Due to mass computerization,
human-computer interfaces have entered the lives of almost all of humanity over
the past decades. People perceive computer systems in general particularly via
user interfaces. Computerization has changed the way people work dramatically.
In some cases, these changes are positive, in others, they cause problems,
which in turn alter the results of work. When some computer-system design decisions
(mostly those concerning human-computer interactions) are poorly thought-out,
this causes growing stress in users, which has little to do with the task at
hand. Presumably, these negative effects are caused by lack of attention not
only to human factors, but also to the goals and tasks of work, its motives
etc. A serious analysis of the aspects of future product users activity
is due in the interface design. Activity approach is one of the most important
factors to creating the theory of human-computer interaction.
This paper is dedicated to the
analysis of specialized (both professional and mass) interfaces serving as
instruments in goal-oriented and productive activity. It refers to the theses
of activity theory and some topics of psychology and physiology, the
implementation of which the authors deem useful for the field of practical
interface design and development. The history of interface design clarifies
some nuances of modern interactive systems. Then we discuss examples of
prototype implementations of service interfaces, and the prospects of
introducing the activity approach into the practical design of specialized
interactive systems. Also addressed are the problems of users-researchers
activity, which arise in designing specialized systems of computer
visualization using virtual reality.
Activity theory, developed in the
middle of the 20th century, is primarily connected with A.N.
Leontiev and S.L. Rubinshtein (Leontiev 1978,
Rubinshtein 2005). The articles proposing the implementation of
the activity theory in the design and development of human-computer interfaces
were appearing from the mid-to-late 80s to the early 90s of the 20th
century. Among the pioneers of this approach one should mention V.P. Zinchenko
(Zinchenko 1992). The publications of V. Kaptelinin (e.g.,
Kaptelinin 1992-a, Kaptelinin 1992-b, Kaptelinin 1996) made an important
contribution to the development of the ‘activity’ approach to human-computer
interaction. In the mid-90s, the book was published (Nardi 1996 – Ed.), which
included research and review articles concerning the opportunities of the
activity theory in regards to creating the theory of HCI (Kuutti
1996, Kaptelinin 1996, Nardi 1996).
In this book, the experimental research of human-computer users’ activity was
published. The main results of the research from the 90s and early 2000s are
reviewed in an in-depth article (Rogers 2004).
Later, the research on applying the activity approach in HCI and software
engineering appeared, too. In 2002, a special issue of the Computer Supported
Cooperative Work magazine was published, which was dedicated to the activity
theory and software systems design in practice (CSCW 2002).
A collection of academic papers discussing approaches to creating HCI systems
was published in 2003 (Carroll J.M. (Ed.) 2003).
The papers published in the
beginning of 2000s are discussing the implementation of the activity theory
both in the design of HCI systems (Gould E., Verenikina I. 2003) and in
preliminary pre-design analysis of tasks (Crystal A. and Ellington B. 2004).
The articles of the 2nd half of 2000s and the beginning of 2010s
contain a variety of examples of implementing the activity theory and activity
analysis in interactive systems design (e.g., Kaptelinin 2011). The paper (Canino-Rodríguez et al. 2015) addresses
approaches to the development of smart air traffic
systems. These approaches are close to those of the activity theory, in regards
to interface design. In (Sjolie 2011) activity theory is considered in relation
to brain-computer interaction.
A comparative analysis
of the activity theory and several other lines of research into human cognitive
abilities in regards to developing the theory of HCI was carried out in a
number of works (e.g., Aboulafia A., Gould E. and Spyrou
T. 1995, Carroll,
J.M. (Ed.) 2003, Rogers, Y. 2004).
Presently, a wide range
of papers and books has been published on the development of the activity
approach to HCI design. Among them are monographs of V. Kaptelinin and B. Nardi
(Kaptelinin V. & Nardi B. 2006, Kaptelinin V. & Nardi B.
2012), G. Gay and H. Hembrooke (G. Gay & H.
Hembrooke 2004), D. Mwanza (Mwanza 2011). V. Kaptelinin did a full survey of
the activity theory for HCI in 2012, in an electronic encyclopedia of
human-computer interaction (Kaptelinin 2012). The paper (Bakke S. 2014) deals with the specifics of implementing the activity
approach into interface design. The paper (Clemmensen T., Nardi B.,
Kaptelinin V. 2016) analyzes the activity theory in HCI since it emerged about
25 years ago. Our paper is dedicated to the analysis of specialized (both
professional and mass) interfaces serving as instruments in goal-oriented and
productive activity. Additionally, we consider user activity for specialized
systems of Computer Visualization.
