non-disturbing noncontact diagnostics of heat and mass transfer processes,
optical refraction methods are well recommended. There are some advantages,
first of all optical measurements do not distort the heterogeneity under
investigation, as in most cases the energy absorbed by the medium is rather
small. Laser methods are low-inertia, which allows to perform accurate
measurements of fast processes. Laser refraction methods allow us to
investigate the field of the refractive index, which is then converted by
indirect measurements into the sought field of another physical quantity [1].
Based on the
use of lasers, new methods were developed to diagnose liquid and gas flows,
namely, the method of laser Doppler anemometry, anemometry using particle
images, photoluminescent methods, and a number of others [2]. At present,
instruments using such methods are widely used in aero-hydrodynamic and
thermophysical experiments.
In [3, 4], it
was noted that for the diagnosis of stratified media under conditions of
substantial refraction of optical radiation, it is advisable to use the method
of laser refractography. The method is based on recording the refractive
displacement of structured laser radiation (SLR) which probes optical
inhomogeneity. In this case, the SLR is used, which is formed using special
optical elements directly at the output of the radiation source [5]. This
method of forming SLRs makes it possible to maintain its high coherence and to
ensure a small divergence of the beams, which makes it possible to apply the
concepts of geometric optics to describe SLIs. Structured beams are visualized
in a section as a family of geometric figures, such as circles, line segments,
or as a matrix of points. The distortion of elements of structured beams
resulting from refraction is an informative parameter for solving the inverse
Longitudinal probing
of stratifications during measurements due to natural limitations in a
full-scale experiment is used less frequently than traditional normal or
oblique sounding, therefore caustics that occur in latter cases are mainly
described in the literature. Nevertheless, when studying and monitoring
thermophysical, hydrodynamic and chemical processes in laboratory conditions at
the interfaces between media, there are often conditions for the emergence of
stratifications of various nature [6, 7], accompanied by significant gradients
of the refractive index. In this case, the longitudinal sounding has proved to
be very informative and it allows for the restoration of environmental
parameters, including the cases, when caustics are produced and their geometric
characteristics are later utilized.
The study of
stratified media as well as transition (diffusion) layers is one of the
important tasks of modern hydrophysics and oceanography. Stable density
stratification is typical for natural reservoirs, including the World Ocean
[8]. Often it is caused by the non-uniform heating of the water column, as well
as the distribution of salinity in depth. The study of hydrophysical flows is
mainly based on laboratory modeling and is associated with the creation of
density stratification, measurement and control of its characteristics. Saline
stratification is usually used in model laboratory experiments [9]. Through the
vertical concentration reduction, scientists achieve the required density
distribution. However, it is possible to create and maintain sufficiently
long-term temperature stratification on unique installations [10].
In the
following, under the stratified medium we will generally mean a two-dimensional
inhomogeneous medium in which the component of the refractive index gradient in
one of the coordinates significantly exceeds the component in the other
coordinates. During SLR refraction in a stratified medium caustics can be
observed both inside and at the exit of the medium where the rays are already
straight lines [11].
In [12, 13],
the possibility of applying the caustic method of laser radiation to determine
the parameters of stratified media was described. In this approach, when
solving the inverse problem of reconstructing the properties of optical
inhomogeneities, the informative parameters are the coordinates of the caustic
surfaces resulting from refraction.
At this stage
of development of science and technology, the caustic method is widely used to
diagnose stresses and deformations and to stop cracks in solids [14–16].
diagnostics of the diffusion layer of a liquid, various types of SLR can be
used; computer and experimental 3D visualization of the propagation of a
cylindrical laser beam in the diffusion layer and caustics formed in this case
are shown in [17].
In order to
observe and register caustics arising during the propagation of the plane laser
beam in the diffusion layer of liquid, optoelectronic complex was developed and
created, the scheme and appearance of which are shown in Fig. 1a and 1b,
1. Optical-electronic complex for registration of caustics of a plane laser
beam in the diffusion layer of liquid (a – scheme, b – appearance)
1 –
laser, 2 – optical system, 3 – cuvette, 4 – diffusion layer,
5 –
digital camera, 6 – PC, 7 – 2D refractogram, 8 – software
Compact laser
module 1 with a wavelength λ
= 532 nm is used as a radiation source. At the output of the laser, the optical
system for forming structured laser radiation 2 is installed. The system
consists of two cylindrical lenses, the relative position of which is chosen so
that a collimated flat laser beam with a width of 48 mm is obtained at the
output. The beam is directed to the cuvette parallel to the diffusion layer of
liquid 4. The diffusion layer is located in the glass cuvette 3. The laser beam
refraction is registered using the digital camera 5. This allows to achieve a quantitative
estimate of the laser beam refraction after processing the resulting
refractogram 7 using the developed software 8 on a personal computer 6. The
developed special software allows the simulation of the propagation of a plane
laser beam in a diffusion layer of liquid, visualization of caustics arising
from the refraction of the laser beam inside the inhomogeneous medium, and
combination of them with the experimentally obtained refraction patterns,
thereby determining the thickness of the diffusion layer of liquid in real
time. The program also allows to make similar measurements of the thickness of
the diffusion layer at different points in time during the experiment and to build
the dependence of the thickness of the diffusion layer on time, followed by interpolation.
To create a
diffusion layer, water and KOH electrolyte solution of various concentrations
were used (table 1); the indicator distribution was described using the
parametric model (1) [18]:
1 – Refractive indices for different concentrations of electrolyte KOH
Refractive indices
2 mol/l
4 mol/l
5 mol/l
6 mol/l
7 mol/l
where h is the
characteristic half-width of the layer, xs is the
middle of the layer.
The dynamics
of experimental refractograms for the diffusion layer arising between an
electrolyte solution with a concentration of 7 mol/l and water obtained during
the experiment at different points in time from the beginning of the layer
creation are shown in Fig. 2

2 min
4 min
6 min
8 min
10 min

14 min
16 min
2. Experimental 2D refractograms of the plane laser beam in the diffusion layer
of liquid at various time points (Δt = 2 min)
Figure 3 shows the experimental graphs of
the layer thickness d in time for various Δn = n1 – n2.

