important stage in the design of industrial facilities is the creation of their
geometric model, which is usually carried out using specialized software - CAD
systems. The underlying part of the CAD system is the geometric core, which
allows you to work with various types of curves and surfaces to create
two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric models. The geometric model of
an object is usually represented by a hierarchical boundary description (B-rep)
[1] considering a geometric object as a set of faces with common boundaries as
edges. Various parametric descriptions of curves and surfaces are used to
define curved geometry [2-5]. The efficiency of CAD systems depends on the
geometric core algorithms for working with various geometric shapes such as
splines. A detailed overview and classification of splines are given in [6],
however, analysis of all methods and possibilities of transformation between
different models is beyond the scope of this article. In this paper, we
consider the cubic splines of defect 1 and B-splines and propose a technique
for converting spline curves into B-spline form without using special methods
of B-splines fitting. We discuss the conditions under which such transformation
becomes possible.
One of the best ways to produce a mathematical description of curves that
provides a good mechanism of shape control is to use rational B-splines or
NURBS [2,4,5]. B-splines are the industry standard for representing composite
curves. Like Bezier curves, B-splines are defined by a weighted sum of control
points, but, at the same time, they provide local control of curve shape. NURBS
(Non-uniform rational B-spline) are a universal mathematical description of
various types of curves and surfaces such as straight lines, planes, conic
sections [7,8], quadrics, surfaces of rotation [9] and other geometric shapes. Besides,
NURBS representation is used in the universal STEP format for data exchange
between CAD systems. Thus, NURBS is one of the popular methods of description
of parametric curves and surfaces, which is widely used in modern CAD systems,
due to its versatility and ease of use. On the one hand, NURBS makes it
possible to describe complex curves consisting of many parametric segments. On
the other hand, the NURBS defining polygon allows controlling the shape of the
curve, but does not explicitly define the points of this curve, determining
only the direction of its bend. In this paper, we consider B-splines that are
equivalent to NURBS with unit weights. In general, a B-spline curve may not
interpolate any of the specified control points of the defining polygon. Low-order
spline polynomials such as cubic splines of defect 1 are usually used when it
comes to interpolation of given points. Similarly to physical splines, a series
of cubic segments is used to construct a mathematical spline, each of which interpolates
the endpoints. A cubic spline is defined by points, tangent vectors, and
parameter values at the ends of segments, that is, unlike NURBS, explicitly
uses additional information about derivatives at the endpoints.
In general, for an unknown original curve, the B-spline fitting problem
is solved using more complex algorithms. To interpolate a set of points [10],
line segments [11] and to construct transition curves [12] algorithms for
solving linear system of equations [13] and different iteration schemes [14] can
be used. In [15], an interpolation scheme with fitting of transition curves represented
by a pair of Bezier segments is considered.
The goal of the work is to find an effective algorithm for one-to-one and
accurate transformation of a curve defined in the form of a cubic spline into
the corresponding representation in the form of a B-spline. In this paper, we
consider a technique for converting a cubic spline of defect 1 into a B-spline
based on combining Bezier segments, followed by obtaining a more compact
B-spline description by removing single knots. In this formulation of the
problem, a transformation of the curve to B-spline form can be done with linear
time complexity, while fitting algorithms based on matrix multiplications [16,17],
inversions [18,19], as well as solutions of linear systems [20], have at least
quadratic time complexity. The B-spline knot removal algorithm is the reverse
of the knot insertion algorithm. There are several variants of the knot
insertion algorithms. Insertion of several knots can be implemented using the Oslo
algorithm [21,22], insertion of a single knot – using Boehm’s algorithm [23]. A
modification of the Boehm algorithm for inserting multiple knots is considered
in [24]. In this paper, knot removal is used to obtain an equivalent B-spline form
with fewer vertices in the defining polygon. As an algorithm for knot removal,
in general, any of the options under consideration can be used. In this paper,
the rationale for the B-spline knot insertion algorithm is given and a
simplified version of the knot removal algorithm is used to obtain the most
compact B-spline representation of the original spline curve.