In the beginning of this section,
we are briefly considering a number of aspects of the activity theory and
several theories of physiological cycles, relevant to the design of
human-computer interfaces. We will also address the works of S.L. Rubinshtein
(Rubinshtein 2005), A.A. Ukhtomsky (Ukhtomsky 2002),
N.A. Bernshtein (Bernshtein 1947), P.K. Anokhin (Anokhin
1968, Anokhin 1978).
Activity is always conscious and
purposeful. In the course of an activity, an action is conscious when a partial
result gained by it becomes a direct goal of the subject. It ceases to be
conscious when the goal is moved further, and the previous action becomes only
a means of accomplishing another action, aimed at a more general goal. That
way, the action aimed at smaller goals is removed from consciousness and moves
into the unconscious. This is how a hierarchical structure is established: activity
– conscious actions – operations. That is, an activity breaks down into a
number of conscious and motivated actions, which are implemented via a set of
operations. Personal or group activity can also be broken down by
finding out its goal, motivation, conditions, and
personal characteristics.
Activity as a whole can be
determined by its result. Decision-making is always oriented towards the
result corresponding with the dominating motivation in the moment.
Activity can be implicitly represented by the
following questions:
1. What
is the desirable result?
2. When
exactly is the result to be achieved?
3. By
what means is the result to be achieved?
4. How
can we determine if the result is sufficient?
In designing the user activity for service interfaces, it is important to provide consistency of attention and concentration, on the one hand, and ability to switch between different kinds of work, on the other hand. Therefore, the notion of a dominant is important. According to A.A. Ukhtomsky, a dominant is ‘a more or less stable focus of increased excitability [of the centers] … new excitations coming into the centers serve to intensify (confirm) the excitation in the focus, while inhibitory phenomena are widely developed in the rest of the central system’. The inertia of the prevailing excitation, i.e. the dominant of a currently experienced moment, may be viewed as a source of perception inertia and, subsequently, of false perception (as well as of biases, obsessive images or even hallucinations). The possibility of wrong perception is to be accounted for in designing interfaces. At the same time, this inertia facilitates stability of attention and structuring of perceived information. Activity has to keep being adjusted and remain free from pre-set schemes to be effective and adequate. Excessive monotony of actions leads to quick fatigue, attention loss and incorrect work execution as a result.
An activity consists of a set of conscious, goal-motivated actions, which, in turn, can be broken down into sets of operations. At every level of this hierarchy, one has to find and strictly define the goals relevant to the activity. In designing operations of an interface, consistency should be maintained. In other words, execution of the same (or similar) operations should produce the same or similar results. Taking into account psychomotor factors is essential in designing separate operations and their combinations. We shall consider several aspects of the theory of movement behavior.
An action is based on primary automatisms that form during earlier development of an individual. However, executing an action also generates new, more complex automatisms called skills. An action becomes a skill when an individual through exercise has gained the ability to perform an operation without making its execution their conscious goal. At the same time, an individual is not restricted from exercising conscious control over it, although this control may disrupt the fluidity of an automated movement. A skill is a component and a way of executing an action, and it depends on the semantic content of the latter. The automatic activation of a skill draws upon the semantic content of conditions in which it is executed. A skill may be a complex operation determined by complex semantic content. Skills develop through exercise. Conscious goal-oriented exercise is tuition; it is not only reinforcement, but improvement as well. A certain transfer takes place: the positive effect of exercising one skill spreads to exercises of other skills. To make such a transfer happen, certain conformity of elements (elementary movements), as well as components, aspects of a skill, is necessary. This conformity is not abstract, it should be perceived by the individual. Any skill, whether it relates to movement or knowledge, forms at different levels of brainwork. The goal of tuition is to achieve the automaticity of a skill, thus transferring it to a more basic level of movement behavior.
To analyze an activity (before
starting to design instrumental interfaces), one first has to find its purposes
and means of achieving a goal, to assess how well future users understand the
goal and to determine their motives.
The task of an interface designer is to minimize the difficulty of an activity when using an interface and to assure the consistency of the interface. The latter means that similar tasks should be resolved by similar actions via similar (or analogous) operations. The resolution of every task inside an interface should not be achieved via complex actions, thus becoming a separate activity in itself.
