The most common feature of modern optical measurements obtained with stereoscopic
and tomographic systems, is the viewing angle of registries. Examples are
measurement systems using stereoscopic and tomographic PIV and other
correlation methods [1, 2]. Optical measurement systems in which the object
plane is not perpendicular to the optical system axis, to obtain high-quality
images require appropriate correction, which is carried out in accordance with
the Scheimpflug principle [3]. Due to the proliferation of multichannel
measuring systems, the Scheimpflug correction application is increased. The related
works often suggest this correction to significantly extend the depth of field
[4-6], while the work [6] clarifies that the term depth of field does not mean
the full depth of field of the optical system, but only the depth of field of
the scanning laser, i.e. part of the measuring system. In [7] it is reported
that in accordance with the Scheimpflug principle, the studied flow section
focuses on the CCD matrix in the best way, but it’s not specified what is meant.
Taking into account that in modern optical measuring systems one of the
advantages is the possibility of using a non diffraction-limited optics, it is
important to study the influence of Scheimpflug correction on the depth of field
in real optical systems.
In case of obtaining an oblique object image with focus on the center of
the object plane, the depth of field is obtained for the peripheral part of the
frame.. The use of Scheimpflug correction allows to expand the sharpness area in
comparison with the images obtained without correction. It is obvious that within
the sharpness area of the frame, the spatial resolution is higher than outside
it. Despite the fact that it is difficult to take into account all the
measurements error components performed by correlation methods, it can be
assumed that within the image area with a higher resolution, the measurements
error will be less.
In this paper we propose a method for visualizing the sharpness area in
order to localize the measurement area with potentially higher accuracy. The correlation
methods often employ limiting the region of interest (ROI). This makes it
possible to significantly increase the processing speed, as well as to avoid
the appearance of erroneous vectors that appear outside the zone of the studied
flow when processing experimental images. Visualizing the sharpness area allows
you to determine the size and position of the ROI if it can be limited to the
sharpest image area.
To estimate the dependence of the depth of field on the matrix tilt angle,
a series of experiments was conducted. The scheme of the experimental setup is
shown in figure 1. The background 1, mounted on the rotation platform 2,
is illuminated by incoherent radiation. A black background with white circles
evenly distributed in a staggered order was used. Its format is A3, the circle diameter
is 4 mm and the distance between the circles centers is 10 mm. Background image
is formed by the lens 3 on the matrix of the digital video camera 5.
Rotation of the sensor plane relative to the optical axis was carried out using
the Scheimpflug adapter 4. Measurements were carried out for the object
distance of 1500 mm, which corresponds to thirty focal lengths. In this case it
is possible to obtain background images with a noticeable difference between
the sharp center of the frame and the unsharp periphery. The value of the
viewing angle was changing from 0° to 40° with increments 5°. The matrix tilt angle
was changing from 0° to 10° with increments of 2°. The experiment used a video
camera Videoscan 285 USB with monochrome CCD-matrix Sony ICX285AL [8],
the image from the camera via USB interface is transmitted to a personal
computer 6. To ensure rotation the camera and not the lens by rotating
the adapter screw, the adapter was fixed on an unmovable base 7, which
like a rotation platform 2, mounted on an optical rail 8. This
ensures the intersection of the background rotation axis and the camera matrix
axis with the optical system axis. In this research a lens with a fixed focal
length Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm 1:1.8 D and the adapter LaVision Scheimpflug Mount
version 3 was used.

Fig. 1 Scheme of background images registration
The modulation transfer coefficient (contrast)
was selected as a criterion of sharpness change. The background central part is
displayed by the optical system with a higher quality, i.e. more sharply. The periphery
sharpness is significantly worse at the background, which is expressed not only
in spots blurring but also an intensity decreasing. The variation between
maximum and minimum intensity values is decreased. The contrast can be
expressed as the ratio of the difference between the maximum and minimum signal
intensities to their sum. In present case, the contrast will not be constant
across the field. Figure 2 shows an example of a background image and its fragments:
the central and peripheral parts of the frame.

Fig. 2 An example of a background image: α =
10°, q = 40°
The analyzed image is divides into rectangular windows of size 58 ×
52 pixels. For a chip size of 1392 × 1040 effective pixels we get 24
× 20 = 480 windows without overlap. Further, the windows are processed in
order from left to right, from top to bottom, starting from the top left. Within
each window the maximum and minimum values of the signal are determined and their
arithmetic mean is calculated. The mean is a threshold, the signal values above
which will be written to the maximum values vector, and below – to the minimum
values vector. The average value of the light and dark pixels vectors is computed.
Then the image contrast within the window is calculated by the standard formula
When the contrast was
determined for each window, it is possible to visualize the distribution of
contrast across the frame. Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the contrast
distribution visualization algorithm. In this research the implementation of
the algorithm was performed in Mathcad.

