Increasing crew
situational awareness is a guarantee of flight safety. Today's modern civilian
aircraft have advanced vision systems. Such system includes an infrared camera
that captures images of the cockpit view in the front hemisphere, and a
processing unit, that receives the video signal and displays it on the pilot’s
multifunctional display. Thermal infrared sensor provides the display of
visible objects and terrain in limited vision and night conditions.
The disadvantages
of an improved vision system with infrared sensor include difficulties in
interpretation thermal image. Since thermal radiation of objects may change
within the weather, their appearance on the frame of the improved vision system
can vary significantly from the time of day to time of year. For example, the
runway may be light against a dark background on sunny days and dark against
light during rain. To make it easier for the pilot to detect the visual
landmarks seems advisable to pre-process the frame of the improved vision
system in order to convert the infrared image into the visible range.
In this paper, we consider
a method to convert monochrome thermal images into color images of the visible
range. The method uses a modified version of the generative-adversarial network
ColorMatchGAN. The network architecture is presented. For training and testing
the network, a training sample was collected using the DJI Mavic PRO quadcopter
(UAV), equipped with visible and far-infrared cameras. The method of
semi-automatic combination of visible and infrared frames is presented. The
modified ColorMatchGAN is trained on the collected sample. Testing was carried
out on an independent sample of 400 frames.
vision-based situational awareness systems have been widely adopted over the
past decade [2, 11]. The most widely used systems based on far-infrared sensors
(8-14 μm), which provide an overview of the cockpit in the direction of
movement of the aircraft [2, 11]. Such systems are commonly called improved
vision systems. The main quality criteria for improved vision systems are the
detection range of the runway and obstacles on its surface or in the air.
Various algorithms for improving image quality are proposed to increase the
detection range of objects [7].
the significant increase in situational awareness provided by modern improved
vision systems, interpretation of thermal images can cause significant
difficulties for the crew. It is advisable to pre-process the thermal image,
which predicts the colors of the object composition and background to
facilitate the interpretation of the observed scene. Over the past five years,
neural network image processing methods based on generative-adversarial neural
networks have been actively developed [3, 4]. The basic idea of a generative-adversarial
approach is to train two competing networks: generator G and discriminator D.
generator's goal is to learn the given distribution of images B ⊂ R W
×H×C and learn how to reproduce it based on the noise vector z or
the input image A. The purpose of the discriminator is the binary
classification of the input image into classes: «real» and «model». «Real»
images B ∈ B
belongs to the output images. The «model» images B̂ are the result of the
operation of the generator network G. The adversarial loss function imposes a
fine on the network generator if the network discriminator correctly classifies
images B̂ with the «model» class. Thus, the network generator is trying to
build the most plausible images of B̂ to confuse the network
recent years, a number of works have been proposed to transform the spectral
range of images based on generative-adversarial neural networks [1, 5, 10]. In
this paper, we consider a modification of ColorMatchGAN architecture [5]to
predict color images from thermal images.
purpose of this method is to transform the input image A ∈ R W
×H from far-infrared into the color image B ∈ R
W×H×3 of the visible spectrum. Required transformation G: A →
B̂ is implemented using a modified generator network based on
ColorMatchGAN[5] architecture. This section discusses conditional generative adversarial
neural networks that underlie the developed method. A modified network
architecture and training sample preparation technique are presented.
architecture. Generative-adversarial networks use [3] the
adversarial loss function to reduce the likelihood of over-fitting the network.
Generative-adversarial networks create an image B for a given random noise
vector z, G : z → B̂ [3, 4]. Conditional generative-competitive
networks receive additional information A in addition to the vector z, G: {A,
z} → B̂. Usually, A is an image that is transformed by a generative
model G. The discriminative model is trained to distinguish between “real”
images from the target domain B from “fake” B̂ created by the generator.
Both models are trained simultaneously. The discriminative model creates an
adversarial loss that causes the generator to produce “fake” B images that
cannot be distinguished from “real” B. ColorMatchGAN [5] network architecture
includes generator U-Net [8] and discriminator PatchGAN [4]. ColorMatchGAN
network architecture is presented on Figure 1.

Figure 1:
ColorMatchGAN network architecture.
vector T is based on a histogram of a “real” image converted to the LAB color
space, where L expresses lightness and AB express color tone. From a
one-dimensional matrix Z = ln(flat(HabT) + 1),
where Hab is a two-dimensional histogram of AB from LAB, T
matrix was formed, where every element is a copy of Z. Matrix A, being a
single channel input image, is concatenated with matrix T and fed
forward to ColorMatchGAN neural network.
LEART training set was used to train the modified network architecture [6].
This sample was collected using a DJI Mavic PRO UAV, equipped with an
integrated visible camera, and an additional far-infrared camera (8-14 μm)
MH-SM576-6 with a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels. A general view of the
UAV is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: View of
the Mavic PRO UAV with cameras of visible and infrared range.
the camera of the visible range is mounted on a gyro-stabilized suspension, and
the thermal imaging camera is rigidly connected to the body, there is a dynamic
discrepancy between color and thermal imaging images. A technique has been
developed for the semi-automatic combinations of images of two ranges to
eliminate the geometric discrepancy. The technique of combining images of two
ranges is based on the use of a homography matrix.