Activity approach to designing human-computer interaction for a certain problem presupposes in-depth research of the work of future users in a ‘pre-computer’ phase, analysis of all encountered tasks, and description of activities necessary to solve them. Of great importance is defining the main goals and motives of the activity in question, describing separate stages of the activity and finding all entities encountered by the workers. Lastly, an activity analysis of the situation arising after the work has been computerized is due. It is crucial for actions and operations in popular interfaces to remain simple. In designing interfaces, one has to consider the level of difficulty users will experience in mastering them. Mastering an interface involves acquiring the relevant knowledge, proficiencies and skills. Simplicity of an interface is largely connected with automatic execution of the operations within it.
Modern computing has been developing since the 1940s. Along with computing hardware, computer programming has developed as a separate kind of activity. Software development generally includes analyzing the task at hand, choosing or creating methods and algorithms of task-solving, breaking down the whole task into a set of separate actions (subroutines, functions, procedures), and accomplishing the necessary actions to create a set of operations for a real or virtual machine. (Here, a virtual machine refers to the description of rules of a programming language. For instance, the notions of Fortran and Algol machines were mentioned.) The resulting computer program is verified by means of testing and debugging. Software may be developed by a single programmer or by a team, where separate stages of software creation or separate parts of code are distributed among the members. Note the similarity between the description of an activity per se and the process of programming. However, the human factor was almost entirely discarded from the notion of programming, as the latter was not considered an activity, because the main task was to attain the maximum efficiency of computing. At first, the complexity of programming was not regarded at all. Originally, computers were used mainly in scientific and engineering computing. Programmers then were specialists in applied mathematics, physics and engineering disciplines. Every interaction with computers was inseparable from programming. Program users had to interact with computers to inspect the progress of modeling and modify the work of their programs by establishing new parameters of their execution. The immediate human interaction with computers was determined by the existing level of electrical engineering and electronics. In stock-produced computers for data input and output paper media were used (for example, perforated cards and perforated tapes for input, and paper tape for output via printing devices). This case of exchanging information can be described as an exchange in monologues (Voiskounskiy A.E. 1990). Later a set of hardware for human-computer interaction was developed, which included character and graphic displays and means of input: a character and function keyboard on a display, a rotary dial, a light pen, and a mouse. Later joysticks, trackballs and touchscreens were introduced. But still, interaction with a computer (or rather, with a program) included elements of programming and remained within the scope of programming activity.
Computerization in the 70s and 80s encouraged the launch of office automation. It was necessary to support the customary office activity connected with text input and working with different spreadsheets. This task was solved via word processors and form-based languages, which later on appeared in Microsoft Office and its counterparts. An idea was suggested for developing visual (iconic) languages, which would make solving some of office automation tasks easier. Later, operating system interfaces were created on the basis of desktop metaphor. Interfaces in the framework of desktop metaphor are based on tacit programming of computer systems and some not explicitly given virtual devices. In many cases, users of these interfaces had used some forms of programming. Note that interface designers did not strictly define (or possibly, they were not aware at all of) the ‘programming language’ or a ‘virtual device’ that was to be ‘programmed’.
The next stage of human-computer interface development is connected with the Internet. Recreational websites and sites of electronic commerce and service provisioning became an important source of ideas for interface development. Interface quality evaluation became closely connected with evaluation of effectiveness of electronic commerce and advertising placed on websites. The effectiveness of the latter can be evaluated primarily via the number of ‘clicks’ on an advertising banner (click-through rate). It appears that this is one of the most important reasons for using the (behavioristic) ‘stimulus-reaction’ model in interface evaluation.
Often without noticing it, the users of professional and mass interfaces become involved in the process of programming some virtual devices, which are defined by relevant program systems. In some cases, this tacit programming can be grasped intuitively, yet, in others, it may annoy the users, even causing stress.