Unlike B-spline fitting based algorithms, which allow approximating a set
of vertices with a predetermined accuracy, the proposed algorithm for the
transition from splines to B-splines allows equivalent transformations, that
is, converting a given curve in the form of a composite cubic spline to a fully
equivalent B-spline representation. The same object is known to be represented
using different B-spline forms. At the first stage of the algorithm, the
identification of a B-spline form with multiple knots is performed, which
exactly corresponds to a given spline curve. At the second stage, the resulting
B-spline form is optimized by removing multiple knots, which corresponds to a
more compact B-spline description with fewer control points.
The article consists of several sections. Section 2 provides a
theoretical background on cubic splines with defect 1 and B-splines defined by
recursive Cox-deBoor formulas, and also discuss the conditions for equivalence
of cubic splines to Bezier segments. Section 3 provides a detailed description
of the transform algorithm from a composite cubic spline to a B-spline form,
and section 4 discusses knot insertion and a simplified algorithm for a single
knot removal to obtain an equivalent B-spline form with fewer knots. Information
about the existing software implementation of this technique is given in
section 5. An example with the result of the algorithm is discussed in section
6, followed by a conclusion.
In recent years, various forms of curves and surfaces
have been proposed to describe geometric shapes. Among them, cubic splines and
B-splines are of particular importance.
According to [2], cubic splines are curves of the
smallest degree that admit inflection points and bending in space. Consider the
interpolation cubic splines of defect 1 (the difference between the degree and
smoothness of the spline), consisting of identical segments, each of which
passes through two points. In this case, a cubic spline curve can be described
by a polynomial of the 3rd degree with a continuous second derivative at the
junction points of segments:
are he control points of the
spline segment, which are determined by the known coordinates of the points
the tangent vectors
and the values of the parameter
at the ends of
segment as follows:
By simple transformations, a
cubic spline segment can be represented in the equivalent to (2) matrix form:
B-spline is an industry standard and is used to describe complex curves
and surfaces in most modern CAD systems, due to the following properties:
B-spline is a composite parametric curve that allows avoiding
undesirable oscillations characteristic of high-degree interpolation
polynomials when approximating a set of points.
The B-spline is defined by vertices of the defining polygon which is
convenient for controlling the shape of the curve. There is no need to
recalculate the entire curve due to a local change of a knot vector.
A B-spline curve of degree
lies inside the union of all
convex hulls of
p+1 consecutive vertices of the defining polygon.
Any affine and projective transformations can be applied to the curves
by applying such transformations to the defining polygon vertices.
Rational B-splines (NURBS) allow us to describe a fairly wide range
of curves such as Bezier curves and conic sections.
The listed
features of B-spline curves are determined by the properties of the B-spline
= (t0,…,tr) be a
non-decreasing sequence of real numbers. Let us call
a knot vector and
the numbers
ti – knots. Let us denote the
i-th normalized basis
function of degree
and define it as follows (Cox-deBoor formulas):
The values
are the elements of the knot vector satisfying the inequality
Most often, clamped knot vectors are considered for which first and last knot
values are repeated with multiplicity equal to basis function degree
one. Setting
p+1 multiplicity at the ends of the knot vector avoids
reducing the range of the parameter
t, characteristic of B-splines with unclamped
uniform knot vectors [5], and interpolating the endpoints of the defining
Note the
following properties of the B-spline basis:
= 0 for values of
outside the interval [ti, ti+p+1).
[ti, ti+1) no more than
p+1 basis functions take non-zero
values, namely
Ni−p,p(t), . . ., Ni,p(t).
The basis functions are non-negative, i.e.
Ni,p(t) ≥ 0 ∀
i, p, t.
[ti, ti+1).
The derivatives of order 1,2,…,p
are all
continuous for
Ni,p(t) over the knot interval (ti, ti+1).
The derivatives 1,2,…, p–q
are all
continuous for
Ni,p(t) in a knot where
is the
multiplicity of the knot to be considered.
has exactly one maximum (except
= 0).
