Diana I. Sungatullinaˡ, Andrey S. Krylovˡ, Dmitry N. Fedorov²

ˡ Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

² Federal State Scientific Institution “B.V.Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery”, Russia,,



1. Introduction.

2. Contour-based registration.

2.1 Contour point descriptor

2.2 Contour matching

2.3 Estimation of the isotropic affine transformation parameters.

2.4 Rectification of the isotropic affine transformation parameters.

3. Experimental results for contour-based registration.

4. Ellipse-based registration.

5. Conclusion.




In this paper, we propose two fast registration algorithms for histological images. Our first algorithm is based on matching the contour points of the observation and template, and performs in O(M log M) time, where M is the number of the contour points, with almost no loss in the quality of registration compared to the commonly used Hungarian algorithm, which has O(M3) time complexity. A high accuracy of the transform parameter estimation is achieved by an iterative exclusion of heavily mismatched contour points, followed by rectification of the parameters for the rest of the points. Our second algorithm takes advantage of a special structure of the histological images that contain elliptical gland slices, and finds corresponding ellipses on the observation and template. The resulting transform is obtained from the pair of ellipses with maximum overlap index. The first method suits well for all types of histological images, while the second one is intended to be used for high-precision content-based spatial alignment.


Keywords: image registration, contour-based registration, affine transformation, ellipse detection, histological images, microscopy analysis.


1. Introduction


Computer processing and analysis of digital medical images becomes now increasingly important in medical pathology. Nowadays, pathologists extensively use digital imaging, e.g. in the technology of virtual microscopy, modern morphometric studies, and automated evaluation of the results of immunohistochemical studies; all these methods are based on the use of digital images of histological preparations. Mathematical methods of image processing and analysis of histological samples can help to recognize different observable tissue features, assess their compliance with the standards, and identify certain abnormalities inherent to particular pathological processes, i.e. conduct morphological diagnosis.

One of the problems in the analysis of histological images is their standardization: all the images in the series should be uniformly oriented before the key morphological structures (glands, blood vessels, stromal elements, etc.) are recognized for the comparison. This problem can be solved using image registration methods. Registration implies spatial alignment of a pair of images of the scene, i.e. determining a transformation that maps points on the first image (observation) into points on the second image (template). Most of the existing methods finds the parameters of linear transformation [3, 8] (similarity, affine), although some applications also involve nonlinear transformations [18] (projective, polynomial, elasticity). In this paper, we focus on the isotropic affine transformations due to the specifics of the microscopic shooting of tissue slices.

Image registration methods can be divided into two major groups: methods based on the intensity analysis, and methods based on the keypoint analysis. Intensity-based methods either estimate the transformation parameters directly using the intensity in the regions of interest [11, 2], or solve computationally intensive nonlinear optimization problems for some image metrics [5]. However, it should be noted that these methods usually rely on the assumption of small transformation to achieve the global optima. Keypoint-based methods, on the other hand, extract keypoints that characterize the image [11, 4], e.g. closed contours, line intersections, corners, etc. The transformation parameters are recovered by solving a system of equations that establishes the correspondence between the keypoints by matching their descriptors. Commonly used descriptors include SIFT [10], SURF [1], and Gauss-Laguerre [12].

In this paper, we propose two registration methods for histological images. The first method is based on matching the contour points of the observation and template, and is described in sections 2 and 3. The second one takes into account the internal features of some types of tissues and is presented in section 4.


2. Contour-based registration


This method is a keypoint-based method and is a modification of the method described in [15].

The process of the proposed contour-based registration consists of the following four steps: calculating the contour point descriptors, establishing a correspondence between the contour points by matching their descriptors, calculating the parameters of the isotropic affine transformation, and the subsequent parameters rectification.


2.1 Contour point descriptor


In this subsection, we discuss the calculation of contour point descriptors for a given contour. First, for each point  of a contour  in the original orthogonal coordinate system , we introduce a local positive-oriented orthogonal coordinate system , where  is the mass center of the contour,  is the axis collinear to vector , and is the axis orthogonal to axis, as shown in Fig. 1. After introducing the local coordinate system  all the contour points are projected onto axis . Assuming  and  are the minimal and maximal projection values of the projected contour points, we divide segment  into  subsegments as follows:


For each of these subsegments, we find two most distant points of the contour  and  and project them onto this subsegement. If such a pair of points is not unique, we can choose any of them. Let us now form a list of points that characterizes point :

.  (2)

Since two different contour points can have the same lists of points, we also add point  at the end of the list. For each point  of the contour  the list of points (2) is converted into a DOPM descriptor [16] as explained below.


Fig. 1. Introducing a local coordinate system for a point  of a contour .


