Light erosion gas-plasma flows are
generated under high-intensity optical effects on the surface of condensed
media. The study of such flows seems relevant both for solving problems of
modern physics of a non equilibrium spatially inhomogeneous plasma, and in
connection with numerous technical problems, for example: developing new
methods for generating and accelerating gas-plasma flows in plasma-laser
accelerators and injectors [1-5], optimization of operating modes of plasma
accelerators and electrodynamic devices where the erosion of an insulator and
electrodes under the action of radiation determines the mass flow rate of the
plasma-forming substance [6-9], process optimization in technological
(photolithography, radiation surface hardening) and photochemical installations
[10-13]. The interaction of powerful broadband
radiation with matter accompanies the processes on the walls of thermonuclear
facilities [14, 15]. This explains the interest in these
A photoerosion gas-plasma flow expanding
into the external environment — as a diagnostic object, is rather complex and
differs in a wide range of parameters — medium-mass velocities
~ 104 – 106 cm/ñ,
densities n ~ 1015 – 1019 cm–3, temperatures
T ~ 0,5 – 50 kK, complex macrostructure, chemical and ionization
composition. In this case, it is possible to realize high pressure and
temperature gradients [3, 7] and solid-gas-plasma phase transitions in
intense light fields I0 ~ 105 – 109 W /
cm2 and shock-wave loads (Mi ~ 0,3–3, p1
> 106 Pa) [16].
In addition, the study of the dynamics and macrostructure of light erosion
gas-plasma flows is complicated by the need to visualize large optical fields.
This requires the use of joint quantitative
and qualitative research methods, the development of a complex diagnostic
technology of the experiment. Complementary optical methods allow us to obtain
quantitative information about the refractive indices and density of the
gas-plasma medium, and under our conditions implemented as a synthesis of
interferometric, schlieren, and direct-flow methods, which makes it possible to
obtain — density fields, density gradient, second derivative of the density of
the medium, respectively [17-19].
The dynamics and macrostructure of
near-surface vapor-plasma flows arising from evaporation of condensed
substances (CV) in the field of broadband radiation of the UV-VUV spectral
range were explored.
Targets were made of Al, Cu, Ti, Pb, C, (C2F4)n.
in the form of bars with dimensions of 30 mm by 50 mm and a thickness of 10 mm
and set the long side along the discharge at a distance of 45 mm from the axis
of the PDD (Fig. 1). Practically, the PTFE installed below has always been used
as a reference target, in order to exclude contamination of the studied samples
by the products of its ablation.

Fig.1. Setting
the target in the discharge chamber (a) and the type of target
Al -
(b), Ti - (c), C - (d), Cu - (e)
As a radiation source, a
plasmodynamic radiating discharge (PDD) in a gas (Ne, Ar, Air, Neon with the 5
% addition of Air; PAr = 200 Torr, PNe = 400 Torr) was
used, formed in a pulsed electromagnetic plasma accelerator of erosion type
with electrodes of a coaxially end geometry (diameter 6 and 34 mm) and an
ablating PTFE plasma-forming sleeve that is described in [16, 20].
Such discharges are characterized by high
spectral radiation brightness characteristics in the near UV and vacuum UV
(VUV) regions of the spectrum and have an extended glow body. According to
the conventional concepts [7] the structure of these discharges consists of the radiating plasma
zone gasdynamically unperturbed gaseous medium and lying between a layer of
shock-compressed gas. If such a discharge occurs in dense gases, then
high-speed (30-60 km / s) quasi-stationary plasma flow of erosion
products of the separation dielectric ablative bushes. This stream of gas is
inhibited on the deformable barrier, it's kinetic energy thermalized in the
shock wave and partially radiated. Luminous efficiency of such types of
devices is 40-60% of the energy that is deposited in the plasma [7, 20].