Properties 1 and 2 show that the B-spline
basis is local, since the functions
Ni,p(t) differ
from zero only in a certain interval, that is, they have a compact support. The
multiplicity of knot values allows you to locally control the degree of
smoothness of the curve.
In general, according to the
property 5 of basis functions,
differentiability of the
curve is maintained when
multiple knots occur. Accordingly, setting
knots inside the knot vector allows interpolating the selected points of
B-spline curve maintaining its continuity. Fig. 1 shows an example of the basis
functions of a B-spline curve in case of presence (a) and absence (b) of
multiple knot values.
The basis functions corresponding
to the interpolated points of the curve are marked on the graphs with bold
Figure 1. The example of B-spline curve basis
(a) the knot vector
(b) the knot
vector (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.73, 1, 1, 1, 1).
To define a curve of degree
on a set of knots
it is necessary to specify a defining polygon (B0, …, Bn). Each vertex
of the defining
polygon corresponds to a basis function Ni,p(t).
A point of B-spline curve
is calculated from the value of the
as follows:
According to property 2 of
the B-spline basis
Each segment of the B-spline curve
corresponds to a non-degenerate interval
and is defined by
vertices of the defining polygon. The number of segments of a composite
B-spline curve in the absence of multiple knots inside the knot vector can be
obtained as follows:
n+1 is the
number of control points of the defining polygon. In the presence of multiple knot
values, some of these segments can be interpreted as degenerate.
A clamped knot
vector defines the parameters of the segments of a composite B-spline curve,
and the number of its elements is
− 1 +
2 • (
p +
1 ) =
+ 2,
+ 1.
Setting multiple knots
inside the knot vector allows you to locally reduce the degree of smoothness of
B-spline curve. In case of a B-spline curve of the third degree a pair of
multiple knot values makes it possible
control points of the defining polygon (Figure 1a) that coincide with the
points of the curve. This property is the basis of the transformation technique
of a spline curve into a B-spline form, discussed in section 3 of this paper.
Consider a
cubic B-spline segment with a clamped knot vector of the form
T1=(ti, ti, ti, ti, ti+1, ti+1, ti+1, ti+1).
In this case, the B-spline curve is equivalent to the Bezier curve, and the
B-spline basis is equivalent to the Bernstein basis [2], which can be, in
general, proved by induction on the degree of the polynomial. The cubic Bezier
segment corresponding to the knot vector
can be calculated
p+1=4 control points as follows:
By differentiating by the
we obtain
that is, the control
can be calculated based
on information about the endpoints
and the derivatives
at the endpoints,
which corresponds to similar formulas for derivatives at the endpoints of NURBS
curves with a clamped knot vector [5].
Let us show
that representations (1), (2) are equivalent to (5). For the sake of simplicity,
we consider a special case of cubic segments for the standard range of
parameters 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. In this case, according to formulas
(1) and (2), the spline curve can be described as follows:
The equation defining the
Bezier segment according to (5) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 can be
rewritten as follows:
expressions (6), (7) for the boundary derivatives of the Bezier segment and
equating the coefficients at the same degrees, we obtain
Thus, for this
case Bezier segments are equivalent to the cubic splines of defect 1 defined by
formulas (1) and (2).
Let the
original spline curve consist of
segments and (t0, t1,…, tns) is a vector of parameters;
P0, P1,…, Pns and P0', P1',…, Pns'
are the set of points and tangent vectors at the ends of segments. Our goal is
to transform a spline curve defined as a set of segments into a B-spline form. To
achieve this goal we produce a Bezier segment for each segment of the spline
curve. The entire set of Bezier segments is transformed into a B-spline curve by
means of the interpolation of the endpoints by adding multiples knot values,
that is:
For each spline segment
i, the Bezier
segment is calculated using the formulas:
be a control point
with the number
corresponding to a segment
i. Assuming that
B00=P0, B03=B10=P1, B13=B20=P2,…, Bi3=Bi+1,0=Pi,…, Bns-2,3=Bns-1,0=Pns-1, Bns-1,3=Pns;
we produce the defining
polygon of B-spline in the following form:
(B00, B01, B02, B03, B11, B12, B13,… Bns-1,1, Bns-1,2, Bns-1,3), n=p • ns,
is the number of control points
of the defining polygon.
