the use of machine learning and deep learning methods based on convolutional
neural networks has become one of the main directions in computer processing
and analysis of medical images [1, 2]. However, this technique also has a
number of shortcomings (tight dependency of the solution to the dataset on
which the neural network was trained and the unpredictability of diagnostic
results even with a slight deviation from this dataset, lack of solution justifications
with standard medical criteria, insufficient quality control of the used images,
insufficient dependency analysis of diagnostic results on the level of image
artifacts). Thus, the development of hybrid methods for processing and
analyzing medical images, that use both machine-learning methods and the
classical methods of mathematical image processing, becomes very important as
they allow to significantly help in solving the above problems.
the idea of these hybrid methods is quite new, a number of examples of such
algorithms can be found in literature. In [3] a hybrid approach uniting a
convolutional neural network and a classical non-local denoising algorithm is
used in the problem of suppresion of additive Gaussian noise in images, and in
[4] a bundle of classical graph cut algorithm and convolutional neural network
is used to train the convolutional neural network for semantic image
segmentation using weakly supervised data, etc.
In this
paper, hybrid algorithms for analyzing medical images will be considered for
the problem of mucous glands segmentation in histological images.
that perform semantic segmentation of glands in histological images [5] allow
in some cases to divide adjacent glands, however, in general, the performed segmentation
is not perfect and needs further improvements. The principal improvement is the
transition from the task of semantic segmentation to the task of instance
segmentation for detecting individual glands in the image.
the neural network based algorithms used for instance segmentation, two main
approaches that are well proven in practice are worth highlighting. The first one
is Mask R-CNN [6], developed by Facebook AI Research. Based on the input image
Mask R-CNN generates assumptions about the areas where the object may be
located, predicts the class of the object, refines the bounding box, and
generates the pixel mask of the object. A fundamentally different instance
segmentation method is implemented by Deep Watershed model [7]. It uses the
idea of the classical watershed algorithm and modern deep learning approach to
create an energy map of the image, where individual objects are represented in
the form of energy pools. Performing a cut at one energy level allows to get
related components corresponding to segmented objects.
R-CNN and Deep Watershed architectures are instance segmentation architectures
of general type and have their disadvantages when applied to the segmentation
of glands in histological images. In particular, Mask R-CNN requires a large
amount of data for training and Deep Watershed is prone to perform incomplete
segmentation of objects and lose details near objects boundaries. In addition,
none of these architectures uses information about the shape of segmented objects,
which could be extremely useful in the case of histological structures (the
boundaries of the glands are mostly smooth and in a large number of cases are
close to ellipses).
To work
with this kind of information an active contour model [8], which represents a
variational method of finding boundaries in an image, can be a very good
solution. In this model the problem of finding an object boundary is formulated
as finding a contour on which the specified energy functional reaches its
The main
disadvantage of the classical active contour model is the manual selection of the
parameters of the contour for each image and the use of low-level image characteristics
when constructing the energy functional. In attempt to combine the good
generalization ability of convolutional neural networks and the flexibility of
the classical model of active contours, this paper considers the trainable
active contour model [9] and a hybrid method of glands segmentation in
histological images, that is based on this model.
We will
consider an active contour as a polygon
, where
each node
one of the nodes of the discretized contour.
to the classical active contour model [8] the energy functional can be defined

external energy, which depends on the source image
is the
membrane term,
is the
thin plate term,
is the
baloon term. The notation
to the value of
. A function
depending on the gradient of the image is used as an external energy, the
remaining parameters are manually selected for each image.
The main
difference of the trainable active contour model [9] from the classical model is
that the energy functionals are determined independently at each point of the image
and are predicted by a segmentational convolutional neural network. Within this
model, the energy functional is defined as:

external energy that depends on the input image
the membrane term,
the thin plate term,
is the
baloon term, and
is the
area inside polygon
The field
of external energy
the regions of the image, where the active contour should move. In other words
be small near the boundaries of segmented objects and it should obtain large
values in other areas of image. During inference the contour is moved in the direction
of steepest descent
In the case
of trainable active contour model the external energy field as well as internal
ballon term
predicted using a convolutional neural network at each pixel of the image.
to [9] the derivative of internal contour energy
respect to the coordinates of polygon
be calculated as:

is a tri-diagonal
matrix and
is a
penta-diagonal matrix.
The ballon
term can also be represented in energy form:

the node
to changes of energy
. The derivative

in the
case of movement by

in the
case of movement by
The energy
of contour (2) can be split into internal energy
, consisting
, and
external energy
, consisitng
only on contour
, and considering
(6) the step of contour movement can be calculated as:

according to [9] the contour movement is described as:

To make
the iteration process (8) more robust, we limit the contour movement to some maximal
, defining
the number of pixels each node of the contour can be shifted along each axis
per iteration. We denote the desired contour movement as

that, we represent the contour movement taking into account the introduced restrictions:

To make
the movement of the active contour smoother and more stable, we apply the idea
of momentum [10] that is widely used in machine learning. In particular, we use
the weighted sum of the calculated movement on the current iteration (17) and
the movement from the previous iteration:

momentum. Note that if
(11) turns into (10).
As a
result, the movement of the active contour is described by (9), (11).
the scheme of the algorithm based on the described trainable active contour
model is the following. Using the input image
, the
segmentational convolutional neural network predicts energy fields
. After
that according to the initial position of the contour and the predicted energy
fields in accordance with (3, 9, 11) the active contour is expanded, which
leads to the object segmentation.
It is
also worth noting that the process of contour expansion can be implemented
directly within the network. Thus, the source image and the initial contour
used as neural network inputs, and at the output we get all contour
representations as a
the number of iterations over time. This allows us to consider the described
steps as the use of a convolutional neural network with structured prediction [11].
Such neural networks got this name because the output of the network represent
a complex structured data, not a single value or image (as in the case of neural
networks used for classification and segmentation tasks).
main drawback of the described active contour model with structured prediction is
the impossibility to construct any ground-truth data. That is, with a fixed
number of
on the contour, the boundary of the object can be sampled in almost an
unlimited number of ways, which makes a standard comparison of the neural
network prediction with ground-truth data using
completely meaningless.
In [9] the
authors propose a method for training a neural network with structured
prediction, which is based on generating negative examples of incorrect
segmentation to supplement positive examples of correct segmentation. For all pairs
contour/image from training dataset and using a task loss function
build a functional based on max-margin formulation. After that the contour that
deviates most from the ground-truth is found for the fixed weights of the
neural network. This contour is used to calculate the subgradient of the
maximum distance functional, which makes it possible to find the required
change of the network weights. As a result, the
proposed method allows to simultaneously reduce the energy of the ground-truth
increase the energy of the contour most different from the desired one. Thus,
the neural network is trained to predict contours that are close to the ground-truth
according to task loss function
general scheme of the proposed hybrid method is shown in Fig.1.

Fig. 1. The scheme
of trainable active contour model.
We will
consider the issue of using the trainable active contour model for the problem
of glands segmentation in histological images (the initialization step of
active contours requires more detailed research and is not included in this
work). In this paper, we use PATH-DT-MSU histological dataset [5], which
consists of 20 full-frame sections of colon. To assess the quality of the segmentation,
we use Jaccard similarity index also known as intersection over union or IoU.
described trainable active contour model can be used to simultaneously operate with
only one contour in the image. Therefore, both in the case of training and
evaluating the model, all of the original histological images are divided into
square patches of a fixed size, using information about the initial positions
of the active contours. The size of the patch was chosen empirically so that it
exceeded the size of the gland presented in PATH-DT-MSU data set, and was
chosen to be 512 pixels. Also, the formation of patches is performed in a way
so that the gravity center of the initial position of the contour coincides as
far as possible with the center of the patch (except the glands that lay close
to the image boundary).
The number
patches used for training is enlarged using data augmentation. Data
augmentation is performed by turning a patch at a random angle, applying random
reflection and scale changing, applying nonlinear distortion and changes in
brightness. Only those sequences of these random transformations are
considered, during which the ground-truth contour corresponding to the patch
does not outstep the patch (mainly the rotations are concerned).
In this
paper a modified version of U-Net [12] is used as a segmentational
convolutional neural network for the trainable active contour model. The
network depth (the number of convolutional blocks in the encoding part of the
network) is chosen to be 5, a normalization operation has been added inside
each block. To simplify the task and speed up the learning process, it was
decided to feed the network with patches not of the original size, but reduced
to 128 × 128 resolution. The main difference of the used network from the
original U-Net is the number of output tensors, which is equal to 4. In
particular, after the network calculates the final tensor at the end of the
decoding path, four independent convolutions are applied, comparing to the one that
is used in U-Net to reduce the number of channels to 2. This allows to obtain 4
result maps from a single input image:
. All
calculations for contour expansion based on the initial location and the
predicted energy maps are performed inside the network, thereby forming a
network with structured prediction, the training procedure for which was
described earlier.
in the current problem of glands segmentation in histological images due to the
limited amount of training data, it was decided to use the patch-averaged value
of the individual value at each point of the patch.
the computation scheme that moves the contour based on the predicted energy
maps is implemented only for a single contour and is not adapted to work in
batch mode. Therefore, choosing the large batch size results in the low
training speed of the network. To solve this problem we use group normalization
[13] instead of batch normalization inside each convolutional block. This
approach allows to leave the batch size small (in the current configuration, it
is equal to 2) while maintaining a network training speed comparable to the use
of batch normalization with a batch of 16.
The network
is trained using Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation) optimizer [14]. It
should be noted that due to the fact that this neural network does not use a
smooth loss function, and weights are optimized based on the subgradient
method, training with a gradual decrease of the learning rate (by a fixed
number of iterations or upon reaching a plateau) gives poor results. In this case
a cyclical learning rate is much more suitable. To train the network we use the
scheme of changing the learning rate from [15], in which the learning rate
curve with respect to an iteration is represented as oscillations with a fast linear
increase and a smooth cosine decrease with a gradual decrease in amplitude.
parameters of the trainable active contour model for the current task were
chosen as follows: the number of nodes in the contour
, the
number of iterations
, the
maximum distance each contour node can be shifted during one iteration
, contour
, the
initial positions of the contours were set as circles with a radius of 5 pixels
around the gravity center of the ground-truth contour of each gland.
results of the glands segmentation in histological images performed with the
proposed trainable contour model on PATH-DT-MSU dataset using all the described
above techniques are shown in Fig. 2. The training process is visualized in
Fig. 5 in the form of IoU dependency from the training epoch on training and
test data. In addition, Fig. 3 demonstrates the visualization of some of the
predicted energy maps.