This section deals with instrumental interfaces (see also Beaudouin-Lafon, 2000). We shall assume that service interfaces are to be understood as interfaces for specialists in a certain area, which the they use as a means of performing their professional activity, as well as instrumental interfaces for general use. Two classes of instrumental interfaces are under examination here: professional and mass interfaces. One may define professional interfaces as interfaces for specialists in those areas where a major part of activity constitutes professional work with people and/or documents, whereas interfaces are used as a tool for professional activity. Mass interfaces are those intended for general public use including utilization of various socially significant services. In case of mass interfaces, a designer, while defining the demands to an interface, takes part in forming the future activity. A user cannot abandon the use of a certain system because it provides access to vital services, resources, information etc. Mass interfaces should be aimed at the ‘weakest link’, i.e. a person with minimal ability in input, perception and analysis of information should be able to use it successfully. In case of professional interfaces, the goal of a user’s activity is pre-defined. Description of a task in general formulates the demands to an interface. A professional cannot abandon the use of an interface either because their activity is strictly regulated. An interface designer should examine the goals and peculiarities of a certain activity, so as not to corrupt it and to prevent any additional difficulties. We suppose that programming should not be present in professional interfaces as a separate activity, which would add to the core responsibilities of a professional. Analysis of professional and mass interfaces should be conducted from the viewpoint of specialists (for instance, office workers and health workers) who have personal experience in their professional activity. Accordingly, mass interfaces should be designed upon the experience of common users (Averbukh et al. 2014-a).
In the course of their activity professionals are dealing with a number of entities. For example, they may process personal documents, fill in the forms of internal documents, interact with customers, sometimes accept money and give checks. Computerization adds a new kind of activity and creates a new entity – interaction with a program. There are examples of interfaces that continuously switch the attention of operators, overloading them with additional tasks and interfering with their customer interactions. Thus, the analysis of activity caused by computer interfaces should be carried out, to evaluate both possible ‘redundancy’ and ‘insufficiency’ of computerization. Generally, the number of entities that a professional has to deal with should be reduced and not increased. That is why a designed interface should be able to do all the working with an entity itself. This way, an interface will not become a new, additional and complicating entity in an activity of a professional.
Quality and usability criteria used for evaluation of
recreational websites and social networks, such as page visibility time, click
counts for a certain picture, or personal opinions of a small number of
respondents, are not applicable for evaluating instrumental interfaces.
The criteria in question must be based on performance evaluation
for individual users and a computerized organization as a whole.
The quality of ‘instrumental’
mass interfaces can be measured by the time spent to
achieve the desired result and the level of stress while trying to do that.
For that end, concise interfaces with minimal demands for user’s
memory and attention are required. Hence the requirement for
saving and restoring the current state and context of the interface. Menu-based
interfaces or any kinds of programming techniques are hardly applicable here.
The quality of a professional instrumental interface can be measured by the
quantity of people satisfied by the work of an enterprise within a set period
of time. Presumably, the stress level of a professional using a certain
interface would affect the stress level of a customer due to possible delays,
failures and general annoyance. Designing instrumental interfaces is
inseparable from solving more general problems, such as proper organization of
an institution’s workflow (in which the interface will be used), documentation
maintenance, securing access to data etc. Yet, all these decisions are
generally outside of a designer’s competence. An interface designer has to
examine the goals and peculiarities of a certain activity, so as not to distort
it or bring in additional difficulties. The naturalness of professional
interfaces should be tied to the activity experience of a professional for whom
the interactive environment is being developed. For instance, today typical
surgical tools include not only (and not so much) scalpels but also various
devices controlling complex hardware for medical operations, along with
specialized human-computer interfaces. In this case, professional interfaces
are those for controlling hardware, setting up devices and their conditions. Gesture
interfaces may be implemented to control hardware and devices as well.
Therefore, it would not be necessary to train medical professionals to perform
additional procedures with their hands/fingers, and a ‘shift of context’ would
not happen in the middle of a critical activity.
In (Averbukh et al. 2014-a), the description of a prototype of a
computer system for managing a clinic also included descriptions of
implementing interactive systems supporting the interface for patients,
interface for general medical professionals seeing patients, and interface for
procedure reports on cardiac interventions. The interfaces were designed from
the perspective of the activity theory. In the process of design, several
assumptions were made concerning the necessary infrastructure. After the
analysis of activity of patients and medical professionals, the functionality
of developed services and their interfaces were chosen. Certainly, in making
this choice, a number of simplifications were allowed.
A patient’s interface is an example of a mass instrumental
interface. In its design, possible goals and tasks of both the patient and the
medical institution were accounted for. We considered the main goal to be
referring the patient to a medical professional in a quick and easy way, and
assuring that the latter gets all the necessary information about the patient.
The interface was made as simple as possible, to ensure its usability for a
diseased person, who at the time is not inclined to [quasi]programming
activity. The patient, upon entering their personal data, is referred to a
medical professional. As the analysis of symptoms done by a patient on their
own or via a phone operator may be inaccurate and may lead to unwanted
consequences, the patient on their first visit is referred to a medical
professional for an initial diagnosis. During further revisits the choice of a
medical professional is based on the patient’s clinical record, the latter
being also able to choose the time of visit.
