. In
academic contexts, this visualization strategy proves invaluable. By
amalgamating authors' chosen keywords with the automatically generated Keywords
Plus, word clouds not only spotlight the central themes of a study but also map
out a wider landscape of related topics, thereby broadening the viewer's
perspective. This visualization capitalizes on the human propensity to process
and interpret visual information efficiently, making word clouds a powerful
tool for uncovering and understanding the complex web of connections that
define the thematic structure of a body of research.
Figure 11.
A Visualized Word cloud
of authors’ keywords
Figure 12.
A Visualized Word
cloud of keywords plus field
Bibliometrix employs network analysis, correspondence analysis
(CA), and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) to examine phrases found in
articles' titles, abstracts, and keywords. CA and MCA visually represent the
conceptual organization in separate planes [40]. By utilizing multiple
correspondence analysis, a framework of the field is created to identify groups
of articles sharing similar concepts, and these findings are displayed on a
two-dimensional network. MCA's conceptual structure map encompasses all keywords
while considering network uniformity [40].
Figure 13 illustrates the categorization of typical keywords into
two distinct groups. The blue cluster encompasses terms related to machine
learning and cardiovascular disease, including techniques such as logistic
regression, support vector machines, and random forests, as well as
applications in cardiology like heart disease diagnosis and classification of
information. This cluster highlights a focus on the development and application
of computational technologies to improve disease diagnosis, prediction, and
classification. In contrast, the red cluster includes keywords associated with
the evaluative and methodological aspects of clinical research, such as risk
assessment, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, controlled studies, and evaluation
metrics like sensitivity and specificity. This cluster emphasizes the
concentration on assessing risk factors and validating diagnostic methods in
clinical studies. The interconnections within each cluster, represented by lines
of varying thickness, denote the strength and frequency of keyword
co-occurrence, with thicker lines indicating stronger associations. The
proximity of keywords within the clusters further illustrates their conceptual
relatedness, emphasizing the integration of machine learning techniques with
cardiology applications in the blue cluster and the methodological rigor of
clinical research in the red cluster. This map effectively distills the field
into two primary domains: technological advancements and applications of
machine learning in cardiology, and clinical evaluation and risk assessment
methodologies, highlighting the dual nature of research in this area.
Figure 13. Structure map developed from the multiple
correspondence analysis using Biblioshiny software.
The data was utilized to generate a detailed representation of
co-authorship density using VOSviewer software. This visualization showcases
countries as circles, and the size of each circle corresponds to the number of
scientific publications they have contributed to the field of cardiovascular
disease prediction using machine learning. The proximity between circles
reflects the level of co-authorship collaboration among countries, with closer
circles indicating stronger connections.
visualization was intended to highlight the most prominent countries in terms
of publication volume and collaboration in the field. As such, not all 61
countries are displayed with equal prominence; this results in some countries
with fewer contributions appearing less visibly or not at all in the
co-authorship density map.
Figure 14
presents a visual depiction of the data gathered from a study encompassing
multiple countries. The data was obtained by tallying the number of
publications produced by 126 countries, resulting in a total of 2,564
publications. The minimum and maximum number of countries that contributed to
each paper was 5, and 61 countries met the prerequisite.
Through the mapping process, nine clusters were identified,
containing a total of 61 items distributed as follows: cluster 1 (12 items),
cluster 2 (9 items), cluster 3 (8 items), clusters 4 and 5 (7 items), cluster 6
(6 items), clusters 7 and 8 (5 items), and cluster 9 (2 items). After
investigation, it was discovered that the United States had the highest overall
link strength, reaching 378, with 427 articles and 8,434 citations. With an
absolute link strength of 204 and 120 papers, the United Kingdom came in
second. India had the most documents (1,008) with a link strength of 177 and
7,307 citations.
United States appears to be the largest node, implying it has the highest
number of collaborations. Other prominent nodes include China, India, and
several European countries such as Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The
proximity of nodes to each other might reflect the frequency or intensity of
collaborations between these countries.
Figure 14. Network visualization of the co-authorship of countries
generated using VOSviewer.