Shortwave radiation spectrum boundary of bits determined is by the
first ionization potential of the background gas. Control emission
spectrum PDD of MPC emission in gases is that the gas filters are used to
change the spectral range. For this purpose, the background gas (matrix)
is highly absorbing additive - gaseous substance with a low ionization
potential. The amount of additive selected conditions ensure efficient
absorption of the hard radiation is filtered, but should not significantly
alter the density and electrical properties of the gaseous medium, and
accordingly, change the time and geometric characteristics of the discharge. As
background gas is most expedient to use neon, which is characterized by the
second highest after helium ionization potential of 21.6 eV and relatively high
density under normal conditions mNe = 20.
Since neon has a specific structure energy levels characterized in that the
resonant lines are near the first ionization potential, for the shorter
transmission boundary neon adopted radiation quanta energy hn = 20 eV.
Radiation properties of the gas discharge in the energy range of
photons to 20 eV are described in [16]. The radiation flux density
generated by the MPC luminous surface discharge on a target calculated as in [21]. In the first approximation, it is
approximated by hemisphere-illuminated zone whose radius increases with
time. Act to increase the radius of the hemisphere was determined by a
series of Toeplergrams.
For the described radiator’s mode (U
= 20 kV, the stored energy is W = 3,6 kJ energy deposited in the
discharge up to 3.2 kJ, with 30% - in the first half cycle current, the maximum
current of 160 kA, the discharge half 6 microseconds) distribution energy over
spectral ranges shown in table 1 (for a pure neon discharge) and table 2 (for a
neon supplemented with 5% air).
The spectral energy distribution of the radiation source hn = 0-20 eV
(neon discharge, p = 400 Torr)
The energy range, eV
Dhn, eV
Åmid, J
Åmid/Dhn, J/eV
hn = 0-20
hn = 0,5-6,2
hn = 0,5-3,1
hn = 0,5-11,2
hn = 4,35-5,0
hn = 2,3-3,16
spectral energy distribution of the radiation source hn = 0-6,7 eV
(neon with 5% air addition)
The energy range,
Dhn, eV
Åmid, J
Åmid/Dhn, J/eV
hn = 0-6,7
hn = 0,5-6,2
hn = 0,5-3,1
hn = 0,5-6,7
hn = 4,35-5,0
hn = 2,3-3,16
The total radiation energy from the
discharge reached 1.2–1.6 kJ. The share of radiation in the VUV spectrum
(quanta energy hn more than 6 eV) is 45% (in Ar, hn to 16 eV) and about 50%
(in Ne, hn to 20 eV). In the visible region of the spectrum, the time course
of the radiation is a trapezium with a leading edge of 3 µs, a shelf of 8 µs,
and a gentle decay of 20 µs duration (see oscillogram, Fig. 4). The density of
the radiation flux at the near to discharge end of the target at a maximum is
about Ðvis= 0,4 MW/cm2 (on
the basis that the discharge radiation irradiates the sphere of radius 3 cm, 3
cm radius is the distance from the axis of discharge to the proximal end of the
target). In fact, the density
of the radiation flux on the target above, since the radiating surface
approaching to the target. In the VUV region, the
radiation appears in front of the current maximum and its duration is 60 – 70%
of the half-life of the discharge. If this pulse is approximated by a triangle
with a base of 4 μs and a leading edge of 1.5 μs [7] and taking into account that the first
half-period accounts for 2/3 of the energy of this range, then we obtain that
the radiation flux density in the VUV range at maximum will be RVUV
= 2.5 MW/cm2. Also note that on the near-end
of the target to the MPC end edge fell 2 - 2.5 times more energy than on the
The experimental setup is realized on the
basis of unique scientific installation "Beam-M» (, is shown in Figure 2.