The list of points (2) can be written in matrix form as


where each row  holds the coordinates of the i-th point of the list (2). One can rewrite it in the homogeneous coordinates:


Now, any affine transformation can be defined by a matrix  in the homogeneous coordinates:


where  is the translation vector, and is the linear mapping. Let us consider another list of points  obtained from list  by applying the affine transformation and permuting the points:


where  is the permutation matrix that establishes the correspondence between the points of  and . We further assume that both  and  have full rank. It was shown [17] that if ,   are the orthogonal projection matrices on the range spaces of   and , respectively, then

.    (7)

This equation shows that  and  are permutation-similar matrices. It is known [6] that the diagonals of permutation-similar matrices are related as follows:


where , are the diagonals of  and , respectively. Thus, the diagonals contain the same elements but in different order. Sorting them in, for instance, descending order yields an affine-invariant descriptor.

A detailed proof of the affine invariance of the DOPM descriptor is given in [15] and [16].


2.2 Contour matching


Consider a point  on the template contour and a point  on the observation contour. The cost of matching  of two points is measured using  statistics between the descriptors:


where  and are the descriptors of the  and  points, respectively. Given the set of costs  for all point pairs  of two contours, we find the optimal correspondences by solving the following minimization problem:

,    (10)

where minimization is performed over the set of all index permutations . Problem (10) is a special case of the assignment problem, which is commonly solved by the Hungarian algorithm, which has ) time complexity, where  is the rank of the cost matrix.

As we show in this work, in the case of isotropic affine transformations the Hungarian algorithm can be seamlessly replaced with the simpler greedy nearest neighbor search with time complexity  [13] if additional analysis of the matched contour points is applied. The proposed accelerated approach is described in section 2.4.


2.3 Estimation of the isotropic affine transformation parameters


Now, let the coordinates of matched template and observation contour points be written into the columns of matrices  and , respectively. Since our goal is to determine an isotropic affine transformation that maps  to , we restrict our considerations to transformations with linear maps  of the following form:

,   (11)

where  is a scaling factor,  is an orthogonal matrix that is responsible for rotating and flipping the tissue sample.

Since the scaling factor  can be obtained from the ratio of the areas of the given shapes, and the translation vector  of the transformation connects the mass centers of the template and observation contours, these parameters can be assumed to be known and fixed. Therefore, the only unknown is matrix . We further assume that  and  hold already centered and scaled coordinates.

The problem of finding the optimal, in terms of the standard deviation, orthogonal matrix that maps one set of points to another is related to Wahba’s problem [14]:


In our case, we omit the last constraint on the determinant of  since we are interested in capturing reflections along with rotations. Problem (12) can be easily solved by the Kabsch algorithm [7], which is based on the singular value decomposition of the covariance matrix:

, , , .   (13)

The solution of our problem can be calculated in the form

.    (14)


2.4 Rectification of the isotropic affine transformation parameters


Mismatched contour points can cause significant angular errors during the estimation of the rotation. It leads to some solution , substantially different from the exact solution. The key idea of the proposed rectification approach is to exclude heavily mismatched contour points iteratively and re-estimate the orthogonal matrix according to algorithm (11-14) for the remaining points on each step. In our experiments, we exclude half of the point pairs  with largest matching error . The iterative process continues while the Jaccard index (see section 3) increases, or until a single pair of points remains.

The effectiveness of the proposed procedure can be demonstrated with the following example. Consider N = 500 random points uniformly distributed on the unit circle, the coordinates of which are written into the columns of a matrix . We rotate the points by a random angle ψ and randomly permute  of the points for some , obtaining

 ,    (15)

where  is the permutation matrix, and  is the rotation matrix. Using algorithm (11-14) we can estimate the rotation angle ψ after 0, 1, 2, or 3 rectification steps. Fig. 2 shows the angular error of the estimation as a function of the percentage of incorrectly matched (permuted) points on the results of 1000 tests: blue color represents the mean of the error, green color represents the standard deviation of the error, and red color represents the mode of the error. This simple example shows that even if 75% of the points are matched incorrectly, the angular error gets close to zero after three iterations of our rectification procedure.


3. Experimental results for contour-based registration


For accuracy evaluation of the contour-based registration method applied to segmented (binary) images two different metrics were used. First is the Jaccard index

,    (16)

where  is a template,  is an observation, and  is the estimated transformation. The second metric is the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR):

PSNR = 20 log (),   (17)

where MSE is the sum of squared differences between the original images after alignment. The proposed method was applied to 62 histological images provided by Federal State Scientific Institution “B.V.Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery”. Some of the histological images and the corresponding results of the contour-based






Fig. 2. Demonstration of the effectiveness of our rectification procedure: the angular error of the estimation as a function of the percentage of false matches; blue color represents the mean of the error, green color represents the standard deviation of the error, and red color represents the mode of the error: 0 iterations (a), 1 iteration (b), 2 iterations (c), 3 iterations (d).


registration method are shown in Fig. 3-6. Table 1 includes the results of the comparative analysis of the proposed and existing registration methods.


