a very important attribute in the field of computer vision and image processing.
Numerous methods of texture analysis have been developed over the years. However,
analyzing existing textures in the real world is a major challenge. A good real
world texture classification method should have a highly discriminative and
robust to variances such as rotation and scales. Among the many texture
classification methods, local binary patterns (LBP) [1] and the gray-level
co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) [2] are the most popular approaches. According to
the research results of [3] [4], LBP is superior to GLCM in texture analysis
performance. Therefore, there are many LBP-based methods have been proposed to
enhance discrimination and improve robustness. Hafiane et al. [5] proposed
median binary pattern (MBP) that uses the sign of the intensity difference
compared to the local median within a neighborhood. Tan et al. [6] also proposed
local ternary pattern (LTP), which extends original LBP to 3-valued codes. Liao
et al. [7] employed the dominant local binary patterns (DLBP) to extract
dominant patterns from textures. Jabid et al. [8] proposed local directional
pattern (LDiP), which computes edge response values by using Kirsch masks in
all eight directions at each pixel position and then generates a code, instead
of the intensity. In [9], completed local binary pattern (CLBP) was proposed by
Guo et al. to combine multiple LBP type features for texture classification by
joint histogram. Zhang et al. [10] proposed local derivative pattern (LDeP),
which extracts high-order local information by encoding various distinctive
spatial relationships contained in a given local region. The local tetra
pattern (LTrP) utilized first-order derivative calculations in the vertical and
horizontal directions to encode the relationship between reference pixels and
their neighbors by Murala et al. [11]. Dubey et al. [12] developed a local bit plane
decoding pattern (LBDP), which is generated by finding a binary pattern using
the difference between the intensity value of the center pixel and the local
bit-plane transformed value of each image pixel. Alaei et al. [13] showed the
fast local binary pattern (F-LBP) method, which is derived from the vertical
& horizontal, and diagonal & off-diagonal pixels in a 3×3 patch
size, separately. Banerjee et al. [14] proposed a texture descriptor called
local neighborhood intensity pattern (LNIP), which considers the relative
intensity difference between a particular pixel and a central pixel by
considering its neighbors and generates a sign and a magnitude pattern. In the above mentioned, six indicator texture descriptors — namely, LBP, GLCM, LTP, LDiP, LDeP and LTrP — will be compared with the proposed method IFS-MCMLBP.
rest of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 briefly introduces LBP,
MCM and IFS. Section 3 presents the proposed IFS-MCMLBP descriptor including
IFS texture generation, motif, LBP and feature fusion. Section 4 describes
similarity measure, classifier and cross-validation. Section 5 gives the experimental
analysis on various datasets along with the other comparative methods. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the whole paper.
and colleagues [1] first proposed the local binary pattern (LBP) texture
operator, which is just the first-order circular derivative of patterns and
which works with the 3×3 neighborhood. In Fig. 1(a), each pixel is
compared with its eight neighbors by taking the difference of the center pixel
value; resulting strictly negative values are encoded with 0, and other values
are encoded with 1. LBP is defined as


where gi
and gc denote the gray values of the neighbor and central
pixel, respectively; i is the index of the neighbor; P is the
number of neighbors; and R is the radius of the circular neighborhood.
Fig. 1(b) shows the neighbors for P = 8 when R = 1, P = 16
when R = 2, and P = 24 when R = 3. Fig. 1(c) shows an
example of the LBP operator. For each given pixel, a binary number is obtained
by concatenating all binary values in a clockwise direction starting with the
binary value of the pixel’s top-left neighbor. The corresponding decimal value
of the generated binary number is then used for labeling the given pixel.