To interpolate the endpoints
B03, B13, …, Bns-2,3, Bns-1,3
set the clamped knot vector with multiple knot values in the following form:
(t0, t0, t0, t0, t1, t1, t1, t2, t2, t2, …,tns-1, tns-1, tns-1, tns, tns, tns, tns), nk=p • (ns+1)+2.
Thus, the
original spline curve can be transformed into B-splines with multiple knot
values. The computational complexity of such a transformation is O(ns). The
resulting B-spline interpolates a subset of the control points corresponding to
the set of points
P0, P1,…, Pns
of a multi-segment spline curve. The task set in this way can be considered to
be solved, but the resulting representation of the curve in the B-spline form
is redundant in terms of the number of segments and can be simplified by
converting it into a more compact representation containing fewer control
points and fewer knots, respectively. The corresponding transformation can be
done using the knot removal algorithm, which is discussed below.
Algorithms for
knot insertion and removal are reviewed in [5,12]. A proof of the single knot
insertion algorithm alternative to [5] is given below.
be the defining polygon of the
original B-spline curve and
is its knot vector. Suppose you need
to insert a knot
Let's state a problem to
construct a new B-spline description without changing the shape of the curve. The
number of elements of the node vector is a function of the sum of the number of
control points and the degree of the curve, therefore, with the degree
unchanged, the number of control points after a single knot insertion increases
by one. If at the same time
determine the defining
polygon of the transformed curve,
are the basis functions of the original and transformed
curve and
is the knot vector of the
transformed curve, then
As the shape of the curve
remains unchanged, then, according to formula (4), for
i+ 1, …,
It can be
shown that the basis functions of the original curve can be expressed in terms of
the basis functions of the transformed curve as follows:
i–p, …,
The idea of the proof of
(12) is given in [5], a proof for non-normalized B-splines is given in [12], divided
differences based proof is given in [21]. A simpler proof of formula (12) is
given below. It is easy to see the relation between this formula and the Cox-de
Boor formula (3):
Formula (12) can be proved
based on formulas (3) and (13) by induction on
and taking into account
(8). For an inductive step, we obtain:
The relation between
can be obtained by substituting (12) into (11):
Considering that
and using the knot vector
instead of
we obtain
If we set
j =
i–p+1, …,
i, the
coordinates of the new vertices
can be expressed in terms of the original defining polygon vertices
By rewriting
formulas (14) in reverse order and taking into account (9) and (10), we obtain
formulas for a single knot removal:
= 0, …,
i+1, …,
this problem statement, the presented knot removal algorithm can be applied
twice for each knot of double multiplicity in order to obtain a more compact
B-spline description. Each knot removal operation reduces the number of control
points by one without changing the number of B-spline segments making it possible
to suggest an algorithm for transformation to an equivalent B-spline
representation in linear time, that is, it has computational complexity Î(ns)
is the number of segments of the original curve in the form of
a cubic spline.
algorithm does not check the possibility of knot removal despite the fact that,
in general, according to the property 5 of basis functions, the B-spline curve
has a discontinuous first derivative at points of triple multiplicity of the knot
value. However, the possibility of double knot removal is justified by the fact
that the original cubic spline of defect 1 has the continuous second derivative
at the points of internal junction. This makes it possible to abandon the more
complex knot removal algorithm discussed in [5]. In general, the technique of
converting the cubic spline of defect 1 into a B-spline form can be
implemented as an algorithm with computational complexity O(ns).
The technique of converting a spline curve into a
B-spline form is implemented as a C++ software package. Algorithms for
iterative calculation of spline and B-spline curves, algorithms for combining
Bezier segments and removing B-spline knots, as well as a general algorithmic
implementation of the transformation and optimization procedures for B-spline
curves, are implemented as separate functions and software modules. Visualization
of curves and basis functions of B-splines is implemented in the form of GNU
Octave scientific programming language
scripts. The listed software components
are freely available at
Consider the
spline curve in the Figure 2a, with the control points and tangent vectors
shown in the Table 1.
