Various forms of
scientific data computer visualization are widely implemented in modern
interdisciplinary theoretical and applied research. This data machine analysis
is necessarily coupled with the so-called "human interpretation". It
is also significant that a new concept of "visualistics" has been
established as a humanitarian knowledge sphere
[1, 2].
Graph models are
used as universal means of visualizing scientific information [3, 4]. Today
they are actively used in many spheres including in the humanities. With such a
network visualization, it is clearly visible in which conceptual conjugation,
for example, bigram terms "work" as the most stable word
combinations, how they are distributed among certain thematic clusters. The
effectiveness of their use is also evident in philological research
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].
So, B.V. Orekhov paid attention
to the methods of solving some problems partially related to the literary
terminology analysis. Among them, he highlighted the creation of graphs as an
effective way of modeling of terminology [11].
In our view the
use of such tools is advisable, for example, in the description of a thesaurus
created on the basis of digital processing of the most complete corpus of
texts. This allows to build a terminological dictionary network model in the
form of a graphs systems considering the joint occurrence of basic terms. Due
to this basis, it is possible to describe the thesaurus in its basic concepts
and identify their overgrowth with important definitions that reveal the
features of word usage.
The specificity of
our research is due to the interdiscursive nature of terminology that is used today
in the study of the "gospel text" by F.M. Dostoevsky (meaning the
reflection of images, plots, motives of the Gospel in the texts of the writer).
This is the priority subject of a new scientific direction – ethnopoetics,
which focuses on national and confessional features of Russian literature [12,
The most important
scientific task of ethnopoetics is to create a conceptual apparatus that
consistently reflects the connections of national artistic culture and literature
with the Orthodox tradition. It is necessary to "make the philological
tools, applied < also to Dostoevsky. – V.B. >, more consonant with the
ontological and axiological values of the writer himself" [14, p. 7].
In fact, we are talking about the Russian literature
metalanguage. It is based on the thesaurus, which is structured on the value
basis of the terminologically formed knowledge complex.
In its current
form, the terminological dictionary of the "gospel text" includes
groups of basic terms and concepts. They are increasingly used in mutual
conjugation, referring to the spheres of general (theoretical), historical
poetics and ethnopoetics, theology and philosophy. The accumulated experience
allows us to make a full-scale explication of the thesaurus functioning in the
studies of the gospel text of the author of the Brothers Karamazov. It is
possible to give an up-to-date description of key concepts and terms used in
Dostoevsky studies, to conduct their comparative analysis.
This is necessary
for a new systematization of theoretical knowledge about Dostoevsky, a certain
"revision" of his categorical apparatus for compliance with the
subject of research. This refers to the adequacy of the terminological matrix
of the text being studied. In
this case, the gospel
one. The terminological thesaurus analysis,
based on its
graph model, is intended to contribute to the solution of
this problem.
As initial data,
we used a corpus of scientific texts in the journal "Problems of
Historical Poetics", from 1990 to 2021, (there are 333 articles mentioning
the name of the writer, the number of words he uses is 1.4 million)[1].
The number of texts presented in this
is quite representative of the gospel
text of Dostoevsky
and Russian classical
literature at large. By means of his thesaurus, a national picture of the world
opens. It is focused on the main concepts and constants of the Christian
We used the methods
of automatic processing of source texts by the Python programming language to
clearly show the correlation between terms in a form that is accessible for
analysis and interpretation. They were cleared of irrelevant noise (links,
numbers, line breaks, etc.) and automatically brought to the initial form using
the console lemmatizer Mystem [15]. Service words (conjunctions, prepositions)
were also removed from the texts. At the next stage frequency lists of words of
the text were compiled.
The terms were
selected and distributed in four discourses (different subject areas): general
(theoretical) poetics; historical poetics and ethnopoetics; theology;
philosophical and other discourses. To compile the dictionary, we selected the
most frequent terms-unigrams (a sequence of one word, for example,
"gospel") and terms-bigrams (sequences of two words, "gospel
text") [2]
from the entire list.
An example of the
analysis of the graph model of unigrams is presented in the previous work [16].
In this article, we focus on the bigram visualization as the most stable
terminological combinations fixed by the tradition of scientific word usage.