Fig.2. Experimental
Since the radiation source was a
high-current pulse discharge, then for EMC measures were taken to discharge
shielding assembly (DA) consist of the capacitor, thyratron (both with the
high-voltage ignition unit) and MPC generating pulsed electromagnetic interference
from the rest of sensitive equipment. To do this, the PC was placed in a
grounded Faraday copper grid with a mesh size of approx. 1 mm and
sensitive control equipment in a metal case (figure 2.). All electrical
equipment has been isolated by supply chains, both among themselves and from
external noise sources. For transmitting control signals to the ignition
control unit, the CCD camera and the capacitor-charging unit are optocouplers
used. For power, signal and protective ground connection we have used specially ground
independently conducted wires those controlled ground impedance is about 2
ohms. These measures have provided a stable synchronization for virtually
every discharge.
Laser diagnostics subsurface gas-plasma
flow resulting from the evaporation of condensed substances powerful broadband
radiation comprised of double-exposure holographic interferometry [19, 22] and schlieren Toepler’s circuit in the
light field mode. Advantages of holographic interferometry to classical schemes
are as follows. As it is known, in classical interferometers the interference
pattern is formed by light waves propagating simultaneously on different
channels (arms of the interferometer).This leads to the high quality
requirements of the optical elements through which the interfering
wave. The holographic interferometry interfere waves transmitted by one
and the same path, but at different times and recorded in the same hologram
(Method two exposures). When the hologram is illuminated two waves are reduced
reference beam corresponding to the two states of the object. When these
interference waves formed interferograms fringes shifts which are due only to a
change of state of the object between the first and second exposures. All
wavefront distortion introduced by the optical parts, almost entirely offset by
[22, 23]. Reduced requirements for quality
optics can increase the size of the objects.
Optical diagnostics was carried out
according to the Toepler’s schlieren scheme in the light field mode and by the
method of double-exposure holographic interferometry, which were implemented on
the basis of a solid-state Nd:YAG laser (Solar LQ-115, l2=532 nm, Epulse=23 mJ, tpulse=7 ns). The optical module scheme for the installation is shown in
Fig. 3, see also [16].
In the holographic interferometer scheme,
mirror 7 divides the laser beam into objective and reference in the 1: 1 ratio
in intensity, the final intensity ratio in the arms was selected experimentally
using neutral light filters 25 located in front of the hologram. The intrinsic
emission of the discharge was cut off by a narrow-band interference filter 21.
The optical path lengths with an accuracy of 1 cm were aligned with a mirror 8
mounted on a graduated rail, which made it easier to reconfigure the circuit
for different experiments [24, 25]. Note that in our case interferograms of
large aperture objects are recorded with a diameter of up to 200 mm. The object
beam was expanded with a telescope 2 and lenses 12, 13 and after passing
through phase inhomogeneity in chamber 3 using a lens system 14 – 17 was
collected by a parallel beam on screen 6. The reciprocal arrangement of lenses
14 – 17 made it possible to get a clear focused image of the object with a
practically compensated level of distortion. The reference beam passed through
mirrors 8 and 9, leveling the optical paths and, expanding with a telescope
from lenses 19–18, hit the hologram.
When implementing the double-exposure
holographic interferometry method [22], the first laser pulse was produced
before the onset of the process under study; the second – during the discharge
with the required delay relative to its beginning. To register interferograms
in bands of a finite width (which allows one to obtain absolute values of the
change in the refractive index), a quartz wedge with an apex angle of 5° was inserted
into the object beam, which by turning around the vertical axis by an angle of
30 – 50 between two exposures changed the angle between the reference and
subject rays. The frequency of the bands was chosen taking into account the convenience
of decoding interferograms and at given angles of rotation it was possible to
change the distance between the bands in the range of 1 – 0.5 mm.

3. Optical setup: 1 – 532 nm laser, 2 – reflector laser beam expander, 3 –
vacuum chamber, 4 – CCD camera Videoscan VS-285C, 5 – wedge 5°, 6 – screen and
installation location of the film, 7–10 – mirrors, 11–19 – lenses, 20 – neutral
protective filter, 21 – interference filter 532 nm, 22 – light blocking screen,
23 – diaphragm of 1.2 mm, 24 – photodiode FDUK 2UT, 25 – neutral density filter
Thus, a hologram of a focused image [26] was recorded on a holographic film of a
VRP-M sensitive to the green region of the spectrum [where a certain point of
the object corresponds to each hologram point), which made it possible to
reconstruct holograms with a digital mirror camera in white light of a
conventional presentation projector, having the film approximately at the angle
of exposure.
