three-dimensional graphics and lighting modeling software packages often
include a tool for processing and investigation of two-dimensional images that
are the results of modeling. Functionality of these tools is usually minimal
one and often consists of mapping of resultant images into monitor screen only.
There are many well-known general image processing programs (for example, Adobe
Photoshop [1], ACDSee [2], Corel PaintShop Pro [3], and others). But in
practice they either do not contain required functionality, or are so
superfluous that result postprocessing becomes inconvenient with them. So, what
functionality is necessary for researcher or optical designer?
At first, there should be
support of high-dynamic range (HDR) images [4]. Most of usual images have so
called low dynamic range. They keep information in the way suitable for direct
display on a computer monitor. Pixel brightness is there expressed in abstract
values relative to maximal possible brightness of a monitor, with fixed number
of linearly distributed intermediate steps. This number is called color depth
and usually is equal to 256 (8 bit) per color channel. So the low dynamic range
is two orders. But results of lighting simulation are physical values (of
luminance or radiance) which dynamic range is more than two orders in most
cases. Also human vision is capable to perceive luminance values from 10-6
to 108
cd/m2, so this range should be provided in HDR
images [5]. While the low dynamic range image often keeps picture in RGB color
model (because it is suitable for fast rendering) the HDR image can have other
color models like spectral one or CIE XYZ. Here the color model depends on
lighting simulation purpose and researcher or designer tasks. Obviously, for
displaying such images on a monitor screen, luminance or radiance values of
each pixel should be mapped into color space of a monitor using algorithms of
dynamic range compression and conversion into the RGB color model. Such
conversion is often called Tone Mapping Operator (TMO).
Besides support of HDR
format, image processing tool should provide additional display modes for
showing auxiliary modeling results, for example, achieved accuracy or number of
processed rays. The various display modes [6] can be used here but most usable
is a heat map or visualization in false colors. Also sometimes modeling results
are recorded in polar coordinates or represented as a spherical panorama. Such
data should also be converted into form suitable for rendering on a screen. In
some cases it is required to provide additional interaction between image
processing module and main lighting modeling program, for example, when some
area should be selected on the image and its coordinates are passed to the main
program for further simulation.
There are several viewers
of HDR images [7-9]. All they provide rich toolkit for investigation and
modification of HDR images. Also work [10] proposes to use virtual and mixed
reality tools for evaluation of lighting modeling results. However they cannot
be used for analysis of auxiliary simulation result and supplementary
information produced by lighting simulation system.
is why we had to implement own viewer that processes HDR images generated by
the lighting simulation and realistic computer graphics system as well as visualizes
supplementary simulation information needed for engineer analysis.
Initially the image
intended for postprocessing in separate program contained only luminance or
illuminance values for each pixel. However, later it became necessary to record
additional data. So possibility of transmission of new data was provided. These
data have “per pixel” nature and therefore we call them layers of image.
However, creation of a layer not attached to the image coordinate scale is also
possible. For example, for each image in spectral color model the array of
wavelengths for which the image was calculated must be also stored in layer.
Layers are defined by names which are hard-coded for specific data, and data
are being searched and read by these names during loading into the image
processing program. Main layers which currently are recorded to files besides
the image itself are the following: grid image, calculation inaccuracy matrix,
matrix of numbers of ray hits for each pixel, three-dimensional coordinates of
closest scene point corresponding to each pixel.
Historically, some layers
were included in the main image file itself, while other layers were recorded
into separate files with name corresponding to the main image file and
differing by extension. In particular, the layer with three-dimensional
coordinates of pixels and the layer with scene object indices are stored to
separate files. Also, if several kinds of physical values (luminance,
illuminance, etc.) are calculated during single lighting simulation for the
same camera or virtual measuring device (observer), then these data also are
written in separate files.
of layers is different depending on what kind of image (virtual camera or
measuring device/area) we intend to investigate. Fig. 1 shows the layer
structure for camera image (i.e. rendering results).
Fig. 1.
Data layers for rendering results.
Here each layer is usually
stored in a separate file. Any of these files can be recorded during rendering
according to user settings. Then, in the image processing module all existing
additional files (ray angle values, coordinates and object indices) will be
opened automatically when user opens one of the main image files (luminance,
illuminance, radiance, irradiance).
Virtual measuring devices
or areas are called observers. For observer results layer structure is
different as it is shown on Fig. 2.
Here all layers are stored
in one file. Besides the main image layer, the layers with
areas (useful if observer cells have different areas),
coefficients (ratio of distance of point projections to surface from axis to distance
of point from axis),
hits numbers and inverse values of cosines for luminance gonio observer
can be optionally stored.
Fig. 2.
Data layers for observer results.
Also we are using
different types of data arrangement in files depending on rendering or observer
data, image size, and some other parameters. It is possible to group recorded
data by layers (so at first is recorded entire luminance layer for all pixels,
then entire inaccuracy layer, and so on), or group it by pixels (record all existing
data corresponding to the first pixel, then for second pixel, and so on). It is
even possible to group data by small blocks corresponding to some rectangular
part of an image. This way is used if rendering algorithm generates such blocks
sequentially. But it should be noticed that the main image layer (luminance /
illuminance / radiance / irradiance) is always considered as the single layer,
not depending on data arrangement type and not depending on number of color
components (three for RGB or XYZ or possibly more for spectral color model). So
all color component for each pixel are always grouped together.