Fig. 3. Dependence between
the thickness of the diffusion layer of liquid and time for different values of
the electrolyte KOH concentration
Thus, the
registration of refractograms at different times with equal intervals allows to
estimate the dependence of the layer thickness on time.
Dependency graphs
of the distribution of the refractive index and the gradient of the refractive index
are shown in Fig. 4.
4. Distribution change of the refractive index and the gradient of the
refractive index in the diffusion layer of liquid in time for different values
of the electrolyte KOH concentration
When convective
processes at the surface of heated or cooled bodies in a liquid are studied,
the correlation processing of the refractive images of the structured beams
makes it possible to restore the temperature distribution in the boundary
layer. However, in a number of practical applications, only the knowledge of
the actual surface temperature of the body is required. In this case, to
conduct contactless control of the thermophysical characteristics of the
process, it is advisable to use the empirical dependences of the surface
temperature on the position of the singular points of the observed caustics
[3]. To determine the position of the caustic singular points, structured laser
radiation is used.
In [11], it
was shown that the type of a refractogram depends on the temperature difference
between the ball and water. When a boundary layer is probed near a cooled ball
by a horizontal element of a structured beam, at a distance where the “beak” of
the caustic is located, a special point appears on the refractogram (Fig. 5).
Figure 6 shows the theoretical dependences of the position of the caustic
singular point on the surface temperature of the ball for various values
of water temperature.

Fig. 5. Type of refractogram describing the position
of the caustic’s “beak”

Fig. 6. Theoretical
dependences of the position of the caustic singular point on the temperature of
the body surface at different values of water temperature
1 – T0=50°C,
2 – T0=60°C, 3 – T0=90°C
To register
caustics and to obtain the dependence of the position of the “beak” on the
surface temperature, an experimental setup was created, the scheme of which is
shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Diagram of the
experimental setup for obtaining the dependence of the position of the caustic’s
“beak” on the object surface temperature
1 – laser, 2 – optical
system for the formation of a plane laser beam;
3 – tripod; 4 – laser
plane, 5 – transparent cuvette with water,
6 –metal ball with a
thermocouple sealed in, 7 –laser range finder,
8 – screen, 9 – digital
video camera, 10 – optical rails, 11 – linear translator
semiconductor laser 1 with a wavelength of λ = 650 nm was used as a radiation source. At the output of
the laser, an optical system 2 is installed that forms the laser plane 4.
Tripod 3 provides precise two-coordinate positioning of the laser plane
relative to the surface of the ball 6 located in the transparent water cell 5.
The laser beam should go in a close proximity to the ball where the laser plane
was focused. A laser range finder with a corner reflector measuring the
distance from the screen to the center of the ball 8 was attached to the screen
8. The caustics were recorded with a digital video camera 9. In addition to the
refractograms, the laser range finder was recorded on the video. The video
camera and the screen were mounted on the optical rail 10, the distance between
them remained constant throughout the experiment. The optical rail was smoothly
moved using a linear translator 11. The rotational speed of the screw was
chosen so that at each moment of time the beak of the caustics was displayed on
the screen.
Fig. 8 shows typical
types of experimental refractograms.
Fig. 8. Typical types of
experimental refractograms of the laser plane over a cooled ball: a) loop, b)
caustic “beak”, c) lack of caustics
In this work,
it was shown that the information on the localization of caustics and their
geometric parameters provides additional opportunities for solving the inverse
problem of restoring the properties of the medium under study. The comparison
of experimentally and theoretically calculated caustic surfaces makes it
possible to choose the parameters of the model describing the distribution of
the refractive index in the diffusion layer of liquid. Thus, it can be
concluded that the developed method for diagnosing the diffusion layer of a liquid
allows not only to visualize the nature of the optical heterogeneity but also to
determine its quantitative characteristics.
The usage of
the caustic method in laser refractography to diagnose heterogeneity in liquids
has shown that it is possible to determine the parameters of heterogeneous
medium in a non-contact manner.
A new method to
determine the surface temperature of a cold body placed in a transparent liquid
is presented. The method is based on the determination of the location of
singular points of caustic surfaces arising when the boundary layer is probed
by a horizontal element of the structured beam. The position of the singular
point of the caustic depends on the temperature difference between the surface
of the body and the liquid. An additional advantage of this approach to
determine the surface temperature during practical measurements is the absence
of the need to specify a parametric model of the medium. The results of the
work can be used in the experimental study and monitoring of inhomogeneous
condensed media, when it is required to ensure non-perturbing control of the
fields of concentration, pressure and temperature.
This work was
supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the state
support of young Russian scientists MK-6361.2018.8.
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