To implement the method of
schlieren-photography in the scheme of fig. 3 screen 22 overlapped the
reference beam and in the focus of the lens 14 with a focal length of 400 mm
was placed a diaphragm 23 with a diameter of 1.2 mm. For the registration of
the schlieren-tenegram in place of screen 6, both a VRP-M film and a white
matte screen were installed, which made it possible to use a high-speed video
camera for quick selection of parameters and process diagnostics.
The spatial resolution of the diagnostic
unit was determined by the resolution of the optical system and the recording
system (from 100 μm for a digital camera and less than 50 μm for
photo film), and the temporal (10 ns) resolution was determined by the laser
pulse duration.
The sensitivity of the schlieren method can
be estimated by setting the deflection angle of the rays on the optical
inhomogeneity a = l (dn/dx) (where dn/dx is the gradient of the refractive index in
the perpendicular direction; l is the optical path in the phase inhomogeneity,
l = 3 cm (target’s width)) equal to half the angular size of the diaphragm: ad = d/F (where d = 1.2 mm is the diameter of the aperture opening; F = 400 mm is the
focal length of the lens in front of the diaphragm) and using the ratio [19] n – 1 = 2paaN, which relates the gas concentration
to its refractive index (aa is the atomic polarizability, with [27]). Then, the minimum transverse gradient
of the gas component concentration recorded by the Schlieren method is ~
2×1020 cm –4 for neon and 0.5×1020
cm –4 for argon.
For interferometry,
the minimum recorded change in gas concentration is:

where Δk
– is the shift of the band relative to the unperturbed gas, l – is the
wavelength of the probe radiation (532 nm). If we assume that the minimum
recorded shift of the band is Δkmin=0,1, then for neon DNmin = 0,7·1018 cm –3, and for argon DNmin = 0,17·1018 cm –3.
The instrumental errors and systematic
errors can be in experimental conditions, that influence the determination of
the function n (x), associated with the parallelism of the probe laser
radiation with the plane of the target surface (see. Fig. 4). If the probe
radiation (beam AB) makes an angle a with target plane (0Z axis) shift of the
fringes as the result of changes in refractive index in the range of the x
coordinate from x1 to x2 (rather than at some fixed, x =
const). Parallelism of the probe beam and the target plane is determined by the
width of the flat shock wave front occurring at target. Since the thickness of
the front shock wave is several mean free path (i.e., in our conditions, it
should have substantially zero width), then measuring the width Dh portion at
which the interference fringe is deflected from the unperturbed value to a
maximum value of SW, can be determined the degree of parallelism.
Fig. 4. Determination of methodological errors
in sensing phase inhomogeneities:
a – diagram for explaining the occurrence of errors in sensing phase
heterogeneity: 1 – target; 2 – light erosion plasma; AB – direction of the
probe radiation; b – shift circuit of the interference fringes in the region RHD – action on the
target: 1 – undisturbed gas; 2 – shock-compressed gas; 3 – light
erosion plasma; 4 – target; 5 – interference fringe;
SW – shock wave; CB – contact boundary; CM – condensed matter
Fig. 5 is a Schlieren photograph or
Toeplergrams of the discharge and the corresponding current waveform, and the
voltage signal from the photodetector. It shows the location of the target
relative to the discharge. The peak in the signal from the photodetector
corresponds to the moment of shooting.