The illustration provides a graphic
representation of interconnected sources relevant to the prognosis of
cardiovascular disease using machine learning. Of the 1150 sources that
published articles on this topic, only 92 met the necessary criteria. These
criteria included selecting sources that had published a minimum of five
articles and employing a comprehensive full counting method to assess their
relevance. By mapping this network, we can visualize the connections and
relationships between research articles and their sources. The total strength
of the bibliographic coupling links among the 92 sources has been calculated.
The highest value obtained for the total link strength (TLS) from these sources
was 7090 TLS. Using this value, the sources were divided into six clusters,
consisting of 92 items in total. The distribution of items across the clusters
is as follows: the first cluster contains 24 items, the second cluster has 19
items, the third and fourth clusters each contain 16 items, the fifth cluster
contains 15 items, and the last cluster has two items. Furthermore, the data
presented reveals that the highest combined link strength achieved was 1095.
This involved 33 articles that received a total of 1638 citations from the
journal "IEEE Access," positioning it at the top. The journal
"Lecture Notes in networks and Systems" followed in second place with
682 combined link strengths from 56 research articles. These findings suggest a
significant collaboration between these two journals in publishing academic
papers, as depicted in Figure 15.
Figure 15. VOSviewer network visualization of the bibliographic
coupling with sources.
Figure 16 illustrates the relationship
between bibliographic coupling and various countries in the context of
cardiovascular disease prediction using machine learning research. Bibliographic
coupling occurs when two research publications reference the same set of prior
works, thereby establishing a conceptual link between them. This linkage
suggests that the studies are potentially related in their subject matter or
methodology. In our visualization, these links are represented by lines
connecting country nodes, with the thickness of a line corresponding to the
number of shared references, thereby indicating the strength of the
bibliographic relationship. A denser cluster of lines between countries
signifies a higher degree of intellectual exchange and thematic overlap in the
realm of cardiovascular disease prediction using machine learning. This measure
provides a proxy for the extent to which researchers in different countries are
engaged in dialogues or debates central to this specialized field. A total of
126 countries participated in publishing academic papers, and among them, 62
countries surpassed the threshold of five publications. Consequently, the
figure displays nine distinct clusters comprising a combined total of 62 items.
Specifically, cluster 1 consists of 18 items, cluster 2 contains 13 items,
cluster 3 has 8 items, cluster 4 contains 7 items, clusters 5 and 6 both have 6
items, cluster 7 has 2 items, while clusters 8 and 9 each consist of only one
item. Within these clusters, India emerges as the country with the highest
number of bibliographic coupling links, amounting to 35,773 occurrences. India
achieved this through 1,008 documents that garnered 7,307 citations. The United
States follows closely with 26,639 bibliographic coupling links across 427
documents, which received 8,434 citations. With India having the highest number
of bibliographic coupling links, it suggests that Indian researchers are
extensively citing a broad range of research that aligns with the work of many
other countries. Thus, India would be central to the network, indicating strong
collaborative ties with various countries within its cluster. The United
States has fewer documents than India, the high number of citations can suggest
that its research is highly referenced, potentially indicating quality or
impactful research that is recognized and used by other countries. This pattern
of bibliographic coupling suggests that there is a substantial degree of
research interdependency between India and the United States, as each country
frequently builds upon the research findings of the other within the field of
cardiovascular disease prediction using machine learning.
Figure 16. VOSviewer network visualization of the bibliographic coupling
with countries.
A total of 2564 entries were found in the Scopus database search,
encompassing publications released between 1991 and 2023. The publication rate
exhibited a noteworthy increase starting from 2015 and continued to grow until
2022. This growth in publication count over the years indicates a growing
interest and activity in the field covered by the database.
The field of predicting cardiovascular disease using machine
learning has a robust research community with numerous prolific authors. The
high publication counts and consistent presence of certain authors indicate
their influential positions within the field, while the visual representations
provide insights into their productivity and impact over time. Two authors, Liu
Y and Wang Y, stand out with the highest number of publications, each credited
with 25 articles. Liu Y closely follows with 24 articles.