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. (a) Neighbors for LBP pattern, (b) circular symmetric
neighbor sets for different P=8 when R=1, P=16 when R=2
and P=24 when R=3 neighborhoods, (c) an example of the LBP
and colleagues [15] have proposed the motif co-occurrence matrix (MCM) for
content-based image retrieval. The MCM is derived from the motif-transformed
image, which is calculated by dividing the whole image into non-overlapping 2×2
pixel patterns. Each grid is replaced by a scan motif, as shown in Fig. 2,
which minimizes the local gradient while traversing the 2×2 grid that
forms the motif-transformed image. These motifs are defined over a 2×2
grid, each depicting a distinct sequence of pixels starting from the top left

Fig. 2. Illustration of scan motifs to traverse a 2×2 grid.
can derive a transformed image from an original image, as shown in Fig. 3(a). An
8×8 image, as in Fig. 3(b), shows the corresponding 4×4
transformed image.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) An 8×8 image (b) Motif transformed
image from (a)
theory, which is an extension of fuzzy set (FS), enhances images and helps to
recover important structures that are not properly visible [16]. Atanassov
[17] pioneered
construction of IFS, which is defined by three feature functions as the degree
of membership, degree of non-membership, and degree of hesitation or
An IFS A in universe X is an expression given by

are the membership
and non-membership degree of an element x to the set A with the condition:
for each 
each IFS in X, we call
the degree of
hesitancy of x to A,
for each
. The illustration of these degrees is shown
in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Relationships
between membership, non-membership, and hesitation degrees.
is helpful in modeling vagueness or uncertainty, and important applications of
IFS have been developed in many diverse areas, including medical diagnosis [18],
pattern recognition [19], image processing [20], and decision making [21].
on intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) theory, a novel descriptor IFS-MCMLBP is
proposed by the fusion of Motif Co-occurrence Matrix (MCM) and Local
Binary Pattern (LBP) as shown in Fig. 5. The IFS texture is used to model
vagueness or uncertainty, and the MCM method for extracting microtexture information, whilst the LBP method plays the role of a global feature. And detailed
information about it will be described in the following subsection.

5. The framework of the proposed descriptor.
the beginning, a RGB (red, green, and blue) image is converted into an HSV
(hue, saturation, and value) image. Then, intuitionistic fuzzy image processing
of color texture is applied to each channel of HSV to generate the image’s
membership, non-membership and hesitancy components.
channel image A of size M×N pixels has L gray
levels ranging between 0 and L−1. When applying IFS for image
processing [22], an image can be considered as an array of fuzzy singletons. An
intuitionistic fuzzy image is written as

where x
is the pixel value at (i, j) point, i=0, 1,…, N-1,
j=0, 1,…, M-1.
the condition


: membership degree
: non-membership degree
: hesitancy degree
[23] represents the membership degree of image by
xmax and xmin are the maximum and the minimum
gray levels of the image. Sugeno’s intuitionistic fuzzy generator (IFG) [24]
constructs non-membership degree

parameter λ > 0, and hesitancy degree

varying the λ > 0 parameter, different intuitionistic fuzzy set
can be obtained. As λ is not a fixed value for all images, the
optimum value of λ is obtained by maximizing fuzzy entropy [25]. Given
an examples, the texture image C57 of CURet texture database is used for
representing IFS texture images when λ is 3.6. Fig. 6(a) depicts C57
image along with their corresponding membership μ, non-membership ν,
and hesitancy π images.
to Section 3.1, a color texture image is processed by IFS texture generation,
which will generate three μ, three ν and three π component
images, respectively, for a total of nine. Then the nine IFS component images
are individually converted into MCM. Next, we compute the histogram of each
MCM. The histogram has 6 bins, representing the distribution of motif 1 to
motif 6. Since motif 0 only represents a homogeneous texture, so motif 0 is not
considered. Furthermore, the histogram of nine MCMs is concatenated in series
to form a 54-dimensional feature vector of motif as shown Fig. 6(b). In brief,
the motifs’ histograms can be easily implemented and computed from that image,
and the histogram’s shape provides many clues to the image’s microtexture
shown in Fig. 6(c), a 256-bin histogram of LBP is extracted out of the IFS
texture images including three μ, three ν, and three π
images one by one. Then, all the histograms are concatenated into a one
2304-dimensional feature vector for representing the global information of the texture
image. This also makes this global feature more robustness for changes in
rotation and scale.
different features may be represented by different importance, it is possible
to give an appropriate weight by experimental approaches when combining them. However,
some studies have also pointed out that traditional feature fusion methods that
simply concatenate several features may be better or more robust than using a
single feature.
aforementioned motif feature and LBP feature represent local texture
information and global texture information, respectively. This paper uses
traditional feature fusion methods to simply concatenate together as shown Fig.