Let (xv
, yv) – be the point in the image of the visible range and (xt
, yt) – be the point in the thermal image in the same
physical place. Then the homography H connects them as follows

If the
parameters of the homography matrix are known, then you can find the transition
from a given point in the image in the visible range (xv , yv)
to the corresponding point (xt , yt) in the
infrared image. To calculate the homography matrix, it is necessary to know at
least four corresponding points in two images.
the process of automatically arranging pairs of points on all frames of a video
sequence is a laborious process. It is proposed to use the tracking of points
between frames using cross-correlation to automate the task. Four corresponding
points are placed on the first frame of the video sequence and are tracked
until they are visible in the camera’s field of view.
Coordinates (
) each
point, on each frame i, are placed into an array. After that, for each element
of the resulting array, the frame of the visible range is converted to the
infrared frame.
proposed technique was implemented as a script in Python. To track the
corresponding points, we used the Blender 3D modeling package API. Examples
from the training set are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3:
Examples from the LAERT training sample.
images to LAB color space. To train the network, we used the LAB
color space, in which lightness is measured along the L axis (in the range from
0 to 100%), displaying the spectral reflection coefficient, the red-green hue
is measured along the a axis, and the yellow-blue hue along the b axis (in the
range from -120 to +120). To convert an RGB image to LAB, you must first
convert the image to the XYZ color space.
After translating
the image to XYZ, translate it to LAB color space

the task of converting a monochrome infrared image to color is incorrect, an
additional vector of information of the color palette is required to ensure the
stability of color prediction. A two-dimensional histogram of the color
frequencies in the Lab color space is constructed to calculate this vector. It
is known that, on average, colors often converge to gray in the picture, to
increase the branch of saturated colors, the logarithm of the histogram occurs.
Examples of constructed two-dimensional histograms in the Lab color space and
the original images are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4:
Histograms in Lab space (right), converted to input vector T, constructed from
visible range images (left)
Dataset Generation Using
Unreal Engine 4 Game Engine
disadvantage of the LAERT training sample is a small variety of weather
conditions and objects. Augmentation was performed using Unreal Engine 4
software to expand the training sample. Based on the survey data from the UAV,
the construction of a large-scale orthophotoplane and three-dimensional models
of objects using Agisoft Photoscan software prepared textures of the visible
and far-infrared range.
three-dimensional models recovered with Agisoft have been edited with Blender
software. The resulting scene was imported into the Unreal Engine 4, and the
lighting was adjusted (an example of the settings is shown in figure 5). A
camera movement scenario has been created that simulates movement on the
surface of an ellipse of a given radius. 5000 pairs of images in the visible
and infrared ranges from arbitrary angles were formed using the script. Figure
6 shows an example of visible and infrared images taken from the same angle.

Figure 5: Scene
lighting adjusting in UE4 for visible (left) and infrared (right) ranges

Figure 6: Visible
and infrared images taken from the same angle
was trained on the independent test sub-sample of the LAERT training dataset,
using the PyTorch library. In training, NVIDIA 1080 Ti graphics processor was
used. The training process took 76 hours for generator G and discriminator D.
To optimize the network, we used the Adam gradient descent algorithm with an
initial learning rate of 0.0002 and moment parameters β 1 = 0.5, β 2
= 0.999, similarly to [4].
results of the experimental testing of the network are shown in Figures 7 and
8. A qualitative comparison of the results shows that the ColorMatchGAN network
provides an increase in the quality of predicted color images. Quantitative
testing using the LPIPS metric [9] shows that the distance between true color
images and the ColorMatchGAN prediction is less than the similar distance for
images predicted by the pix2pix neural network by 20%.

Figure 7: Experimental
results for network testing on the LAERT dataset.

Figure 8: Results
of experimental network testing on a ThermalWorld VOC dataset [10].
method of converting images of the far-infrared range into color images of the
visible range is considered. The proposed method is based on generative
adversarial neural networks. Developed and implemented as a Python script for
the PyTorch library is a modification of the ColorMatchGAN network
architecture. The proposed modification consists in the transition to the color
space Lab to increase the uniform convergence of the learning process.
Processing of multispectral training sample LAERT for synchronization and
geometrical combination of frames of visible and infrared range is made. A
training sample of 4000 frames and an independent test sample of 400 frames
were formed.
The reported study was funded by the
Russian Science Foundation (RSF) according to the research project ¹
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