Among the analyzed journals, Lecture notes in networks and systems
and Plos One emerged as the most productive, with 56 and 37 publications
respectively, indicating their active involvement in publishing research in
this field. In terms of institutions involved in this research, Harvard Medical
School takes the lead with 60 research publications, closely followed by the
University of Oxford with 53 publications. This suggests that these
institutions have been actively conducting research on predicting
cardiovascular disease. Affiliated institutions Stanford University,
Chungbuk National University, and Capital Medical University have also made
substantial contributions to the research in this area. The material shows a
strong academic interest in cardiovascular disease prediction research, with
numerous journals and institutes actively working to advance our understanding
and knowledge in this field.
"Machine learning" was found to be the most commonly used
keyword in the review of scholarly literature pertaining to the prediction of
cardiovascular disease using machine learning. This indicates that machine
learning techniques are widespread in studies aimed at predicting
cardiovascular disease. The analysis of the most popular authors, phrases, and
sources also revealed several well-known concepts, including "random
forest," "cardiovascular disease," "heart disease,"
and "prediction." These concepts are pertinent to the subject matter
and extensively covered in the literature. Many well-known authors, including
Chen Y, Li Y, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Sharma A, and Gupta A, were also discovered to
have published their work in respected journals, including Frontiers in
Cardiovascular Medicine and Computers in Biology and Medicine. This indicates
that these authors have made significant contributions to the field and their
research is well-regarded in the scientific community.
The use of word clouds allows researchers to visualize and
prioritize the most important terms, enabling them to focus on specific areas
of interest, such as machine learning in cardiology and forecasting of
diseases, including cardiovascular and heart diseases. The categorization of
keywords using Multiple Correspondence Analysis into two clusters may indicate
that there are different themes or areas of focus within the broader topic
being discussed. Cluster 1 seems to revolve around machine learning techniques
applied to medical fields, particularly in relation to cardiovascular diseases
and diagnosis. Cluster 2 encompasses a broader range of methodologies,
including both statistical and computational approaches, rather than solely
focusing on traditional statistical analysis and study design.
The United States, United Kingdom, and India were prominent
contributors in terms of link strength, document count, and citations. Additionally,
the United States stood out as a leading collaborator in research on
cardiovascular disease prediction. There is a network of interconnected sources
focused on cardiovascular disease prediction. The clustering and distribution
of items indicate varying degrees of collaboration and importance among the
sources. The dominance of "IEEE Access" and the collaboration with
"Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems" suggest the influence of
these journals in publishing academic papers related to cardiovascular disease
prediction using machine learning.
India and the United States have a strong collaboration in
cardiovascular disease prediction research. According to the statistics, India
has the most bibliographic coupling relationships, demonstrating a strong
connection between Indian researchers and those in other nations. Given that
they have the most bibliographic coupling relationships out of all the nations
discussed, India and the United States' cooperation particularly stands out.
Additionally, the data shows that India and the United States have produced an
enormous number of scholarly works in this area, with India contributing 1,008
documents and the United States contributing 427 documents. These articles have
also attracted an impressive number of citations indicating their significance
and impact on the scholarly community.
The paper "Visualizing the Impact of Machine Learning on
Cardiovascular Disease Prediction: A Comprehensive Analysis of Research
Trends" provides information on the advancement and significance of
machine learning-based heart disease prediction research. The study offers
vital insights into the development of the field, research themes, significant
publications and authors, collaboration networks, and research impact through a
detailed bibliometric analysis. According to the study, there has been a
noticeable rise in papers discussing machine learning-based cardiac disease
prediction, showing a growing need for this type of study. The analysis shows
the numerous areas researchers have concentrated on by categorizing the
research subjects, including feature selection, classification techniques, data
preprocessing, and model evaluation. Researchers can use this information to
help them decide which crucial topics to investigate further. The study also
reveals collaboration networks among sources and nations, highlighting the
value of multidisciplinary study and knowledge exchange. For academics,
practitioners, and policymakers, its findings provide insightful information
that helps identify essential study areas, unique works, collaborative
opportunities, and viable directions for further development of machine
learning algorithms for heart disease prediction.
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