ISSN 2079-3537      


Scientific Visualization, 2021, volume 13, number 5, pages 52 - 64, DOI: 10.26583/sv.13.5.05

Visualization of the CFD Calculations Results on Adaptive Mixed Meshes

Author: S.A. Soukov1

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-0667-6955,



The article discusses the problem of visualizing the results of computational fluid dynamics simulations on cell-centered adaptive mixed meshes. An algorithm for converting hierarchical adaptive mixed meshes consisting of tetrahedra, triangular prisms, quadrangular pyramids, and hexahedra to a conformal form is described. The main idea of the proposed algorithm is to decompose a subset of mesh cells with hanging nodes on the edges into tetrahedra and pyramids with the addition of new vertices at the polyhedra mass centers. The mesh functions interpolation algorithm is based on the discrete analogue of the formula for the integral representation of the gradient. Application of the algorithm allows to show the fields of mesh functions using software for data visualization on irregular grids. On the example of a stationary supersonic flow visualization at the sphere surface using the Tecplot tools, the advantages and disadvantages of various data presentation options are demonstrated. These include displaying results on a hanging node mesh without changing the topology, transferring data to a starting conformal mesh, polyhedra data visualization, and converting an adaptive mesh to conformal form with cell decomposition and data interpolation.


Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, data visualization, mixed meshes, adaptive mesh refinement.