Fig.5. Toeplergram in Neon
gas (p = 400 Torr, aperture is 1.2 mm); Target from the bottom - PTFE 50
x 30 mm, from above - polished copper 50 x 30 mm (a) A typical oscillogram of
the plasmadynamic discharge: channel 4 - discharge current, channel 2 - signal
from the photodiode
with laser shooting pik
corresponded to Toeplergramm registration moment (b)
According to schlieren pictures (an example
is shown in Fig. 6), it was found that all materials studied evaporate under
the action of discharge radiation in neon and argon, and two zones stand out
above the target: a shock-compressed gas zone (separated from the background
gas by a shock wave (SW)) ) and the target vapor zone (separated from the
shock-compressed gas by the contact boundary (CB)) [20]. Thus, the “plasma piston” mode is
realized - the target material evaporates, the vapors heat up, ionize and push
like a piston surrounding the gas, creating an SW in it.

Fig.6. Toeplergrams of light
erosion of steam-plasma flows with targets in argon
(PAr = 200 Torr, Uc = 20 kV, t = 9.6
ms (a, e) and t = 12 ms (b, c, d, f), aperture is 1.2 mm (a, d,
e, f), 1.5 mm (b), 1.8 mm (c)); a – Al; b – Cu; c – Ti; d – Pb; e – PTFE; f –
beech (type of wood)
According to the intensity of evaporation,
the target materials can be divided into two groups: easily evaporating (PTFE
(photodestruction), graphite (low thermal conductivity), Pb (low boiling
point)) and hardly evaporating (Ti, Cu, Al). Also, from the Toeplergrams it can
be seen that the state of the target surface (its roughness, which was
expected), as well as the presence in the buffer gas of impurities of the
ablative fluoroplastic plasma-forming sleeve and the studied targets remaining
from the previous discharge. In addition, the occurrence of SW was recorded at
a considerable distance from the target surface, despite the fact that the
piston (target and CB pairs) was not yet observed (Fig. 6(c)). This is
explained by the heating of the target vapor that has diffused into the gas, as
will be discussed below.
Using the scheme (Fig. 3), a series of evaporation
interferograms of all the materials studied was obtained at the same time
instant - 9.5 μs from the start of the discharge. Targets in turn were
located in the same place, while the reference target (the “witness target”)
from the PTFE was the same and did not move.
When a lignt wave passes through plasma stream
that is introduced into it, the amplitude value relates to absorption and
scattering and phase distortion. Exploring these distortions, it is possible
to obtain information on absorption and refractive index, which is a function
of temperature and concentration of the components of the steam plasma particle
To a first approximation, in the described scheme
in the optical path length of the phase inhomogeneity can be assumed constant
(independent of distance from the surface) and a width equal to the target,
i.e., most have a single bond shifts bands with a refractive index when an
object is homogeneous with respect to the line of sight, i.e. refractive
index depends only on the coordinates x, y (two-dimensional distribution) [19]:
(phase shift)
(bands shift),

where L ‑ geometric
length of the beam path in the inhomogeneity.
The problem of determining changes in refractive
index thus reduced to a measurement of the interferogram fringe shift as a
function of the coordinates õ, ó.
The test surface layer is
a gas-plasma stream, in which there are electrons, ions and neutral atoms and
molecules. The contribution of different kinds of particles in the
refraction can be considered additive, and the refractive index is equal to
, where
Ñê ‑ refraction particles K
th sort per one particle; NK corresponding number of
particles per unit volume. The
contribution to the electron and ion (atomic) components give opposite
signs. Thus, to move from the measured value of the refractive index to
the parameters of plasma is necessary either to use additional assumptions or
interferometry to produce at several wavelengths.
Assuming that there is a
buffer gas between the SW and CB, the deviation of the interference fringes of
the target in the area is proportional to the change in the gas
density. For the region between the target and CB to conduct analysis more
complex, since in this region there is a plasma vapor targets and contribute to
the change in refractive index is given as ions (with the sign "+")
and electrons (with the sign "-")
Figure 7 shows a
holographic interferogram of the evaporation of copper target in argon.
