Let us consider a system of equations of hydrodynamics with a sliding
condition at the boundary and the motion of an
non-diffusing impurity:
Equations (1) are investigated in the
three-dimensional domain
– the velocity field of the fluid flow, which
obeys the condition of non-flow at the boundary of the region
– the pressure field in the same
three–dimensional region;
are constants that characterize the viscosity and density of the liquid,
– the concentration of the impurity in the flow
an external force acting on particles,
– the coefficient of resistance to particle
motion. In the future, gravity is considered as an external force.
– the vector of the normal to the surface
at a point on the surface
The article presents the result of a numerically
analytical solution of the system of equations (1) consisting of the
Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible fluid and the
convection-diffusion equation and is a continuation of the approaches and
visualization methods developed in [1]. In the framework of model (1),
diffusion processes in dispersed systems are investigated, namely, the effect
of parachuting a falling large particle in a liquid–filled medium. This effect
is one of the causes of particle coagulation [2]. Large particles and the
liquid flow surrounding them have identical physical parameters: viscosity,
density, temperature, but differ in size and, therefore, have different masses.
Convective diffusion problems are an intensive field
of study [3-7], however, as a rule, they are considered in isolation from the
equations describing the dynamics of the flow field, which is considered to be
set [3-5]. In [5], a numerical and analytical solution to the problem of
migration of impurities in the atmosphere and water medium is considered. In
[6], a stationary problem consisting of a convection-diffusion equation and an
equation for a flow field with a nonlinear reaction coefficient is considered,
and in [7], an exclusively numerical solution using foreign
Fluent software is considered. In this paper, we study the nonstationary
convection-diffusion problem describing the dynamics of a heavy impurity in the
incompressible fluid flow field, using the class of exact solutions of the
Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible fluid found by
the authors and the developed software for calculating and visualizing the
impurity deposition process.
According to [8] field
given by formula (2), and the scalar field
(3), they are the solution of a system of
Navier-Stokes equations for the flow of a viscous
incompressible liquid in a cylinder:
the roots of the derivative of the Bessel function of the first kind of
zero order, ordered in ascending order.
the Bessel function of the 0th order,
the derivative of the Bessel function of the 0th
First, equation (4) is considered without taking into
account the action of an external volumetric force. In this case, the velocity
vector of the impurity coincides with the velocity vector of the liquid
Therefore, to calculate the trajectory of an impurity
particle, it is necessary to solve the Cauchy problem in three-dimensional
space with given initial conditions for each impurity particle.
The developed software solves the Cauchy problem for
calculating and visualizing the impurity deposition process, using the
method of the 4th order of accuracy, which is a
classical numerical method for solving this problem [9, 10]. To build the
visualization, the
library [11] for the C++
programming language was used, a computer based on the AMD Ryzen
2990Wx 32-Core Processor, with 32 GB of RAM,
was used as computing stations to solve the problem. To unlock the potential of
the processor and accelerate calculations,
technology was used [12] with parallelization of calculations on 64-threads.
A series of computational experiments has been carried
out to simulate the dynamics of a heavy impurity in an incompressible liquid.
The initial position of the impurity is given by the expression
indicates the number of the impurity particle for which the initial position is
set. The initial position of each impurity particle is determined by the
following rule:
Consider an arbitrary, binary
(two-color) black-and-white image with a size of no more than 300 pixels by 300
pixels, on which the white color will serve as the background and occupy from
50% of the image, the black color is the contour of an arbitrary image, for
example, consider Fig. 1. The limitation on the image size is due to the
capabilities of the computer.
Let's denote the size of the
picture in pixels by
– width and height. Consider each pixel
of the image
– the pixel value (1 is white, 0 is black), and the pair
– pixel coordinates in the left rectangular
coordinate system, the origin of which is the upper-left corner of the image.
If the pixel
if the value is 0 (i.e. it is black), then this
pixel will be used as the initial condition for the Cauchy problem after
processing using the following formulas:
the size of the
area in which the impurity is to be placed (in the article under consideration
The coordinate
for each impurity particle, its value corresponds to
the location of the particle above the earth's surface.
Fig. 1. The image used to form the initial impurity
The main characteristics of computational experiments:
time step to save the results
(every 50,000th image was saved), the viscosity
The results of mathematical modeling with the
specified parameters are shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Results of mathematical modeling for the 1st
computational experiment
For software testing, the inverse problem is
considered, Fig. 3. In this case, the initial position of the impurity field
for the Cauchy problem coincides with the final position of the impurity field
at the last time step of solving the direct problem (Fig. 2):
The superscript 2 at
indicates the fact that these are the values of
the initial impurity concentration field for the inverse problem, without an
index – for the direct problem. The time step was
Fig. 3. The result of solving the inverse problem
Fig. 1 and Fig. 3
coincide qualitatively at the final moment of time, which indicates the high
accuracy of the resulting solution. The quantitative indicators of the error
measure are as follows:
the maximum and
average error for each of the coordinates have values:
x1_max= 0.0919,
x1_avg = 0.045;
x2_max = 0.0921,
x2_avg = 0.049;
x3_max = 0.00117,
x3 _avg = 0.0004;
At the same time, the distance between the points
formed initially (Fig. 1) and the points obtained by solving the inverse
problem (Fig. 3) was estimated. The maximum distance is 0.0923, the average
value is 0.074.
Taking into account the size of the figure, the
calculation error is 0.9 and is calculated as follows:
Considering the movement of impurities in this field,
it can be assumed that it describes the movement of updrafts, and perhaps the
geoglyphs (Fig. 4) on the Nazca plateau were created by the ancient
based on this effect.
Fig. 4. Example of geoglyphs on the Nazca plateau
Fig. 1, which was used to determine the initial
conditions of the Cauchy problem, was formed on the basis of Fig. 4.
Consider the system (1), taking into account the
effect of gravity on an impurity dissolved in a liquid. To strengthen the
assumption, we will conduct another computational experiment, for this we
modify the field (4) by adding a coefficient responsible for the gravitational
component, as follows:
In this case, the particles lifted by the field will settle in the
plane over time, and therefore a stop criterion
was added for the algorithm, according to which the calculation was stopped if
the point along the z axis begins to take negative values at the next
iteration. After that, for all subsequent time steps, the value for this point
was equal to the last correct value.
During this computational experiment, the following values were changed:
The value of the parameter
Fig. 5. Sedimentation modeling
As can be seen from the results of mathematical
modeling, Fig. 5, by the final moment of time
all particles settled in the plane
As can be seen from the results of the computational
experiment, precipitation fell on the "surface of the earth" in the
form of a certain geoglyph, in the future it is possible to develop an
algorithm for selecting initial conditions, so that during modeling in the z =0
plane the required image is obtained. To do this, it is necessary to form the
initial points in the plane z = 0.1, which will occupy the entire area of the
base of the cylinder. Then modeling is carried out and, after the impurity
falls out, it is necessary to select only those points that form the required
image. Then conduct another computational experiment, for which the starting
points will be only those that form the image.
In addition, if you look at the
projection (fig. 5, average), you can see that the particles in the air also
form some arbitrary patterns. With the use of a similar algorithm, only the
selection of points will occur not relative to the image obtained in the
projection z = 0, but relative to the image in the projection
As a result, you can get a tool for forming various
aerial illusions / projections in the air.
The work was performed within the framework of the
state task of the Federal State University of the Federal Research Center of
the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic FNEF-2024-0001 "Creation and
implementation of trusted artificial intelligence systems based on new
mathematical and algorithmic methods, models of fast computing implemented on
domestic computing systems" (1023032100070-3-1.2.1).
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