Научная визуализация

Scientific Visualization

Электронный журнал открытого доступа

Национальный Исследовательский Ядерный Университет "МИФИ"

      ISSN 2079-3537      


Научная визуализация, 2019, том 11, номер 2, страницы 39 - 55, DOI: 10.26583/sv.11.2.04

Towards urban crowd visualization

Авторы: I. Rivalcoba1,A, L. Toledo2,A, I. Rudomín3,B

A Barcelona Super Computing Center

B Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-7070-1625, jrivalco@bsc.es

2 ORCID: 0000-0002-1196-9189 , leonel.toledo@bsc.es

3 ORCID: 0000-0002-1672-1756 , rudomin.isaac@gmail.com



Crowd simulation and visualization is an emergent research area that studies and reproduces this phenomenon on virtual environments. We present a system designed for simulation and visualization of pedestrians in urban environments, this system is focused on solving problems such as rendering, character animation, artificial intelligence to deal with steering behaviors and motion planning of each pedestrian. The present work incorporates steering pedestrian behaviors using real data collected from several sources such as GPS traces and surveillance systems, all these data allows virtual characters to adapt their navigation according to several environment factors such as other agents or obstacles. This kind of approach requires massive quantities of resources, such as data, memory and computation. We present a formulation that includes a multi-agent system that assigns individual characteristics, both physical and psychological to the virtual agents, which are based on data obtained from real pedestrians to better depict reality.

The presented system is able to simulate crowds in complex urban environments; for that purpose the system was built in two stages, urban environment generation and pedestrian simulation, for the first stage we integrate the WRLD3D plug-in with real data collected from GPS traces, then we use a hybrid approach done by incorporating steering pedestrian behaviors with the goal of simulating the subtle variations present in real scenarios without needing large amounts of data for those low-level behaviors, such as pedestrian motion affected by other agents and static obstacles nearby.


Ключевые слова: crowd simulation, steering behavior, data driven simulation, urban environments.