Fig. 3 The contrast distribution visualization
Figure 4 shows examples distributions of contrast for a background at
viewing angle of 10º and 40º obtained at the matrix tilt angle of
Fig. 4 The distributions of the contrast
The boundaries of the sharpness area are parallel to the camera matrix
rotation axis, in this case – almost vertically. With the background rotation
angle increase sharpness area width is reduced. By setting the contrast
threshold value for the resulting distributions sharpness area size can be estimated.
Figure 5 shows the dynamics of the sharpness area width changing with
increasing matrix plane tilting for different values of the object plane
tilting angle.



q = 0°
q = 5°
q = 10°



q = 15°
q = 20°
q = 25°



q = 30°
q = 35°
q = 40°
Fig. 5 Dynamics of sharpness area changes when the
matrix plane tilting at the angle range from 0° to 10°
As the sharpness area width is narrowed, both the matrix tilting and at
large the viewing angles are increased. The uneven distribution of contrast on
the frames is obtained at the normal position of the screen (q = 0°). This is due to the uneven illumination of the
background. Due to much illumination of the upper right corner of the image,
the contrast is reduced, which is well confirmed by the visualization results.
It can also be seen that when the background is tilted at 40°, the contrast decreases across the
field of view. However, the tendency to narrow the sharpness area as the matrix
tilting plane increases is also observed for these images. The border of the
background screen is also visualized on the right on these contrast
distributions. The area with low contrast at the bottom of the frame
corresponds to the image of the metal ruler used for the calibration scale.
Thus, at this stage of the research the following disadvantages of the
proposed methodology for estimation the size and position of the sharpness area
were identified: sensitivity to the light distribution on the frame and to the
overall illumination change during measurements. Also, the type of adapter used
in the research does not provide the camera positioning with the required
accuracy: about 0.4° for
every 10° tilt background. To estimate the
dependence of the sharpness area size on the relative position of the object
plane and the image one without taking into account the negative influence of
these factors, a computer simulation of the stereoscopic system measuring arm
was performed.
A lens with a focal length of 52 mm was chosen for optical part of the simulation
of the stereoscopic system measurement. The aperture diaphragm is located
between the second and third lenses. The simulation was performed for three
wavelengths: 450 nm, 550 nm and 650 nm. Primary wavelength is 550 nm. Figure 6
schematically shows the rays’ path. Distributions were obtained for the object
distance A = 500 mm and aperture f ¢/8.

Fig. 6 The rays’ path in the optical system with
the image plane tilt: q = 40°, a = 5°
Range of viewing angles was 0° - 40° with increments of 5°. For each value of the viewing angle q according to the formula [5]

the corresponding angle
of the image plane tilt a was
calculated, which provides the maximum degree of image correction for this
configuration. The calculation results are shown in table 1.
Table 1 Image plane tilting angles for relative object
distance A/f '
= 9.5.
q, °
a, °
The Image Simulation was used to synthesize background images. At first three
series images was synthesized for the same background: a) the viewing angle q changes from 0° to 40° with increments of
5° without Scheimpflug correction (α = 0°); b) the background was located normal to the
optical axis, the sensor tilting angle a changes from 0° to 10° in 1° increments; c) the
viewing angle q changes from 0° to
40° with increments of 5° with Scheimpflug correction (table. 1). To obtain the
contrast distribution, the synthesized images were processed by the method
described above. Examples of synthesized images and visualization results are
shown in figure 7.
Fig. 7 Examples of synthesized images (left) and
corresponding contrast distributions (right)
a) q = 40°, a = 0°; b) q = 0°, a = 8°; c) q= 40°, a = 5°
The synthesized images were obtained taking into account the lens
residual aberrations and the detector settings corresponding to the chip
ICX285AL parameters: size of square pixel is 6.45 µm; the number of pixels is
1392 × 1040. It is visually difficult to distinguish the images shown at fig.
7 left, however, further processing allows you to visualize areas of the frame
that are displayed sharply. The sharpness area, as in the case of real
background images, is oriented parallel to the background rotation axis and,
accordingly, the image rotation axis. The boundaries of this area can be recognized
by a rapid transition from a higher level of contrast to a lower one. For
example, in Fig. 7b there is a sharp transition from yellow to blue. It was suggested
that the local contrast level decrease in the frame center occurs due to the
background structure.
The contrast
distribution examples are a good illustrated the following:
the sharpness area
is decreased for both the background tilting and the image plane tilting;
the size of
sharpness area for the same viewing angle is increased if the Scheimpflug
correction is carried out;
however, it was not
possible to significantly expand the sharpness area of the image at the same
angles in accordance with the Scheimpflug principle, despite theory predicts
To clarify the degree of influence of the background structure, two
series of the dot background images (dot pattern) were synthesized for the same
optical system model: with and without Scheimpflug correction. Background
images were processed in the same way. The dynamics of changes the background
images and contrasts distributions are shown in fig. 8. The contrast decreases
with increasing observation angle. At low angles, the sharpness area is not
rectangular, but has an elliptical shape, a large half-axis oriented parallel
to the rotation axis. It was suggested that this is due to an image quality
loss from the center field of view to the periphery due to lens aberrations.
Fig. 8 Dynamics of changing the background images
(top) and contrast distribution (bottom) with increasing viewing angle for the
dot pattern with Scheimpflug correction (left) and without one (right)
It should be taken into account that the oblique objects image taking images
cease to be symmetrical with respect to the optical axis and differs for the
two halves of the pupil, symmetrical with respect to the object plane rotation
axis. In Fig. 9 the field of view of the simulated optical system is shown. The
round field of view given by the lens is limited by the rectangular aperture of
the detector. The rotation axis is vertical and passes through of the field of
view center.