In designing the interface for medical professionals we decided
to computerize such elements of their activity during a visit as output of
objective data of a patient’s health and subjective patient’s complaints,
updating the clinical record, assigning therapy, and writing prescriptions. In
assigning therapy and writing prescriptions for drugs, contraindications for a
certain patient were to be examined. The present state of a patient’s clinical
record was shown. For a full-scale diagnosis of an illness the possibility to
check previous treatment by medical professionals of other specialties was
implemented. To support the diagnosing, an output of medical tests and
visualization results data (for example cardiograms, X-ray pictures), added to
the clinical record of a patient, was made possible. By design, test results
were meant to be added to the patient’s record automatically from the relevant
hardware. Links to images allowed full-scale examination to see minute details.
Also a list (managed by a medical professional) of additional attachments to
the medical record was designed, which may contain any data. The interface
included a form to enter the initial diagnosis for a patient, and a form for
therapy assignment and writing prescriptions. The prototype of the system also
has a simple knowledge base on contraindications in therapy and drugs for every
patient, formed according to the medical record and current prescriptions. (See
Figure 1.)
A project of an interface for a cardiac
pacemaker implantations surgery logbook was created as a practical application
of the activity approach to interface design. Design and implementation in this
case are based on a cardiac surgeon professional knowledge of activity.
Documenting a course of treatment is an important task, both in professional
and legal sense. Development of a specialized service interface was based on
the method of direct manipulation. This method implies creation of an
interface in which users, in solving their tasks, directly manipulate visual
representations of the objects upon which actions are performed. The concept of
direct manipulation was developed in the beginning of the 1980s by a renowned
computer scientist B. Shneiderman (see one of the first accounts of this
approach in (Shneiderman 1983, Jacob
1986)). Every user of iconic interface has encountered
this popular concept in one way or another. However, it is often forgotten in
service interfaces, where almost literal transfer of ‘paper’ documentation into
electronic version take place instead. There is a description of a surgery
logbook interface in (Averbukh et al.
2014-a). This interface implies step-by-step work of a
surgeon user, who manipulates pictograms referring to cardiac pacemakers and
electrodes. The resulting visual representation may be converted to text in a
required format.
The paper (Averbukh et al. 2014-b) contains an account of
developing natural interfaces, which can be eventually used by surgeons in an
operating room, for instance, to facilitate sterility. At the same time, a sign
language for equipment management was evaluated. Medical professionals noted
the disadvantages of sign languages based on the demonstration of finger
figures. Using such gestures requires actions and operations that are
additional to activity of a medical professional already busy with diagnostics
or a surgical operation. It distracts and interferes with a surgeon’s work.

Figure 1. Examples of a
‘medical professional’ interface (prototype).
A cycle of computer modeling
includes creating qualitative (physical) and mathematical models, choosing or
developing algorithms and computing methods, programming, computing, analysis
and interpretation of results. Within the cycle of computer modeling,
visualization facilitates analysis and interpretation of computing results.
There are several subdomains of computer visualization, such as scientific
visualization, software visualization and information visualization.
Visualization as creating visual images of mental models had existed long before
the emergence of modern computers. Moreover, translation of data into graphic
images may be viewed as part of our daily life. However, computer visualization
(in contrast to ‘pre-computer’ one) is most often aimed at research and
discovery of new knowledge. One account of computer visualization as a separate
discipline in 1987 mentions that ‘visualization offers a
method of seeing the unseen’. It also notes that the goal of
visualization is insight, not pictures (Visualization
in Scientific Computing, 1987). Visualization should form (or
facilitate the formation of) holistic mental models and, consequently, create
insight. The occurrence of insight is considered one of the main criteria in
evaluating the visualization quality (North, Ch. 2006). The insight in
visualization is connected with user's mental models. The insight forms a new
mental model of entities under analysis and visualization. And, on the other
hand, the insight is based on pre-existing user's mental models.
visualization is one of the subdomains of computer visualization, and it deals
with illustrating objects, processes and phenomena modeled in scientific
calculations. Currently scientific computing is mainly conducted on
supercomputers, and still may take many hours or even days. The results are
huge volumes of data describing objects with complex structures. Generally, the modeled objects lack any
similarities in nature. In many cases there are also no conventional, habitual
(for this scientific discipline) methods of depicting such objects.
