The interaction of pulsed or pulsed-periodic gas
discharges with shock waves is often investigated due to the possibility of
applying the obtained results in plasma actuators and in solving practical
problems. For example, using optical methods, it was shown [1] that the
initiation of a gas-discharge plasma in front of a model that has a cone shape
placed in a supersonic flow moves the shock wave from the model. This effect
can be used to attenuate the negative impact of the shock wave on the
environment when designing supersonic aircraft. When studying the interaction
of a nonequilibrium plasma medium (gas-discharge plasma of volume and surface
discharges) with shock waves (Mach numbers from 2 to 7), the effect of
broadening the shock wave and splitting it into several gas-dynamic
discontinuities was detected by shadow imaging [2-3]. It was theoretically
shown that with the aid of fast local (t < 1 μs)
heating of the flow, the shock wave can be destroyed if the threshold energy
input for a given shock wave intensity and flow parameters is exceeded [4]. Such
a fast energy input to the flow can be created using gas discharges.
Schlieren or shadow methods are often used to visualize
gas flows with shock waves [5-7]. In the present paper, the shadow method was
used. The intensity distribution recorded by the shadow method corresponds to a
second-order spatial derivative (Laplacian) of the refractive index n, thus,
this method allows visualizing gas-dynamic discontinuities, such as, for
example, shock waves and contact discontinuities. In recent decades, digital
high-speed cameras have been replaced by digital cameras, their recording speed
reaches 10 million frames per second [8]. Transition to the digital format
allows us to significantly speed up the processing and systematization of the
results. In the present work, a high-speed digital camera was used for
high-speed shadow imaging of gas flow in the microsecond range. The maximum
recording speed was 525 000 frames / s. The processes associated with the glow
of a pulsed discharge occur, as a rule, in the nanosecond time range [9]. In
order to register the discharge glow electron-optical cameras were used. The
distribution of the discharge glow in the discharge chamber volume depends on
the flow parameters inside it, since the electrical conductivity of air depends
on the density, which is different at different points in the flow. Thus, the
discharge itself allows visualization of some features of the flow, for
example, the positions of gas-dynamic discontinuities [10].
In the present study we used optical panoramic methods
to investigate the discontinuity breakdown on a front of a flat shock wave
after its pulse ionization by the nanosecond volume discharge. Self-localization
of the discharge occurs in front of the shock-wave, due to a density jump
behind it. Thus fast (t <1 µs) gas heating in front of the shock wave
occurs. As a result, two gas volumes with different gas-dynamic parameters
arise on both sides of the shock wave front, and as the result the shock wave
splits into several discontinuities: two shock waves and a contact discontinuity.
This phenomenon is known as the “Riemann problem” [11]. Single images of the
flow after the discontinuity breakdown at the front of a moving shock wave in a
channel were first obtained by shadow methods in the study of prof. Znamenskaya
et al. [12–14]. In the present study, we move forward and analyze
consequent shadow frames of the flow under consideration and compare them with
the corresponding glow images of the discharge in the nanosecond time range.
Scheme of the experimental setup, as well as the flow
visualization and synchronization systems are shown in fig. 1. We used the same
setup as in [12]. The main part of the experimental setup is a discharge
chamber mounted into the low pressure section of the shock tube. The discharge
gap has a rectangular cross-section of 24×48 mm2. The
discharge gap length is 100 mm. The discharge voltage is 25 kV. The electric
current amplitude is about 1 kA, its duration is 200-300 ns. A combined pulsed
volume discharge with pre-ionization by ultraviolet glow from plasma electrodes
located on the top and bottom walls of the discharge chamber was used. The
discharge operates in single pulse mode. The side walls of the discharge
chamber are made of quartz glass for optical access. Air was used as a working
gas in all experiments. The synchronization system allows us to adjust the
pressure before the shock wave front, set its velocity and start the discharge
at any position of the shock wave inside the discharge gap. The Mach number of
the rectangular shock wave generated in the shock tube ranged from 2.2 to 4.8,
the pressure in front of the shock wave was set to p = 2-25 Torr. A stationary
laser with a wavelength of 532 nm was used as the light source in the shadow
scheme. Videos were recorded by a high-speed camera with a recording speed from
100 000 to 525 000 frames per second.