Table 1: Comparison of image registration methods.




DOPM + Hungarian algorithm [15]


Moment-based method [2]





a) Template

b) Observation


Fig. 3. Results of the contour-based registration algorithm for tissue samples: red color represents the template , green color represents the aligned observation , and yellow color shows their intersection.


a) Template

b) Observation

c) , PSNR = 20.87 dB

Fig. 4. Results of the contour-based registration algorithm for tissue samples: red color represents the template , green color represents the aligned observation , and yellow color shows their intersection.








Fig. 5. Tissue slice samples before registration: template (a), observations (b)-(f).








Fig. 6. Results of the contour-based registration algorithm applied to the images in Fig. 5: template (a), observations (b)-(f).


4. Ellipse-based registration


Some types of histological images, like the images of slices of the mucosa of a large intestine, have elliptical features which can be exploited for image registration.

The Hough transform [20] is one of the most widely used methods for ellipse detection. It analyzes the five-dimensional space of the ellipse parameters. However, it is not very efficient in practice due to an extremely high computational load for small quantization steps on the one hand, and very low accuracy for large quantization steps on the other. Some non-classical methods, such as [21], are able to detect ellipses much more efficiently by reducing the dimensionality of the parameter space, but they are unstable since they rely on certain ideal ellipse properties. We propose an alternative approach: search elliptical areas among the connected components of the inverted contour map.

Direct application of the Canny edge detector [22] to the original produces ragged contours. Thus, we preliminarily apply nonlinear anisotropic diffusion [23] to close the contours. This step implies solving the following partial differential equation

,     (18)

where is the image intensity at point  and time ,  is a diffusion tensor for  at point  that uses the Hessian of  to direct the diffusion orthogonally to the gradient of . The result of the nonlinear anisotropic diffusion pre-processing is shown in Fig. 7(a). The Canny edge detector is then applied to the pre-processed image to obtain the required contour map shown in Fig. 7(b).

On the next step, the inverted contour map is divided into connected components; the component with the largest area, which corresponds to the background, is excluded from consideration (Fig. 7(c)). Furthermore, if the ratio of the area of a component to the area of its convex hull is less than , the component is considered to be non-elliptical and is also excluded. Remaining connected components are approximated by ellipses (Fig. 7(d)).

On the final step, the detected ellipses of the template and observation are matched. The ellipses of the observation are preliminarily scaled according to the ratio of the areas of the shapes obtained by segmentation of the input images. Then, for each pair of the ellipses on the template and observation, we transform the ellipses of the observation using translation and linear orthogonal mapping so that the selected pair of ellipses gets aligned (both valid rotations and both valid reflections are checked), and calculate the corresponding overlap index :



where  and  are the centroids,  and  are the minor axes,  and  are the major axes of the template and observation ellipses, respectively. The resulting isotropic affine transformation is calculated using the pair of ellipses with maximum overlap index. Fig. 7(e-f) demonstrates three pairs of ellipses with highest overlap indices.

This approach, in contrast to contour-based registration, does not depend on the shapes of the slices. It is more robust to tissue lacerations, and it can also track changes in the internal structure of the samples. Experimental results with our ellipse-based registration method are shown in Fig. 8. Comparison with the contour-based registration method (Fig. 4) shows a slight decrease (by 0.01) of the Jaccard index and a significant improvement (by 0.9 dB) of the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), which indicates a more precise alignment of the internal structures.








Fig. 7. Steps of the ellipse-based registration algorithm: anisotropic diffusion (a), Canny edge detection (b), connected regions (c), detected ellipses (d), pairs of matched ellipses of the template (e) and observation (f).


à) Template

b) Observation

c) , PSNR = 21.77 dB

Fig. 8. Results of the ellipse-based registration algorithm for tissue samples: red color represents the template , green color represents the aligned observation , and yellow color shows their intersection.


5. Conclusion


An efficient algorithm for registration of histological images based on matching the contour points of the template and observation has been proposed. Since the matching problem is reduced to the assignment problem, the classical Hungarian algorithm is commonly used to perform matching in  time, where  is the number of the contour points. The proposed method is able to perform effective matching in  time without affecting the quality of registration. The high accuracy of the transform parameter estimation is achieved by an iterative exclusion of heavily mismatched contour points, followed by a rectification of the parameters for the rest of the points.

For some applications content-based registration is more important than shape-based alignment. Our second registration algorithm was designed specifically for tissues containing glands, which have elliptical shape. Experimental evaluation showed that the peak signal-to-noise ratio for our ellipse-based registration is higher than for the contour-based one, what indicates a more precise alignment of the internal structures.




This work was supported by Russian Scientific Foundation grant 14-11-00308.




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