When constructing graphs from unigrams, we used a limit of 50, 40, 30 and 25
joint word usage of two node terms in windows 3 and 5 (joint use of terms at a
distance of up to 3 and 5 words from each other, respectively). In the case of
bigrams, their minimum frequency is reduced to 5 and 3 joint mentions in window
We used the Gephi program to visualize the graph [17].
Gephi has a built-in
Louvian modularity maximization algorithm [18], which allocates communities
automatically, without a predefined number of communities, so we chose it as
suitable for the task of visualizing the distribution of terms. The graph was
laid by the Yifan Hu algorithm, optimal for our data amount (95 and 176 ribs in
graphs with a joint occurrence constraint of 5 and 3, respectively) [19].
The coefficients
of the node degree (the number of ribs coming from the node) and the degree of
node mediation (the coefficient showing how important this vertex is for the
integrity of the graph) were also calculated. The size of the nodes also
depended on it.
The key terms
("vertices" or "nodes") appearing in graphs as central
conceptual points have a conceptual meaning in the studies of Dostoevsky's
"gospel text". The "ribs" connecting the
"nodes" with lines
clearly reflect the joint
occurrence of these terms in the text.
The more of
them, the stronger the bond and the thicker the "ribs". It is clearly
visible in which conceptual conjugation, for example, bigram terms
"work" as the most stable word combinations with such network
visualization, how they are distributed among certain thematic clusters. There
may be concepts from different discourses in the same cluster. This is an
important indicator of their interface. It shows how integral is the
metalanguage of studies of F.M. Dostoevsky's gospel text in this case.
is, the terminological thesaurus performs a diagnostic and predictive role.
The analysis of
the bigrams sorted by frequency made it possible to identify stable
terminological phrases in the studies of Dostoevsky's gospel text, fixed by
both literary and religious-philosophical traditions. We publish
fifteen bigrams, the most revealing for each discourse.
Historical poetics
and ethnopoetics
and other discourses
Russian literature 1470
the main character 256
Russian philology 233
artistic world 159
Dostoevsky 's poetics 119
Old Russian literature 100
Russian classics 97
literary text 92
Russian novel 80
classical literature79
the picture of the world 68
Russian poetry 68
literary genre 68
gospel text 301
Christian tradition 147
Christmas story134
Christian realism 94
quote/ reminiscence 91
motive / plot 87
Orthodox tradition 83
plot / genre 82
Russian Orthodox80
reminiscence / motive 79
Easter story 72
canonical text 71
Easter archetype 70
category of conciliarism 64
Prodigal Son 156
Jesus Christ 130
Holy Scripture 119
The Image of Christ 99
Orthodox Church 81
Old Testament 78
Mother of God 77
Holy Father 72
Great Lent 56
The Gospel Word56
The Kingdom of God 53
The Holy Spirit 53
The Gospel Parable 50
The Last Judgment48
The Word of God
Russian people 226
Russian man 204
religious and philosophical 96
Russian culture 332
Christian culture 74
cultural tradition 62
Orthodox tradition 83
spiritual life 68
social Christianity 55
Slavic culture 55
Russian world 51
Russian religious 44
Orthodox culture 43
Russian thought 43
Russian land 43
Christian idea 39
The final version
of the dictionary included more than 200 bigrams. From a thematic point of view
the analysis of the dictionary revealed several indicative features of its
structure and content. Firstly, the synonymous correlation of the concepts used
is obvious, indicating the expansion of the terminological field, the addition
of literary tools with categories from other discourses.
Thus, the group of
key terms denoting the subject of ethnopoetics, along with its traditional
formulations, includes new ones due to the axiology and methodology of the
scientific direction in which Dostoevsky's gospel text is studied. Researchers
actively use, for example, the terminological phrases “Russian philology”,
“domestic philology”, “Christian culture”, "Orthodox culture"
alongside with the bigrams “Russian folklore”, “Russian culture”, “Slavic
culture”, “national culture”, “folk culture”.
The transition
from the concept of "Russian literature" to the concept of
"Russian philology" has a fundamental conceptual significance. It's
similar to the transition from the definition of "Old Russian
literature" to the terminological phrase "Old Russian philology"
[20, 21]. The term "philology" is broader than the concept of
"literature". According to the Gospel of John philology is the basis
of life: "In the beginning was the Word...".