Fig. 1.
Experimental setup with the shadow optical scheme and synchronization system. 1
– light direction control prism, 2 – converging lens, 3,4,5 – scattering lenses,
6 – light source (laser), 7 – oscilloscope connected to the pressure sensors, 8,
9 – pulse generators, 10 – high voltage discharge initiator, 11 – high speed
camera, 12 – PC
The integral images of the
discharge glow were recorded with the aid of a digital photo camera (fig. 2). Photographs of the discharge contain information on the
time-integral distribution of the glow in the region under study. We used BIFO
K011 high-speed electron-optical camera to obtain 9-frame images of the
discharge plasma glow with a nanosecond time resolution (the minimum time
interval between frames was 100 ns, the frame exposure was 100 ns). This made
it possible to visualize the initial stage of the discontinuity breakdown at
the front of the initial shock wave. While registering the discharge glow,
shadow imaging was not performed, the electron-optical camera was placed in
position 11 (fig. 1) The spectral range recorded by photo cameras and an
electron-optical camera is 400-800 nm.
The configuration of the combined discharge depends on
the gas flow parameters inside the discharge chamber. If the air inside it is
quiescent and the pressure does not exceed 100 Torr, the discharge glow is uniformly
distributed over the volume of the discharge gap (fig. 2, a). If there is a
shock-wave inside the discharge chamber at the moment of initiation of
discharge, the discharge is localized in front of it (fig. 2, b-c). This is due
to differences in the gas ionization rate on both sides of the shock wave front
due to the density jump, described by the Rankine – Hugoniot relations [15]. Thus
the discharge electric current and Joule heating occurs only in front of the
shock wave. [13, 14]. As a result, two gas volumes with different gas-dynamic
parameters arise on both sides of the front, that is, conditions for the
formation of a discontinuity breakdown are posed (Riemann problem) [11].

Fig. 2.
Integral photographic images of the discharge glow (a) in quiscient air at a
pressure p <100 Torr, (b) when localized in front of the shock wave front
with Mach 4.7 and distance from the shock wave front to the end of the
discharge gap at the moment the discharge of 1.3 cm , (c) with localization in
front of the shock wave front with Mach 4.8 and distance from the shock wave
front to the end of the discharge gap at the moment the discharge 0.6 cm. The
arrow indicates the direction of the shock wave front and gas flow behind it: 1
- surface discharges glow (plasmas sheets) 2 - volumetric discharge glow
In order to study the gas flow with discontinuities, a
shadow optical scheme was used. The flow after nanosecond ionization of the
shock wave front S0 was visualized in the time interval from 1.5 to
63 μs with the aid of high-speed shadow imaging. Sequential
sets of shadow images taken at regular intervals are shown in fig. 3. The
exposure of each frame was 1 μs. The frames show
how the initial discontinuity S0 (initial shock wave) splits into
three discontinuities, corresponding to the solution of the Riemann problem:
shock waves S1 and S2 and the contact surface C. Each
visualized discontinuity is a local gas density jump, visualized with shadow
technique [5]. Frames in fig. 3, a were obtained at equal serial intervals of
6.7 μs and have the highest spatial resolution. There
are clearly visible shock waves propagating from the surface discharge (plasma
sheets) [12,13]. After 10–15 μs, they reach the axis
of symmetry of the flow. Up to this moment, the flow along the X axis can be
considered one-dimensional. Fig. 3, b shows a set of shadow images taken at a
maximum recording speed of 525 000 frames / s, that is, the time interval
between frames is 1.9 μs. In the second frame of
this series there is a discharge glow, after that we can see that the front of
the shock wave splits into 3 discontinuities.

Fig. 3.
The series of shadow images of the plane shock wave with a Mach number of 2.3
breakdown. Distance from the front of the original shock wave to the end of the
discharge gap at the initial time moment is 2 cm. Recording speed: a - 150 000
frames / s, b - 525 000 frames / s
The x-t diagram of the discontinuities dynamics from
fig. 3 is plotted in fig. 4. The measurements were carried out relative to a
fixed coordinate system rigidly connected with the shock tube (experimental
setup). The distance along the OX axis is measured from the position of the
shock wave front at the moment of discharge. The x-t diagram shows that the
velocity of the shock wave S1 is maximum. It, as well as the contact
discontinuity C, moves in the positive direction of the x axis. The shock wave
S2, moving against the incident flow, can move relative to the
laboratory coordinate system in the positive, negative direction of the x axis
or remain stationary depending on the Mach number of the original shock wave S0.

Fig. 4.
The x – t diagram of the movement of the discontinuities formed after the
breakdown of the initial shock wave with a Mach number of 2.3 and a distance
of 2 cm from the front of the initial shock wave to the end of the discharge
gap at the initial time moment.
Fig. 5 shows the flow development images at large time
scales (up to 63 μs). The high-speed camera was
moved 3 cm in the direction of the shock wave movement. As a result, the
formation of instabilities and vortex structures near the channel walls in the
flow behind the shock wave S1 was visualized. The black triangle
indicates the reference position for distance measurements.