One of the main functions
of the HDR image processing program is mapping of high dynamic range image into
monitor color space and rendering it on monitor screen. Dynamic range
compression task is necessary for optical modeling software package because images
obtained with lighting modeling and rendering are represented with calculated
physical values which dynamic range is arbitrary.
In principle, the history
of the development of Tone Mapping Operator (TMO) has been going on for more
than 20 years [11-13]. In the early 2000s, basic and improved TMO algorithms
for a single image were developed. They take into account the specifics of
perception of the human eye. We also developed the original TMO algorithm [14].
At present, the development of tone mapping is still relevant [15]. However,
modern algorithms are being developed for a wide range of applications [16].
Among them, TMO for video [17], TMT for image preprocessing for recognizing key
points and images, for image matching [18] can be noted. The direction of
development of reverse TMT for converting an image with a low dynamic range
into a high one has received great development [19].
The following three
variants of dynamic range compression are currently used in our image
processing module:
dynamic range compression operator [14];
linear compression operator controlled by the single parameter of maximal
brightness level;
compression operator where tone mapping is defined by an editable mapping
Our nonlinear compression
operator is based on the improved Tumblin-Rushmeir operator [11]. It is defined
by the formula:
where Lw
are initial values of pixel
physical brightness, Lda
is screen adaptation brightness (typical
values are 10-30 cd/m2), Lwa
is scene adaptation brightness, m(Lwa)
is a coefficient depending on the scene adaptation brightness which prevents
abnormally grey nightly images,
are defined
using the Stevens formula for contrast sensitivity [20]. In the general case,
after using the improved Tumblin-Rushmeir compression operator, brightness of
some pixels corresponding to the brightest part of a scene may exceed maximal
brightness of a monitor, and so corresponding part of an image will be
oversaturated. For overcoming this problem our operator uses the formula
suggested in [12, 13] for compressing high brightness:
where Ld
is pixel brightness on the
screen, obtained from the previous expression, and Lwrite
is minimal
brightness which is mapped to pure white color. For images with very high
dynamic range, white level Lwhite
can be any large enough value
(usually it is close to maximal scene brightness). Controlling parameters for
our operator are maximal luminance or illuminance value which won’t be clipped,
and scene adaptation luminance.
Linear compression
operator is controlled by single parameter corresponding to maximal luminance
or illuminance value. This parameter can be set explicitly as well as through a
set of photographic parameters such as exposure time, f-number (relative
aperture) of the camera lens, and ISO speed.
User interface of the
compression operators are shown on Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. User
interface elements to control the dynamic range compression operators
(left – nonlinear operator, right – linear operator).
Besides general controls
for tone mapping setting, the Display mode switch is present (Normal, Clipped
and Delta E* modes). Normal mode just shows original image after tone mapping.
Clipped mode inverses luminance values and clips them before tone mapping. So
in this mode negative luminance values are painted in the same way as positive
values in the Normal mode and positive values are painted in black. This is
useful for interrogation of negative luminance values which can be obtained,
for example, during conversion of spectral data to RGB color model. And the
Delta E* mode shows color distance between original luminance/illuminance
values and the same values packed to compact HDR format. CIE94 formula is used
for calculation of color distance [21]. This formula uses the CIE Lab color
model, so RGB color components should be converted to
Obtained value is
displayed using the false colors (heat map) visualization mode.
Our viewer provides false
colors visualization mode intended for showing physical values in a way
suitable for human perception. This mode allows visualization with isolines as
well as without them. User interface in this case can control visualization colors
as well as luminance, illuminance or calculation inaccuracy values
corresponding to these colors. Example of image display in the false colors
mode (with dialog box for setting parameters) is shown on Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Visualization
of surface illumination values.
The same false colors mode
is used for displaying color difference for Delta E* mode. Own color scale and
setup dialog are used in this case.
The layer containing
simulation inaccuracy values corresponding to pixels and the layer with numbers
of ray hits for each pixel gather data during bidirectional Monte-Carlo ray
tracing for virtual measurement devices (so-called observers).
Inaccuracy values are
displayed in false colors. A special mode is intended for their display. It
provides possibility to find scene parts where geometry features do not allow
achieving the required accuracy of calculations, and correct them. This mode can
be turned on in the dialog of setting of main parameters. The same control as
for luminance and illuminance visualization in false colors mode are available
in this case. This mode and its user interface controls can be seen on Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Visualization
of inaccuracy.
Fig. 6. Visualization
of ray hits numbers.
Also it is possible to
show layer with number of rays which hit each pixel. This functionality is
useful for investigation of simulation method efficiency. The layer is also
displayed in false colors like the previous one. Example of this layer is shown
on Fig. 6.