Fig. 2. Glands
segmentation in the test image from PATH-DT-MSU dataset. The ground-truth contours
of glands are green, the predicted contour is blue. (a), (b), (c), (d) are the states
of contours at iteration 1, 20, 30 and 40.


Fig. 3: Visualization
of the predicted energy fields for several patches of the test image from PATH-DT-MSU
dataset: (a) is
field, (b) is
The described
algorithm for segmentation of individual glands in histological images has one
major drawback. Namely, the segmentation of each gland with the active contour
extending from its original position is performed independently and does interact
with other glands present in the image. Due to the fact that the segmentation
of each individual gland with the active contour model may not be ideal, in
some areas of the image the resulting contours of several glands may overlap.
This effect is obviously a segmentation error. To eliminate the described
effect, we propose to use a special postprocessing algorithm.
We consider
a set
contours, each of them consists of
over time. Thus,
for the coordinated of
node of
-th active
contour at time step
. To
prevent the possibility of contour overlapping we propose a simple but at the
same time effective postprocessing collision resolution algorithm (Alg.1).
1: procedure
processed set of contours
2: for t = 2 to
iteration over time
3: shuffle(
shuffle contours
4: for i = 1 to
iterate over all contours
already processed contours
contours that are not processed yet
7: for
= 1 to L do
iterate over all nodes
segment connecting nodes

segment connecting nodes
10: if
if there are any intersections
do not move this node
12: return
result set of contours without collisions
Alg.1: Collision
resolution algorithm
collision resolution algorithm for the expanding active contours works as
follows. For each iteration
algorithm randomly shuffles the set of contours, and then alternately examining
each contour from the sequence moves only those nodes of the contour (from
their position at step
to the
new position at step
), the
movement of which does not lead to the intersection of the processed contour
with any of the remaining (Fig. 4). When the current contour is interacting
with the one that has already been processed at the current iteration, the
processed contour is considered at the updated time step
, and
when interacting with the contour that has not yet been processed at the
current iteration, the unprocessed contour is considered at the previous time step
. The
random shuffling of contours before each iteration of the algorithm affects the
order of contours processing and leads to more robust results.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4: Interaction
of active contours. Turn of the left contour movement. The nodes that are moved
at the current iteration are marked in green, their new predicted positions are
marked in orange. (a) shows the initial position of the contour, (b) shows
possible new positions of the contour nodes and the intersection of its
segments with other contours, (c) demostrates the choice of the nodes that can
be moved, (d) shows the result of the movement.
the set of active contours with the described collision resolution algorithm
makes it possible to ensure that the resulting contours in the image do not
intersect. At the same time, since the introduced trainable active contour model
assumed to limit the shift of each node of the contour by 2 pixels per iteration,
the contours that initially intersected would be located close to each other.

(a) (b)
Fig. 5: Training
a hybrid trainable active contour model: (a) shows IoU over epoch for training
and test data, (b) shows IoU over epoch for test data with and without the use of
a collision resolution algorithm.
described postprocessing algorithm improves the quality of segmentation (Fig.
6). Thus, the value of the object IoU value on test images after applying the
collision resolution algorithm increases by an average of 0.01 (Fig. 5). In
this case, the final IoU for all test images from PATH-DT-MSU dataset is 0.81.

(a) (b)
Fig. 6: Postrpocessing
with collision resolution algorithm. The ground-truth contours of the glands
are marked in green, the active contours being trained with the collision
resolution algorithm are shown in blue, the initial parts of the contours that
have changed after applying the algorithm are marked in red.
paper presents a hybrid method for glands segmentation in histological images based
on the trainable active contour model. A separate algorithm is also proposed
for postprocessing of the segmentation results obtained with active contours.
The proposed methods were tested on PATH-DT-MSU dataset and demonstrated good
segmentation results.
studies will include the development of active contour initialization
algorithms designed for histological images, which will allow us to construct a
fully automatic trainable method for histological images segmentation.
This work was supported by Russian Science
Foundation grant ¹17-11-01279.
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