As already noted, the targets
in our experiments were very long (50 mm), end the target end closest to the
radiation source was 2–2.5 times more energy than the far end. In this case,
the deviation of the interference bands was recorded over the entire length of
the target, but the shift of the bands differed noticeably when moving from one
edge of the target to the other. Above the target, at different distances from
the source of radiation (from the PDD) we distinguish three types of
gas-dynamic perturbations: an acoustic wave, a simple wave, and a weak shock
At the far (from the PDD) edge
of the target (see Fig. 7 b, e, lane 1) an acoustic wave is recorded. Its
distinctive features are that there is a disturbance at the leading edge, but
behind this front the interference fringe follows without deviation, i.e.
pressure and density are almost the same as background gas. The shift of the
interference band is less than Dk ≤ 0,1, which corresponds to a change in
the concentration of not more than ΔNAr≤
0,17·1018 cm –3. Then the gas density jump is ΔN/N0=0,024 (here N0=7,1·1018
cm –3 – is the concentration of argon at a pressure of 200 Torr). A
perturbation with such a small density difference spreads with a sound speed (v
= 350 m/s for argon at T = 20 C). The distance from the disturbance
front to the target is h = 2 mm. From these data, you can determine the
point in time when this disturbance arose: t = h/v = 6 μs.

Fig. 7.
Holographic interferogram of a copper target in argon evaporation (pAr
= 200 Torr): a is a hologram reconstructed in white light and recorded by a
camera (Sony a7) with selected areas 1, 2, 3, which correspond to characteristic
gas-dynamic perturbations (strip spacing of 0.8 mm); b – the same in monochrome
mode, c – enlarged area 1 corresponding to the shock wave, d – enlarged area 2
corresponding to a simple Riemann wave, e – enlarged area 3 corresponding to
acoustic disturbance.
The interference band No. 12
(Fig. 4 b, d) corresponds to a simple wave (Riemann wave) created by the plasma
piston moving with acceleration. The density jump at the leading edge is small
è ΔN/N0=0,03–0,04 – is small), and
the disturbance front moves with the speed of sound. At the section AB, the
density increases and a shock wave will be formed here later. After the maximum
deviation (point B), the density decreases - the BC section. If the piston
moved all the time with the same acceleration, then behind the leading edge, as
the piston approaches, the gas density should increase [28].
The decrease in density, in our case, means that after the initial acceleration
the piston slows down its movement by the time of receiving the interferogram
(perhaps even the acceleration has changed its sign).
At the edge of the target,
closest to the radiation source, a shock wave was observed - the third type of
gas-dynamic perturbation. There have a steep leading edge (Fig. 7 b, c, strip
No. 36). When Dk=1
we get ΔNAr=1,7·1018 sm–3. This
density difference(ρ/ρ0= (ΔNAr+ N0)/N0=1,24)
corresponds to a Mach number equal Ì=1,15 (γ=5/3).
Since the deviation of interference fringes above
the target is proportional to the change in the gas density, the gas
compression behind the shock wave can be estimated using two methods. For the
case shown in Fig. 8 (PTFE, Ar, x = 0.5 cm from the target edge), the distance
from the shock to the surface of the target is 2 times greater than from the SW
to the CB. The gas that occupied the SW - the target’s surface (TS) interval
before discharge - now occupies the SW - CB interval. Thus, the compression ratio
here is ρ/ρ0 = 2.2. On the other hand, the shift of the bands at this point is Δk = 4. This shift corresponds to the compression ρ/ρ0
= (ΔNAr + N0) / N0
= 2. It turns out the correspondence between the two methods. We add that the
compression ρ/ρ0 = 2.2 corresponds to the Mach number M = 2.
The interference pattern (Fig.