Fig. 9 Fields of view for which the point spread
function (PSF) changes are shown further (Footprint Diagram)
Fig. 10 shows the displacement dynamics of the traces intersection of the
rays with the image plane for increasing viewing angles. Fig. 11 and fig. 12
shows the PSF dynamics for the edge (± 17°) and the half (± 8.5°) of
the field of view in a direction perpendicular to the background and the image
plane rotation axis. PSF were obtained for primary wavelength 550 nm. For other
wavelengths of the visible range, a similar pattern is observed with small
changes due to chromatic aberrations. In the integral light spots,
respectively, are larger, and their structure is more difficult.

Fig. 10 Dynamics of the Footprint Diagram changes
with viewing angle increasing
For the half of the field of view (fig. 11) it is demonstrated that
during viewing angle increasing the Scheimpflug correction provides almost
unchanged as well image structure as the Strehl ratio. Without correction, the
point image structure is almost unchanged, but the image is shifted in
accordance with the direction of background rotation.
Fig. 11 PSF changes dynamics for the field of view
of ±8.5°: with Scheimpflug correction (top) and
without correction (bottom)
For the field of view edge (fig. 12) PSF becomes significantly different
for field points symmetric about the rotation axis. As the viewing angle
increases, the spots pattern changes greatly and the Scheimpflug correction
does not allow refining the image quality. All the above images clearly show
aberrations coma and distortions. For comparison, fig. 13 shows PSF for the
field of view center, it is a classical diffraction image with a central core
and several concentric rings of low intensity. The Strehl ratio 0.856 also
corresponds to the diffraction quality. For the vertical axis, the image
quality will not change as the background is rotated. Since contrast
distributions were obtained for the whole field of view, including at extreme
field angles, it was not possible to obtain a large sharpness area even in the
case of Scheimpflug correction.
Fig. 12 PSF changes dynamics for the field of view
of ±17°: with Scheimpflug correction (top) and
without correction (bottom)
Numerical and physical modeling of the measuring arm of a stereoscopic
optical system was performed. The algorithm of the sharpness area visualization
on contrast distribution across the background image is offered.
The method of the sharpness area size estimation on contrast distribution
has a few disadvantages: sensitivity to the level of illumination, as well as
to the choice of the contrast threshold below which the image is considered to
be blurred. In [9], the authors proposed a method for the sharpness area size
estimation on changing the images columns standard deviation from the first one
in the direction perpendicular to the matrix rotation axis. Combining this two
methods can improve the accuracy of the sharpness area estimation.
The results obtained for the same background on computer and physical
models are qualitatively the same. The structure of the background influences on
the distribution of contrast. The use of a small-scale irregular image as a background
revealed another factor that has a significant influence on the contrast
distribution in the presence of significant optical aberrations in the system,
and thus characterizes the depth of field, namely – the image quality given by
the lens. The results of the physical experiment and computer simulation can be
treated as the approximation of the real optical system taking into account the
distribution of aberrations on the field of view.
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