Научная визуализация

Scientific Visualization

Электронный журнал открытого доступа

Национальный Исследовательский Ядерный Университет "МИФИ"

      ISSN 2079-3537      


Научная визуализация, 2020, том 12, номер 2, страницы 1 - 8, DOI: 10.26583/sv.12.2.01

Visualization of Multidimensional Hypersurface Extrema by Lumigraph

Авторы: Eugene Popov1,A, Tatyana Popova2,B, Anatoly Batiukov3,A, Natalja Vogt4,C,D

A Nizhegorodsky State Architectural and Civil Engineering University

B National Research University Higher School of Economics

C University of Ulm (Germany)

D Lomonosov Moscow State University

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-3058-2369, popov_eugene@list.ru

2 ORCID: 0000-0002-1351-222X, tatpop@list.ru

3 ORCID: 0000-0002-1050-1883, absterno@gmail.com

4 ORCID: 0000-0001-7190-5702, natalja.vogt@uni-ulm.de



The paper describes a method for a multidimensional hypersurface and its extrema visualization by Lumigraph model. The paper shows the shortcomings of the classic Lumigraph and formulates the reasons for this. To overcome these shortcomings the authors introduce the additional screen concept. The rules for constructing an image on this screen are described. The final image makes the entire hypersurface and zones of its extrema clearly visible.


Ключевые слова: Multidimensional visualization, Hypersurface extrema, Lumigraph.