7) that the distance from the target surface to the boundary of the
perturbation is practically independent of the distance from the radiation
Since the speed of these
disturbances is approximately the same (the speed of sound in the background
gas), they arose at approximately one instant of time from the beginning of the
discharge. Moreover, for different materials this moment is approximately the
same: 6–7 microseconds before the image is taken or 3.5–4.5 microseconds after
the start of the discharge, which approximately corresponds to the time to
reach the first maximum current. Thus, there is an approximately simultaneous
occurrence of disturbances along the entire length of the target, while the
absorbed energy is significantly different: as noted above, the absorbed energy
at the end of the target close to the PDD is 2–2.5 times greater than at the
far end.

Ðèñ 8. Holographic interferogram of a PTFE
target in argon evaporation (pAr =
200 Torr)
This result has the following explanation. At the
first stage, at the beginning of the discharge, a relatively soft radiation
heats the surface and the target vapor diffuses into the surrounding gas.
During the diffusion of vapors into the gas, an acoustic disturbance does not
occur. The second stage begins when a hard radiation with a sharp leading edge
comes from the discharge, which corresponds to a moment in time close to the
maximum current. Vapors diffused into the gas absorb hard radiation, ionize,
heat up and, expanding, cause acoustic disturbance. As can be seen at this
point in time, the pairs appeared over the entire surface, but in different
quantities, therefore the intensity of the resulting wave is different. Further
heating of the surface leads to the fact that the pressure in the vapor reaches
the pressure of the surrounding gas, a contact boundary between the vapor and
the gas arises, and the developed evaporation regime is realized [29]. The mode when a diffusion mixture of
target vapor and ambient gas arises was studied under the influence of laser
radiation on matter experimentally [30] and theoretically [31].
To confirm the two-stage evaporation mechanism,
two experiments were performed. Firstly, neon with the addition of air (2% in
pressure) was used as a buffer gas, which changed the spectral composition of
the radiation that hit the target (in this case there was no hard component,
and the quanta energy did not exceed 6 eV). total energy [20]. In this case, the SW and CBs appeared
much later over metal targets, and from a certain distance from the PDD did not
even appear at all. At the same time, the evaporation mode of the PTFE “witness
target” remained almost unchanged. The intense evaporation of the PTFE is
explained by photodestruction [32] and the energy of the incident quanta is less than 6 eV for this

Fig.9. Toeplergrams of light erosion
gas-plasma flows in argon (Uc = 20 kV, t =12 µs, PAr
= 200 Torr (a), 4th discharge (b), added air 20 Torr (c), aperture is 1.8 mm (a), 1.2
mm (b), 1.1 mm (c)).
Secondly, the charging voltage of the capacitor
was reduced to 15 kV, which reduced the energy input to the discharge by 1.8
times, and as many times less than the light energy hit the target. In this
case, the perturbation of the interference bands did not appear along the
entire surface of the target, but the front of this perturbation was
equidistant from the surface. The calculated moment of occurrence of this
disturbance indicates that it appeared at the time of maximum discharge

Fig.10. Holographic interferogram of
fluoroplastic target’s evaporation in argon (Uc = 15 kV, t
=10 ms, PAr = 200 Torr)
We take advantage of the two-exposure laser
holographic interferometry and Toepler schlieren-schemes in the light field
mode to investigate the dynamics and macrostructure of near-surface
vapor-plasma flows arising from evaporation of condensed substances in the
field of broadband radiation of the UV - VUV range of the spectrum.
On the schlieren-pictures and interferograms, the
zones characteristic of the studied type of radiation effect on materials are
recorded: the gas-dynamic evaporation mode is realized (plasma piston mode),
there is a shock wave in the gas, the contact boundary between the
shock-compressed gas and the vapor plasma. The analysis of interferograms indicates
that the regime of developed evaporation is preceded by a regime of diffusion
evaporation. On interferograms above the target at different distances from the
source of radiation (from the PDD), we observe 3 types of gas-dynamic
perturbations: acoustic wave, simple wave (Riemann wave), and shock wave.
has been performed at “Beam-M” facility, following the government task by the
Russian Ministry of Education and Science (13.6918.2017/8.9), partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 18-29-21039).
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