Fig. 6. (a) Texture image C57 from the CURet
texture database and showing IFS texture images including membership μ,
non-membership ν, and hesitancy images. (b) Concatenate three μ,
three ν, and three π motif histograms to form a
54-dimensional feature vector of motif. (c) Like (b), forming a
2304-dimensional feature vector of LBP. (d) Fusion local feature motif and
global feature LBP.
measures have been proposed for discriminating the dissimilarity between two
histograms, such as Manhattan, Euclidean, d1, Canberra, and χ2
(Chi-square) distance. In this paper, the χ2 distance
function is chosen in the experiments due to its excellent performance in terms
recognition rates which is calculated as

where Q={qi}
and T={ti} (i=1…n) are two histograms with n
bins, and the histogram is used as feature representation; qi
is ith bin (i.e. ith feature) of testing image Q,
ti is ith bin of training image T in
k-nearest neighbor (k-NN)
classification [26] is one of the simplest but widely using pattern recognition
algorithm. An object is classified by the distance from its neighbors, with the
object being assigned to the class most common amongst its k nearest neighbors.
This paper use 1-NN approach as a classifier in this work, i.e. the texture
image is classified to the class of its nearest neighbor.
sample data was split into training and test sets using the leave-one-out cross-validation
(LOOCV) [27], for N samples, a total of N trials are conducted. In each
trial a sample is taken out from the data set and kept for testing and the
others are used for training. This procedure was repeated for all samples and
the accuracy rate obtained as the percentage of classified samples out of
the total number of samples. This methodology is superior to random
partitioning of data to generate training and test sets as the resultant
performance of the system may not reflect its true ability for texture classification.
In this study,
the proposed method compares performance with other well-known or state-of-the-art
approaches, namely LBP8,1, LBP16,2, GLCM, LTP, LDiP, LDeP
and LTrP. Experiments performed on four benchmark of texture images, the Colored
Brodatz Texture (CBT) database, the Columbia-Utrecht Reflection and Texture
(CUReT) database, the Outex database, the Vision Texture (VisTex) database in
MIT university. All the experiments are run in Matlab environment.
CBT database consists of 112 periodic or non-periodic 640×640 texture
images, parts of which are shown in Fig. 7(a). Each texture
image is divided into 25 non-overlapping sub-images for experiments, resulting
in 112 categories, each category contains 25 images, and 11,200 total samples
for size of 128×128 pixels.
CUReT texture image database contains 61 texture of real-world surfaces as
shown in Fig. 7(b), 205 images per class, acquired at different viewpoints,
illuminations, and orientations. There are 103 images shot from a viewing angle
of 22.5 and 45 degrees, in total 6,283 (=61×103) images are selected. The
size of each texture is 640×480 which is divided into nine 128×128
non-overlapping sub-images, and then a database of 56,547 samples is obtained.
paper use a commonly test suite Outex_TC_00013 (TC13) of Outex database as
shown in Fig. 7(c), containing 68 classes with 20 texture images per class, in
total 1,360 (=68×20) images. Each texture class is collected under ”inca”
illuminations with resolution of images at 128×128.
database includes 40 classes texture images, parts of which are shown in Fig.
7(d). The size of each texture is 512×512 which is divided into sixteen
128×128 non-overlapping sub-images, and then a database of 640 samples is

Fig. 7. Sample textures from the (a) CBT, (b) CURet, (c) Outex, and
(d) VisTex database.
paper employed the nearest neighbor (1-NN) classification and χ2
(chi-square) distance, while the accuracy estimate uses leave-one-out
cross-validation (LOOCV). Experiments were performed on aforementioned four texture
datasets and compared to seven prior art LBP8,1, LBP16,2,
GLCM, LTP, LDiP, LDeP and LTrP. Fig. 8 illustrates the accuracy rates of all
these descriptors and following are noted.
Clearly, it is evident that the proposed IFS-MCMLBP descriptor
provide better classification performance (average accuracy of 96.08%) compared
to other state-of-the-art descriptors. However, for the VisTex database, the
proposed descriptor shows a classification accuracy of 98.44%, which is the
same as the LDeP descriptor but less than the LTrP descriptor.
The accuracy rate of all other descriptors are less than 85% on
the Outex(TC13) texture. However, the IFS-MCMLBP has achieved a classification
rate around 87%.
GLCM performance is very low on four texture databases when
compared to other descriptors.