1. Control points and tangent vectors of the spline curve
Control points
Tangent vectors
(1, 1)
(60, 60)
(3.90873, 2.4881)
(12.2619, -0.357143)
(4.91607, 3.31514)
(8.43441, 10.8827)
(7.24717, 5.63957)
(4.07908, 9.08418)
(10, 6)
(22.2222, -22.2222)
The curve is defined by 5 control points and tangent vectors, that is, it
consists of 4 segments. The knot vector is the following: (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.73, 1).
of a composite spline curve in the Figure 2a into a B-spline form based on the combining
of Bezier segments gives the following description of the B-spline curve:
Knot vector (17 knot
(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.73, 0.73, 0.73, 1, 1, 1, 1).
n=12): (1, 1), (3, 3), (3.5, 2.5),
(3.90873, 2.4881), (4.31746, 2.4762), (4.63492,2.95238), (4.91607,3.31514),
(6.125,4.87499), (6.6625,4.3375), (7.24717, 5.63957), (7.61429, 6.45715), (8,
8), (10, 6).
multiple knots at the endpoints of Bezier segments allows us to obtain the
following description of the B-spline curve (Figure 2b):
Knot vector (11 knot
values): (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.73, 1, 1, 1, 1).
n=6): (1,1),(3,3),(4,2),(6,5),(7,4),(8,8),(10,6).
B-spline curve
in Figure 2a corresponds to the basis functions set in Figure 1a and B-spline curve
in Figure 2b corresponds to the basis functions set in Figure 1b.
Figure 2. Example of a
curve represented by a cubic spline and a B-spline:
(à) A composite spline curve and the
corresponding B-spline composed by a set of Bezier segments. Bold dots indicate
the endpoints of the spline segments, arrows indicate the directions of
tangents along the boundaries of these segments, a polyline is the defining
polygon of the B-spline.
Optimal B-spline form. The result obtained by the procedure for removing
multiple knots.
combining Bezier segments equivalent to spline segments makes it possible to
obtain a B-spline curve with multiple knots, which can be simplified later using
the considered knot removal algorithm. This algorithm is applied 6 times and reduces
the number of control points of the B-spline from 13 to 7 by removing
degenerate segments.
In this paper,
we consider the relationship between the representations of curves in the form
of cubic splines of defect 1 and B-splines, which can be used to describe the
same curve. The representation of the curve as a set of spline segments allows
you to interpolate a set of predefined control points, but requires additional
information about the derivatives at the segment endpoints. In turn, B-spline
curves do not require explicit assignment of derivatives, but, in general, do
not interpolate the control points of the defining polygon. At the same time,
B-spline is an industry standard convenient for data exchange between different
CAD systems, which makes the problem of B-spline fitting to a given set of
points as well as converting alternative representations of curves into the
B-spline form, important. Such a problem can be efficiently solved for curves
defined by cubic splines of defect 1.
Knot insertion
allows you to represent the same curve by means of different B-spline
descriptions. In this paper, an alternative justification of the algorithms of B-spline
knot insertion and removal is given, as well as the conditions for equivalence
of cubic splines to third degree Bezier segments. B-spline curves can be
composed of individual Bezier segments, and a spline consisting of many
segments can be represented as an equivalent B-spline description with multiple
knots, which allows you to interpolate the selected vertices. The B-spline
obtained in this way can be transformed into a more compact form using an
algorithm for single knot removal. This representation is optimal and fully
corresponds to the original description of the curve in the cubic spline form.
The knot removal algorithm can also be simplified by taking into account the
properties of cubic splines of defect 1.
Thus, in this
paper, we propose an original method of B-spline curve construction based on
initial representation of this curve in the form of a cubic spline of defect 1
consisting of a set of segments and implement such technique as an algorithm. The
described algorithm makes it possible to transform a spline curve into a
B-spline form exactly corresponding to it. Such method is an alternative to
algorithms for fitting B-spline curves and applying complex interpolation
schemes. The algorithm can be implemented as a software module of the geometric
core of a CAD system.
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