The process of visualization means
building a visual image upon abstract ideas of an object. These abstract ideas
constitute a model of an object, a phenomenon or a process researched, which
relates to a user’s cognitive structures describing this entity. Visual images
representing a modeled entity serve to create or restore the cognitive
structures upon it. The task of visualization is to obtain a visual image, by
means of which a mental image (idea) of the object in question can be correctly
Drawing upon the long-term
experience, we can conclude that activity of a specialist working with
visualized representations for different purposes is mostly analogous in goals
and means to activity of a researcher described in the works of Brushlinsky.
Search for methods of visual representation of the main entities of computing
models that would allow full interpretation of modeling results is a major task
of researches in the field of computer visualization.
A system designer should consider
tasks, goals and motives of a future user’s activity. Besides knowledge
of the subject field under consideration, a designer should understand the way
researcher users conduct their work. It is often assumed that a user imagines
with sufficient accuracy what is sought in an observable, yet large array of
data. In scientific and software visualization, however, these conditions are
often inapplicable. In many cases, mathematical and computer modeling creates
fundamentally new objects. The activity of a researcher studying visualized
representations draws upon many factors, including their own personality
traits. In addition, the activity of a researcher does largely depend on the
hardware used for visualizing and interfaces. Users of scientific visualization
systems are researchers busy with computer modeling of complex phenomena and
processes. Very often, only an extremely small number of specialists can
analyze and interpret the results of such modeling. That is why the quality of
visualization and the degree to which the perceptual peculiarities of a certain
specialist are taken into consideration are vital for the results of any
important work. Observing the users of visualization systems allows us to
distinguish several types of work behavior. Sometimes a quick glance at an
image enables the researcher to produce some conclusions about the problem in
question. In other cases, visual inspection
takes a long time. Here, different modes are possible; for example, monitoring
changes in a dynamic image or a visual text reading with analysis of its
details, all the while interacting with visual objects.
Such differences are also associated
with the tasks of visualization, which determine its type (cognitive, proving
or illustrative), features of a model and stages of working on it; they also
stem from professional and individual differences in users’ work methods. All
of this affects the choice of imaging and methods of visualizations. Different
types of visualization result in the differences in the activity of specialists
using it.
Ideas of A.V. Brushlinskiy
(Brushlinskiy A.V. 2003) are of importance for analyzing user experience in computer
visualization systems. An emerging insight is considered to be the criterion of
a successful visualization. In A.V. Brushlinskiy’s works, insight is regarded
as an event in which an individual ‘immediately formulates the basic thought
According to A.V. Brushlinskiy, the
process of thinking begins with awareness of a problem. Its analysis leads to
formulating a task, to the separation of the known from the unknown. In solving
a scientific task, an individual cannot exactly predict the unknown, the result
of a thinking process, early on. A.V. Brushlinskiy shows that starting a
cognitive activity of solving a task, an individual does not and cannot know
the answer yet unknown: which characteristics and relations of an object
cognized are to be revealed; what kinds of action and thought operations are to
be formulated and so on. In other words, while the start of thinking has been
already established, it has no ‘end’ because the final situation of thinking
does not exist. Yet, still being at the initial stage, an individual starts,
uncertainly, to anticipate the future solution. The process of solving a task
lies in revealing the relations between its elements, its conditions and
demands. The individual solving a task is performing analysis via synthesis.
New characteristics and relations of the tasks elements are laid out and
synthesized with each other, until at last the solution is found. Cognitive
visualization is aimed at helping the researcher see all the elements of the
task at hand, to evaluate their relations with each other.
One may say that a search for a
solution by a scientific visualization system user largely matches the activity
of a researcher busy with a scientific problem, and may include both instant
and non-instant insight. According to A.V. Brushlinskiy, in the latter a
thought is formed within several seconds before one’s eyes (it is not
originally available and is actually formed, not simply formulated). Studying
the activity of a researcher analyzing and interpreting data with the help of
visualization is a major task, which would allow to improve the efficiency of
computer modeling as a whole.
There is no general description of
a researcher user activity for systems of computer visualization yet. However,
application of the activity theory helps in solving specific tasks of designing
specialized systems of scientific visualization. A vital task is visualizing
the process of solving problems in mathematical physics. An approximate
solution is achieved by means of grid generation.