Fig. 8. Classification accuracy (%) on CBT, CUReT,
Outex(TC13), and VisTex databases using different descriptors.
For the
analysis of rotation robustness, all 112 texture images are rotated by 19
different angles (i.e., 0°, 10°, 20°, … , 180°) from the CBT database. Here we
use the nearest neighbor interpolation method for rotation of image. Each
rotated image is divided into four non-overlapping 320×320 sub-images.
Four 128×128 sub-images are then cropped from the center of the
320×320 sub-images. Hence, we obtain a rotation test set with a total of
8,512 (=112×19×4) sub-images. Fig. 9 shows an example of different
rotation angles from 0 to 180 degrees using 10-degree steps.

Fig. 9. Rotation angles from 0° to 180° using 10-degree steps for
image D01 from the CBT database.
results of classification accuracy with respect to rotation factors for seven
tested descriptors (the GLCM classification accuracy is too low, not
considered) are shown in Fig. 10 and Table 1 for clear comparison on CBT
database. The proposed descriptor IFS-MCMLBP has the highly stable accuracy (average
95.68%) than the other descriptors under at each rotation angle, that confirms
the robustness of the proposed descriptor. Thus, the other descriptors only
obtain high accuracy at the rotation angles 00, 900 and
1800, where the image distortion is minimal.

Fig. 10. Texture
classification results for seven tested descriptors on the rotated CBT database.
Table 1. Average classification rates (%) of
different descriptor at each rotation angle on CBT database
LBP 8,1
LBP 16,2
the analysis of scale robustness, all 112 texture images are scaled with
scaling factors of 0.5 to 1.5 with 0.1 intervals (11 scales for each image)
from the CBT database. The bicubic interpolation and antialiasing methods are
used to scale image. Each scaled image is divided into four non-overlapping
320×320 sub-images. Four 128×128 sub-images are then cropped from
the center of the 320×320 sub-images. Hence, a scaled test set was
obtained with 4,928 (=112×11×4) sub-images. Fig. 11 shows an example
in different scale factors: 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.

11. Example scaled test set for image D66 from the CBT database; scale factors
are 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.
classification accuracy results, with respect to scale factors for seven tested
descriptors, are shown in Fig. 12 and Table 2. It is obvious that the proposed descriptor
IFS-MCMLBP has the most stable accuracy (average 88.73%) of the seven tested descriptors
under multi-scale factors. Only in the texture image with a scale factor of
1.5, the accuracy of the IFS-MCMLBP descriptor is 64.06%, which is slightly
lower than 67.63% of the LTP descriptor. Moreover, the enlarged texture image
could miss texture structures, and the shrinked texture image still remains
original structures. Therefore, the accuracy of the former is worse than the

Fig. 12. Texture classification results for seven tested descriptors
on the scaled CBT database.
2. Average classification rates (%) of different descriptor under multi-scale
factors on CBT database
LBP 8,1
LBP 16,2
paper has presented a new method for texture classification by fusing the MCM
and LBP features based on intuitionistic fuzzy set. The LBP describes local
textures, while MCM emphasizes global microstructures and uses IFS to recover
invisible important structures. As shown in the experimental results, the
proposed IFS-MCMLBP method has highly stable accuracy and robustness to
rotation and scale, and outperforms the existing methods. For the future
possibility, the color information also can be incorporated by combining color
histogram features on hue and saturation channels into the proposed global or
local feature representation scheme for better performance. In addition, the
proposed method can also be extended to other research fields such as content-based
image retrieval (CBIR), object recognition, remote sensing and medical imaging.
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