Statistical data
of terminological word usage also indicate a predominant research attention to
the classical period of Russian literature (this is revealed by the bigrams
"classical literature", "Russian classics"). The connection
with the Orthodox tradition is most characteristic of this research. The
"foreign Russian literature " is marked by no less ethnoconfessional
originality. Such bigrams as "Russian poetry", "Russian
prose", "Russian novel" determine the subject of the fiction
study. The definition of "Russian" is emphasized in the framework of
the study of the "literary process" and the "creative path"
of the writer.
The system of
concepts looks similar in the terminological dictionary. The correlated
categories "artistic world", "world picture", "world
model", "inner world" of the writing are of prime importance.
New bigrams, denoting an axiological turn in the study of Russian literature,
are synonymous with them: "Russian world", "Orthodox
world", "spiritual world", "God's world",
"Christian world". The traditional attributes of the "image of
the world" are still "artistic time" and "artistic
space", the "manor topos" is also actively studied. The
characteristic toponyms "Russian land", "holy place",
"holy land", "Zion height", etc. are used.
The thematic
group, which mainly consists of the "literary genre" and, in
particular, the "Dostoevsky genre" is no less representative. Along
with the concept of "Russian novel", they are accompanied by such
genre formulas as "Yuletide story", "Easter story",
"Christmas story", "Gospel parable", "Spiritual
verse", "Epistle of the Apostle", "Lives of the
Saint", "Sermon on the Mount", "Revelation of John".
This also indicates the expansion of the terminological apparatus in the
studies of the gospel text in Russian literature in general and in the works of
Dostoevsky in particular.
This trend is also
evident in the system of terms associated with the basic categories
"poetic image", "national image", which is actively
supplemented by the theological concepts "Christian image",
"biblical image", "gospel image", "image of
Christ", "Jesus Christ", "Russian Christ",
"Mother of God", "Holy Mother of God", the periphrases
"son of man", "image of God", "son of God", as
well as the stable phrases "Holy Father", "Reverend
father", "Prodigal son", "Prodigal daughter",
"evil spirit", etc.
The fact that the
discourse of modern literary criticism is expanding is evidenced by the
"nest" of terms. Alongside with the traditional categories of general
poetics "artistic text", "poetic text", "literary
text", "canonical text", includes new bigrams "gospel
text", "biblical text", as well as the concepts of "literary
tradition", "cultural tradition", "ancient tradition" are
complemented by the phrases "Christian tradition", "Orthodox
A new
understanding of Russian literature in its connections with Christian tradition
is also manifested in relation to plotology. Besides the traditional
designations "storyline", "plot situation", "test
plot", and the terminological pairs "motive / plot", "plot/
genre", plotology terminological apparatus includes bigrams "gospel
plot", "the biblical plot", "The Nativity of Christ",
"the resurrection of Lazarus", "the Bright Resurrection",
"the end of the world", "the transfiguration of man",
"salvation of the soul", etc. The thematic group of terms looks
similar, so its traditional definitions of "literary quotation",
"literary reminiscence" are supplemented with their new variants
"gospel quote" and "bible quote".
even at the analysis and interpretation stage of the visualized data of the
terminological dictionary on the material of bigrams, it is possible to draw
the following conclusions regarding the current state of the metalanguage of
ethnopoetics as a priority direction of Russian literary studies: there is its
interdiscursive character, due to the dynamically developing conjugation of
poetological, theological and philosophical categories due to genetic and
typological connections between them, actualized in a new context of study
Russian literature.
Let's move on to
the analysis and interpretation of
graph models of the
terminological thesaurus of Dostoevsky's gospel text.
Cases of joint
occurrence of bigram terms at distances of up to 5word usage from each other
(inclusive) were extracted from the article sets for their construction.
Then two graphs were constructed. The terms are
automatically grouped into clusters (they are highlighted in color). The size
of the node in the graph depends on the value of the coefficient of the
mediation degree: the more important a term is for a network, the larger its
node is.
To determine the key nodes in the network model,
centrality was calculated according to the degree of mediation. This allows
identifying the most important terms that contribute to the interconnection of
clusters. The key node (term) in both graphs is the bigram "Russian literature",
which has the highest betweenness centrality coefficient.