The accuracy of
modeling results depends on the number of grid refinements. The more complex is
the structure of the grid is, the more accurately it depicts the phenomenon
examined. The number of grid cells has increased from 104 to 1014
over the past two decades. Researchers working with such a grid must be able to
examine separate fragments of the grid. Therefore, designers of the system
visualizing this grid must enable navigation in three-dimensional space.
Navigation in the system is implemented via a complex of camera control
functions. A projection system of data manipulation is used here. Functions of
data manipulation are divided into groups like movement, rotation, drawing
sections etc. (Averbukh V.L. et al. 2010).
Moreover, the researchers are interested not only in a dimensional image, but
also in the distribution of values on the grid surface; this is commonly
depicted by color gradation. When a large amount of grid cells is present,
interpretation of an image obtained is obstructed because the user is finding
it difficult to visually grasp and evaluate a large quantity of significant
objects. (See Figure 2.)

Figure 2. Visualization
of Computational Grids (Averbukh V. et al 2016)
VR provides us with a wider view
space than monitor screen that allows user to change some visualization
parameters such as the thickness of the tree, tree scaling parameters and the
size of the label leaf. In order to see an individual leaf or branch, user just
needs to go closer to it by passing through VR environment. That is much more
convenient than zoom in /out in 2D format. In this way, VR visualization is
more flexible than 2D presentation. It provides a new quality of visualization
and enables user to view a general picture while the details are simply visible
(Forghani, Vasev, Averbukh, 2017). Figure 3 demonstrates three-dimensional
visualization of the physico-chemical changes in protein in the form of
phylogenetic tree.

Figure 3. Virtual reality presentation of
circular tree. (Forghani, Vasev, Averbukh, 2017)
Using virtual reality environments
dramatically improves the ability to analyze and interpret the results. In
implementing specialized systems of visualization of computational grids with
virtual reality goggles, several problems of organizing users’ work arise. One
of them is connected with the way the state of presence affects the user’s
ability for intellectual activity to analyze and interpret data with complex
structure. It seems important to evaluate the influence of virtual reality as a
workplace of a fundamentally new kind, as well as the influence of experiencing
the phenomenon of presence on human activity.
While working in such a system, the
user has to move inside or around the grid to highlight and move its fragments
etc. Therefore, an issue arises of the human factor in dimensional orientation
and navigation in spaces with complex structures, which are three-dimensional
grids. Some ways of interacting with the environment or moving in it may become
inconvenient for the user, causing discomfort, while others may distract them
from the task.
However, planning a research based
on a real problem uncovered an issue mentioned in the work (Baker M.P., Wickens Ch.D. 1995): the difficulty of
organizing a research in which specialists analyzing scientific data would play
the role of subjects. Current specialized system is targeted at a small group
of people, who are able to grasp the material offered and draw conclusions from
it, important for them and their work. The number of such specialists was found
too small to make a representative sample. Therefore, a problem arose of
choosing a model task, solving which the subjects would execute mental
operations similar to those executed by researchers in the area of mathematical
physics. It was for the needs of the latter that three-dimensional grid was
designed, and it brought about the issues of compatibility of intellectual
activity and experiencing the phenomenon of presence.
After analyzing possible solutions,
the Kohs Block Design Test (a part of Wechsler’s intellect test) was chosen as
the basis for modeling a user’s work with the specialized system of scientific
Kohs Block Design Test allows to
determine spatial abilities of an individual, including the ability to construct
clear images that do not get destroyed after transformation (Hegarty, M.,
Kozhevnikov, M. 1999), and the ability for flexible redistribution of attention
resources to optimize the process of solving the task (Milne, E., Szczerbinski,
M. 2009). Kohs Block Design Test evaluates the ability to execute basic
intellectual operations: comparison, analysis and synthesis. Therefore, Kohs
Block Design Test can be used as a model of mental activity because it embraces
a wide range of cognitive abilities.
The subjects of the experiment were
in the virtual environment which represented a room with a table. The subject was required to take blocks that have all
white sides, all red sides, and red and white sides, and arrange them according
to a pattern. They were timed on this task and compared to a normative sample. One-third
of the subjects pointed out experiencing a feeling of presence during an
inquiry. These results correlated with those from the Presence Questionnaire (Witmer
B.G., Singer M.J. 1998). The analysis did not show
the timing differences while solving the test or the amount of correct answers
among those who pointed out the feeling of presence and those who did not. The
obtained experience of continued development of grid visualization specialized
systems using virtual reality generally confirms the results of the experiment.