One more layer recorded
together with image contains coordinates of scene points in three-dimensional
space corresponding to pixels. One of the cases when these data are necessary
is measurement of the distance between points in scene space. This functionality
allows selecting two pixels on the image and calculating distance between
points in the scene three-dimensional space using previously recorded
coordinate values. It is useful for virtual scene investigation.
Dialog box for distance
measurements is shown on Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Dialog
of distance measurement between scene points.
Possibility of distance
measuring between two points had already been provided in the main program of
lighting simulation system. Workspace of this program represents itself a three-dimensional
graphics editor which allows moving the viewpoint in the space. But adding
measurement functionality also into image processing program can significantly
improve usability because during analyzing of results user should not switch
between programs each time and manually search for the scene point
corresponding to required pixel. In some cases such manual search is even
impossible. For example, when fisheye camera with view angle near to 180
degrees or even greater is used for rendering, scene preview in the workspace
is impossible with such great view angles. Also such measurement functionality
can be extremely useful in cases when user should measure distance between some
light/dark spots, or size of these spots, i.e. in the case when measurement
points became known only after simulation and visible only in the simulation
this functionality allows distance measuring on a plane. Generally it is needed
during work with images representing result of a simulation on observers. As observer
dimensions are set in real physical units (not just in numbers of pixels),
calculated distance between points in this case is also measured in real
physical units. Possibility of setting custom scale of coordinate axes on
images (expressed as a percentage relative to the pixel numbers of the original
image) and calculating distances between pixels with this scale is also
If simulation of light
propagation is performed with stochastic methods then resulting images
inevitably will be noisy. So image filtering algorithms are applied to reduce
noise. Two simple denoising algorithms are currently implemented in our image
processing program: average filter and median filter. Average filter calculates
mean value of pixels adjacent to the current one and sets this mean value to
the current pixel. Usage of this filter may cause blurring of the image. Median
filter collects an array of adjacent pixels, sorts it, and selects value of the
middle element of the array as the pixel color value. In most cases these two
filters are enough for simple image denoising.
A filter can be
implemented in different ways depending on what color components of point should
be filtered. It can be:
arrays for each color channel; this approach results in very low performance
(especially for median filters) [22, 23];
of vector median (only for median filter); this also is time consuming [24];
of some scalar value corresponding to pixel (for example, luminance or
In our program we use the last variant.
The following parameters
can be set to control image filtering: filter type (average or median), filter
size in pixels and number of passes of the algorithm (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Applying
median filter (left – original image, right – resulting image) and parameters
dialog for this filter.
Total working time for
median filter algorithm with 5x5 size is about 1 second for image with
resolution 1366x768 pixels and about 2.5 minutes for 15000x15000 image using
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core processor and 32 GB RAM.
The brightest image parts
look simply white for human, i.e. overexposed areas “lose” coloring in our
perception [25, 26]. It should be taken into account for simulation of human
vision or photographic equipment specifics. But sometimes the image dynamic
range is not enough high for compression algorithm to take this desaturation
into account. So an additional saturation decreasing for brightest parts of
image (highlights) is advisable. Such functionality was implemented in our
image processing program.
Shortly, the algorithm of
desaturation method is the following:
value of color channels for particular pixel is calculated;
between each particular color channel value and the mean value is obtained;
brightness is divided by highest brightness of the image. This value will be
considered as individual desaturation factor of this particular pixel.
From each color channel, its difference with the
average value of the channel multiplied by the individual desaturation factor
is subtracted.
Thus, values of color channels become closer to
each other and saturation decreases. The algorithm details are in [27].
For better automatic
tuning of the algorithm, it was bound to the statistical parameters of the
image. Bright highlights for which desaturation is required have area
significantly less than the whole image area. Final variant of the algorithm
got the brightness value so that only 10% of pixels have greater brightness.
Then this value was doubled and used as a threshold value for desaturation.
Individual pixel desaturation factor is equal to zero for the threshold and
lower values, and equal to 1 for the maximal brightness value of the image.
Linear interpolation is used for all intermediate values. Result of applying
this method is shown in Fig. 9. From human visual perception point of view the
desaturated image looks more plausible.
Fig. 9. Result
of the highlight desaturation algorithm (on the left – the original image, on
the right – after applying the desaturation).
Control of the highlights
desaturation system consists in switching between automatic and manual modes.
In manual mode user should set threshold brightness value by himself, in
automatic mode it is set according to the described algorithm.
Described images analyzing
and processing module is currently integrated in realistic computer graphics
and lighting simulation system Lumicept [28]. It provides brightness high
dynamic range compression for rendering of images generated with lighting
modeling methods including stochastic ones, analysis of the image generation
algorithms using additional data layers, applying additional visual effects for
improving images appearance, and export of processed images to commonly used
Enhancement of the image
processing module continues persistently. Currently main trends of its development
are improvement of dynamic range compression operators together with additional
desaturation algorithms for brightest highlights. Also new modes of image
analysis can be implemented depending on designer’s and engineer’s needs.
Structure of image layers elaborated by us is so flexible that allows adding
new ones and modifying existent ones with low development cost.
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