Fig. 5.
A series of shadow images of the shock wave front breakdown. The Mach number is
2.2. Distance from the shock wave to the end of the discharge gap at the moment
of discharge is 2 cm. The recording speed is 150 000 frames / s.
The recording of the discharge glow in nanosecond time
range was carried out with the aid of an electron-optical camera BIFO K011. Each
frame exposure was 100 ns, the time interval between frames - from 100 ns. One
of the obtained frame sequences is shown in fig. 6 The first three frames of
the given sequence correspond to glow when the discharge electric current
flows. On the subsequent images, an afterglow of a relaxing gas-discharge
plasma is observed. This process may last for more than 2 μs. The source images are monochrome. For clarity, the intensity has
been transformed into a color palette. According to the received frame series,
the velocity of the left boundary of the discharge glow region was measured. The
x-t diagram of its movement was plotted and compared with the x-t diagram of
the movement of discontinuities obtained with the aid of high-speed shadow
imaging under the same conditions. Comparison of more experimental data in the
nano- and microsecond time ranges shows that the left boundary of the glow
region of the gas-discharge plasma corresponds to the contact discontinuity C. The
analysis of the glow images shows that near the contact discontinuity C there
exists a thin gas region of up to 1.5 mm in size. Its glow intensity is 1.5–2.5
times higher than the glow intensity of the discharge plasma to the right of
it. The geometry of the glow region was determined by the average distribution
of the glow intensity along a straight line drawn horizontally through the
center of the image. To explain the increase in the intensity of the glow in
this area, we performed one-dimensional numerical simulation of the flow.

Fig. 6. Nine-frame images of the evolution
of the discharge glow in front of the shock wave with Mach 4.7 at an initial
pressure of 2 Torr. The distance from the shock wave front to the end of the
discharge gap at the moment of the discharge is 1.3 cm. Exposure / pause is
100/100 ns. The triangle in the foreground is a reference point for distance
The analysis of the images of the flow obtained by the two
described methods showed that the flow in the center of the channel — far from
the plasma sheets — in the first 5–7 microseconds after the discharge is close
to one-dimensional. In order to analyze the evolution of gas-dynamic parameters
in the flow in the central region of the channel with energy input ,
one-dimensional numerical simulation of the flow was carried out using the
second-order Godunov scheme. The method applied to the problem under
consideration is described in [13]. Fig. 7 shows the gas density distribution
along the horizontal axis at the initial time moment and 1.5 μs after the discharge. On the graphs obtained, 4 significant regions
can be distinguished: 1 — the jump region of gas-dynamic parameters behind the
shock-wave front S0, 2 — the region of the energy input (heated gas
in the region of the discharge localization), 3 — the region between the shock
wave S2 and the contact surface C, 4 — region between the contact
discontinuity C and shock wave S1. Regions 1 and 2 are set at the initial
moment, 3 and 4 are formed after the discontinuity breakdown at the front of
the initial shock wave S0. It is important to note that on the
calculated profiles, the discontinuity breakdown is observed both on the left
and on the right boundary of the energy deposition region. In fact, it happens
only on the left boundary (at the shock wave front S0), the gas
discharge on the right side does not have a sharp boundary and the conditions
necessary for the Riemann problem are not realized.

Fig. 7. Calculated density profiles at t = 0
(left), t = 1.5 µs (right). The Mach number of the shock wave S0 at
the initial moment is M = 4.3.
The presence of the intense glow region near the contact
discontinuity can be explained by an additional jump in the gas density between
the shock wave S1 and the contact surface C as a result of the
shock-wave compression of gas in this region by the shock wave S1. An
increase in density leads to an increase in the concentration and frequency of
collisions of nitrogen molecules in metastable excited states. In this case,
the rate of population of the radiating states and, accordingly, the intensity
of the radiation, change.
The process of interaction of a discontinuity (shock
wave) with a region of nanosecond ionization caused by the pulsed volume
discharge with preionization from plasma sheets (sliding surface discharges)
was visualized. The discharge was localized in front of the moving
discontinuity. Panoramic methods were used: high-speed shadow imaging in a
microsecond time scale (recording speed from 100 000 to 525 000 frames / s),
high-speed recording of the discharge glow in a nanosecond time scale (time
interval between frames / exposure - 100/100 ns). Mach numbers of visualized
discontinuities reached 4.8. The obtained digital sequential frames were
processed, the dynamics of discontinuities were compared with the results of a
one-dimensional numerical simulation of the flow. Comparison of the calculation
and experimental images made it possible to explain the distribution of the
discharge glow intensity in the nanosecond time scale based on the dynamics of
the discontinuities formed.
The work was
conducted under the support of RSF Grant ¹ 18-19-00672.
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