(See Figure 4.) (Averbukh N. 2014), (Averbukh1
V.L., Averbukh N.V. 2017).

4. Example of the virtual environment realized in the
Kohs Block Design Test
Computerization of any process
brings serious changes to the activity of professionals and general population,
and sometimes leads to emergence of new kinds of activity. By means of several
examples we have reviewed the possibilities of the activity theory in
developing popular and professional interfaces, and in creating the means of
visualization. An interface is a ‘face’ of a computer system. An activity is
formed via interface design. Therefore, the activity theory is applicable when
designing new software complexes, and also for evaluating the existing
interactive systems. In that regard, a need in activity analysis arises. It may
be useful to include such specialists as an Activity Analyst and Activity
Engineer/Designer into development teams. Their tasks would include general
description of an activity, finding out all its participants, goals and
motives, and determining actions and operations for executing the activity.
Such analysis would serve as a basis for designing interfaces through which
operations and actions are executed.
The main activity is the one
cemented with a common goal, motive for its execution and a sense of unity of
all actions included in it. Furthermore, any one of those actions does not
possess a distinct goal, but serves only to accomplish a certain task necessary
to execute activity as a whole. When dealing with an interface as part of a
general activity, an individual switches to interact with a computer and back
without stopping their main activity or perceiving their actions as something
separate. When an interface demands some special activity, an individual has to
stop carrying out other tasks and switch to interacting with a computer.
Emergence of additional activity through computerization should not be allowed;
however, it may happen when ‘paperwork’ techniques are directly translated to
computer ones. Of necessity are those kinds of activity which really make the
work easier and greatly increase its intensity. Note the occasional forming of
activity via tacit programming of an undescribed quasi-computer device. In this
regard, interfaces based on direct manipulations are more successful.
It should be taken into account that in the
evaluation of interfaces not only the final outcome of a single usage is
important, but also work conditions and general condition of a user during an
extended period of time. Analysis and design should also be conducted with
regard to general psychological and ergonomic criteria, including the presence
of stress, both in users of interactive systems and in consumers of
computerized institutions. Visualization is one of the final stages of computer
modeling. Activity of specialist users in analysis and interpretation of visual
representations has not been described generally. However, the emergence of
insight is a criterion of visualization quality because its occurrence may lead
to correct data interpretation.
Specialized systems are often targeted at a small circle of
researchers, who are able to understand the proposed material and make the
important conclusions based on it. Therefore, the development of specialized
visualization systems involves the study and analysis of the general and local
goals and tasks of users, the set of their actions and the operations required
to achieve the result of their activities. As was already mentioned, in order
to evaluate the suitability of visualizations and interfaces, it is important
to consider not only the result of one-time using, but the working conditions
and the overall state of the user over a long period of time. This analysis is
especially important in the course of designing the visualization systems using
virtual reality. These designs should take into account common psychological
and ergonomic criteria, as well as psychological and physiological
characteristics of potential users. The activity of researchers (users of
visualization systems) in the analysis and interpretation of visualizations is
not described in general terms. Nevertheless, it is necessary to evaluate the
user activity generated by specialized visualization systems.
The evaluation of activity created by new computer
means and its comparison with ‘pre-computer’ variants should be carried out.
One may need to create models of certain kinds of activity. A model is possible
and necessary under the condition of insufficiency of knowledge and methods of
obtaining it (research methods). A good (accurate) model enables structuring
future knowledge, providing information not only about the structure, but also
about the interaction of elements and substructures of an object. Further
formalization of the notion of activity would allow comparing interactive
systems on a more complex basis, which would include, among others, work
results, intellectual complexity of separate operations and actions, conditions
of users, and customer satisfaction. In addition, one may consider other
approaches to theoretical description of HCI. For example, in (Nicastro F., Pereira R., Alberton B., Morellato L.P.C.,
Baranauskas C., Torres R.S. 2015) a
semiotics-based approach to mobile user interface design was proposed.
we pay attention to the wide distribution of gestural interfaces associated
with smartphones, game consoles and similar devices. These interfaces are
already being successfully adopted by children from the earliest age. There are
examples of young children trying to apply gadget-based skills in everyday
life, trying to zoom in on real objects (for
example, observed through the window of a room) with characteristic ‘window
expansion’ gestures. One can argue the ergonomics of
these interfaces, but they are familiar to hundreds of millions of users.
Consideration of this factor is necessary in the design of instrumental (both
mass and professional) interfaces for specialized (non-entertaining) systems.
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