Figure 1. Graph of terms
with a joint occurrence of at least 5, a distance of 5.
Visual analysis of
this graph shows which clusters it is divided into. This is, firstly, the
central cluster (purple), the key nodes "historical poetics",
"Gospel text" are associated with the bigrams "Easter
archetype", "Christian realism", "Christian tradition",
"category of conciliarity", "national identity", etc. This
testifies the interaction of discourses of historical poetics and ethnopoetics
in this the case.
The largest number
of ribs comes from the node "Russian philology", the main one in the
cluster (green). Such stable phrases as "prodigal son",
"prodigal daughter", "gospel parable" appear alongside with
the concept of "literary tradition". In turn, the top "gospel
text" is quite strongly connected with the paired terms of historical
poetics "plot/ genre", "reminiscence / motive",
"motive/ plot", "quote/ reminiscence" and with the category
of ethnopoetics "gospel quote". There is also a large degree of
conjugation of poetical terms.
bigram terms "philosophical thought" differ in a lesser degree of
mediation in this network model. Visualization of the thesaurus also shows that
a number of bigrams, in particular philosophical, cultural and theological
concepts, are on the periphery of the graph, despite the clustering tendency.
This is, for example, a freestanding monothematic cluster (black), which
includes the bigrams "Orthodox tradition", "Orthodox
church", "Orthodox culture". The cluster with the terms (red)
"national culture", "national character", "Russian
national", etc. functions in the same way. This indicates its locality.
Due to the
discrete nature of the graph, the conjugation of bigram terms related to the
discourses of theology, philosophy and ethnopoetics with the categories of
general and historical poetics in modern Dostoevsky's studies is not yet
complete enough. Only in the central cluster with the main node "Russian
literature" there is a tendency to joint word usage of categories related
to different discourses. The potential for the development of the
terminological tools of Dostoevsky's gospel text is connected with him.
Fig. 2. A graph of terms
with a joint occurrence of at least 3, a distance of 5.
general, this graph looks less discrete, but it is distinguished by predominant
monoclusterization, unrelated components are revealed, which indicates the
heterogeneity of the thesaurus of Dostoevsky's gospel text. Although the
largest number of ribs emanates from the main bigram "Russian
literature" to all clusters, a number of theological concepts ("human
transfiguration", "spiritual transfiguration", "eternal
life", "image of God", "kingdom of God", etc.) are
still presented separately on the periphery of the graph. It is no coincidence
that they have a zero coefficient of mediation with other terms. Since some
terms appear outside the main component of the graph, the degree of conjugation
of terms, including bigrams related to different discourses, remains low in
modern Dostoevsky studies.
there is an obvious joint use tendency of heterogeneous concepts, of their
semantic expansion. For example, when initially theological categories in the
literary context acquire new meanings. In particular, the bigram "Prodigal
Son" has two meanings: "prodigal son" as a character in a
biblical parable and "prodigal son" as a type of literary hero, which
is typical for Russian literature, so it indicates the overlap and interpenetration
of discourses.
research allows us to conclude that graphs as a universal means of visual
modeling of scientific terminology are quite effective in philological
research. Thus, the analysis of the terminological thesaurus of Dostoevsky's
gospel text by its graph model shows how integral in this case the metalanguage
of a new direction in Russian literary criticism – ethnopoetics.
the one hand, there is its interdiscursive character, which is dynamically
developing through the coupling of pathological, theological and philosophical
categories. Due to the genetic and typological connections between them, these
categories are actualized in the new context of the study of Russian
the other hand, due to the discrete nature of graph models, is not high enough
in modern Dostoevsky studies, the degree of conjugation of bigram terms related
to different discourses. However, there is also an obvious joint use tendency
of dissimilar concepts, of the interpenetration of discourses.
graph visualization, the terminological thesaurus of Dostoevsky's gospel text
in this case, performs an important diagnostic and prognostic function, which
is necessary for the further development of the scientific apparatus in modern
studies of Russian literature.
article was prepared as part of the project "Terminological
dictionary-thesaurus" of the gospel text "F.M. Dostoevsky" with
the financial support of the RAS (grant No. 22-28-00833).
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